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Posts posted by Tero

  1. I think (one of) the answer in the ex-Soviet equipment. They placed/sold it across the globe and they installed fail safes to prevent "friendly" fire against Red Army/Russian aircraft. The thing is the electronics are been upgraded so the fail safes are not there anymore. IIRC there was a bit of news in the Finnish media about the recently purchased SAM's and how they found some "extra" features when the electronics were being serviced or upgraded.

  2. If you wanted a policy for 22 years but they refused, it doesn't mean that you have 22 years to live. It means that the insurance company knows that you're going to die sooner than that, probably within a couple of months. Good luck.

    ...nah, they have no way of knowing that. They're in the business to make profit, and signing contracts with risk cases like yourself doesn't make them helluva profit, unless you're willing to pay them outrageous amounts of money. Which would be bad business for you. But GJK is correct: you should shape up. Drop the fags and booze, start jogging. It might mean that you get attacked by bums, but after a while you will be able to outrun them. And maybe then, when you've turned into that Fitness Titan from Planet Muscle, the insurance companies will come to your door begging for you to sign.

    After that, you can relax and resume boozing and smoking.

    Some selected stats:

    - after you quit smoking your chance to get lung cancer drops down after two years and even after that you are not out of the woods the same way non-smokers are

    - your calculated life expectancy after retiring is two years, that is why they are pushing the retirement age further and further when the overall life expectancy increases across the board

    In essense: if you drop every bad habit at once you still carry the baggage for a long time.

  3. By Patrocles

    Does this type of denial occur in other countries with government-run health care? (specifically those communist countries such as Canada, England, Germany, Norway, Finland,etc?).

    Not yet.

    In fact, (in Finland) if/when you are diagnosed you get state healthcare benefits which occur in the form of various degrees of reduction (up to 100%) in medication prices as well as (relatively) cheap costs if hospitalized.

    On the downside we have high tax rates.

  4. Interesting. Seems like they are talking mainly about KE projectiles. I wonder if there is much improvement against HEAT munitions.

    Since they are talking about body armour I'm not sure how many small arms HEAT rounds there are. At the moment. With this cat out of the bag we will soon get exploding small arms rounds back into service. With modern technology I would imagine there are ways to circumvent the pesky pertaining articles of laws of war. ;)

    I wonder how they are going to deflect projectiles away from vital organs.

  5. I didn't click that link but somehow the idea of rat homosexuality is disturbing.

    Penguines do it too, you know. :)

    And when you think about it logically: sex is a basic need and to relieve tension creatures resort to all kinds of methods. In animals alpha males hog all the action with the females ad unless the beta males figure out a way to get a piece of the action there is not much they can do but to enjoy themselves among themselves.

  6. Tero

    I think its your use of the word "None". However if by none you mean 99% or some other percentage of your choosing ........

    : )

    OK, OK. I thought the "preservation" was a dual reference primal instinct self preservation part but apparently was not obviously excluding deliberately suicidal and/or Darwin Award materiel.

    I was not thinking about religion induced (artificial) denial of the sex drive and the need to pass on your genes since that is not irreversible (or even absolute within the service). And lets not forget that dropping out of the nun/monk order is not unheard of.


  7. By dieseltaylor

    There are quite a large number of nuns still who would tend to give the lie to your observation

    Have you thought why the catholics have been so vehemently anti-contraception ?

    Becoming a nun or a monk means you devote your life to the service. That means having a family and offspring is detrimental to the service as it diverts attention (and resources) from the service to the family. Giving up the possibility of having a family is a prerequisite for joining.

    Whilst not all may be childless I expect the big majority are.

    And lets not forget the catholic church monks and nuns were not always THAT chaste and abstinent as they would have us believe.

    This also leaves out Buddhist monks and other religions

    And all told they add up to what, 1% of the entire human population ?

  8. A man's biggest and worst mistake is to EVER think he can read a woman's mind. At best, he is lucky to see her finger tighten on the trigger before she takes him out of his misery.

    Very true. For each sentence there is an infinite number of subcontexts. No man can follow a womans train of thought. And that is the beauty of it. Misunderstanding what a woman says is a craft of its own to be used selectively and with care. :)

  9. Because no one is willing to take collective responsibility any more ("its a socialist concept") it is an each-man-for-himself world that we have created. And the species advantage granted by altruism is trumped by the propaganda that no one is to be trusted and no one is to be helped, because, after all, they won't help you.

    Consequently we have the new darwinian rule: In a dog eat dog world, the dog with the biggest litters, wins.

    The movie Idiolution is quite perceptive. ;)

  10. Some people name their kids after famous or infamous people (including religiously motivated names). Or fictional characters from various sources. Some people name their kids after their own parents. Some people name their kids after the towns they had sex in at the time the child was conceived. Some people give ridiculous names.

    So what ? Don't you people think this piece of news has been inflated way out of proportion (among other such pieces of news) so you would not notice the things which are truly wrong and significant in the respective societies you live in ?

  11. Umm, a $485,000 house.

    Which a quick jog over to Bankrate's little calculator shows your payment (30 yr mortgage at 6%) would be $2907.82 a month, not including property taxes and insurance, which, around here, would run you about another $800 a month.

    I really don't think a couple making less than $50,000 a year can afford to be blowing $45,000 on housing. They might want to do something else too. Like eat, for instance.

    Oh hell, I forgot to add PMI. Been so long since I had to pay it..they're bottom up!

    What was that 485k house worth, say, 5 years ago ? Over here a house bought 13 years ago for ~330k is now worth up to and over 2 million (depending on location and condition of course).

  12. By Lars

    Not at all. The last thing we need is the government getting involved.

    Funny you should say that. I vaguely remember reading something about some Founding Fathers who started their bid to form a government of their own with the words "We, the people". Or something to that effect.

    That brings me to another point: isn't it a drag when real live people screw up perfectly sound and working economic and governing systems. ;)

    In a capitalist system, you're free to make as much as you can. But you are also supposed to be free to fail.

    Only if you are below a certain income level it seems. It seems to be perfectly OK to thousands of lower income people to fall destitude during a depression but when that same fate hits the "upper echelons" of society immediate actions needs to be taken to correct and/or alleviate the situation.

    Currently, we're not letting the free market be free.

    Who are these "we" and are they really in favour of the free market being so free to the point of driving the economy down to keep the profit margins up ?

    Fun response letter from one of the Big 3's suppliers to the President of GM currently making the rounds. Tell me which part of it you disagree with.

    I at least think his piece about a 50k yearly income couple not being fit to live in a 400k house was way out of line.

    His whole response is befitting a rich mans views on harsh times creeping up on his mansions gates.

  13. By SSgt Viljuri

    from the company's perspective, workforce is the main cost factor of which it can exert any influence on short-term.

    How long does a company "live" ?

    The thing is the prevalent fiscal-quartal-management does not benefit the company in the long run. The only thing it does any good is the managements 12-month bonuses.

    On more longer term, subcontractor networks are the most important thing what decides what manufacturers stay afloat and which not, almost irregardless of what industry we are talking about.

    True up to a point. What is more important is the buying power of the market. When that falls the entire equation becomes impossible to manage. When the subcontracting is bought from the lowest bidder (China) then the customer base is emasculated. When you become too cost-effective you bleed yourself dry.

    Obviously everything in the US auto industry sucks badly, including politicians they have managed to buy.

    Lets not forget the oil industry from this equation. ;)

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