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Posts posted by Tero

  1. Yeah, shouldn't he be fighting the Taleban in Afghanistan?!?

    To be fair, Thomm looks to be from Austria and there are still some residual, built in as it were, reservations towards honouring the veterans with military displays.

    I wish I had the full story about the (West ?) German youth group visiting a Finland (might have been a boy scout/girl guide meeting) who broke down in hysterical tears when they attended a late night camp fire get together where they sang songs and took the flag down standing in a formation of sorts in semi-official fashion from the pole at sun down.

  2. Yes, the French wine surplus would surely help the starving in Zimbabwe or North Korea.

    The alternative is to subsidise exporting the surplus to developing countries, destroying the local agricultural sector and making them reliant. Even then there would be a surplus.

    God forbid the consumers in their native markets should benefit from the "over" production as reduced prices......

    Over here in Finland the private milk monopoly Valio announced the other day they'll be cutting the producer price of the milk by 5 cents while the decrease will not show in the consumer price.

    The VAT reduction in food prices is up later this year.

  3. This one's for the conspiracy buffs.

    First there is a global demand for ISP's to retain logs for a prolonged period of time, then this. A definitive trend is emerging and it is global.

    Over here in Finland there is now a debate over what is called Lex Nokia. If passed this law will grant companies without any legal proceedings leave to investigate email ID information. The law is worded so that it would grant ANY organization this leave, be it a bussiness, university, public library or a housing co-operative.

  4. This has been a problem in my state as well. People building on flood plains and then screaming bloody murder when they get flooded. One wonders what part of 'floodplain' they don't understand.

    We finally got some kind of ordinance passed to prohibit building in mudslide areas...after several people lost their lives when dozens of tons of the stuff swept their multi-million dollar homes into the sound. Dingbats.


    The same effect was seen in the UK a few summers back when the torrential rains swept the really beautiful villages built into nice looking gullies which funnel the rainwater into the sea. As it happened the "excess" rain swept people, cars and houses as well.

  5. Actually, I think that is one of the major reasons they want to convert to an all-volunteer, professional military. It will be more reliable, but at the same time can work for the "highest bidder" (the government, presumably) and will likely recruit mostly from the cities of the core Russian heartland. You need technical people in a modern army and they can get fewer of them from remote, less developed hinterlands. The cities generate all the political enthusiasm for the government (by its agitprop activities) and can so be counted upon to generate large numbers of enthusiastic recruits. And, as a bonus, most of these recruits will be - guess what - non-Muslims.

    An added bonus is they would not have insurgents and guerillas trained in their equipment and doctrine in the more volatile border regions.

  6. By JonS

    I don't really agree the people are the only barrier (lack of more-or-less contiguous habitat being right up there, for instance) but, even assuming I do, isn't that a fairly substantial "apart from"?

    That depends what kind of habitat they require. The rural areas are, apart from human habitation, able to sustain bears if they were to treck North.

    The bears of Iberia are a bit superfluous anyway since their total number does not exceed 300 specimens. :)


  7. By JonS

    Western Europe? Heck, Europe as a whole? Bears, for example, are gonna have a deal of trouble migrating from Spain to anywhere else if it gets too hot/cold/wet/dry for them.

    Apart from the human population there is no real reason for the bears not to be able to migrate towards North.

  8. Borders. And the people on the happy side of the border wanting to stay happy, and not share with the folk eating a **** sandwich.

    How well will these lines in the paper maps stop billions of Chinese from crossing the Siberian expanses ?

    Then again I wonder how a post nuclear war nuclear winter would affect the global warming.... :P

  9. By Dietrich

    However, describing it as "low-key" was in hindsight inaccurate, since there were performances of traditional Bavarian dances with accordian and tuba accompaniment.

    If you are implying that you think I get on my high horse at the sight of any bit of symbology which is/was associated with anything unsavoury, you are incorrect. However, I acknowledge your opinion. :D

    Thought as much. :)

    Nevertheless, why should the nazi emblems get special attention when there are pirates and other historical but more distant reminders and examples of human attrocities.

    I have never 'come down like a ton of bricks' on anyone; I merely said that seeing the punkish young fellow with SS tattoo on the back of his neck made me feel like telling him off. (For the same reason, I have never said to a biker, "Hey, what's with the Nazi helmet?")

    Just referring to the current drive here in the whole of Europe to ban the public displaying of the swastika just because the Germans have outlawed it in their domestic use.

    Is it not that the real problem is with, not emblems themselves per se, but what/who the emblems represent?

    IMO that kind of banning does not deter the use of the emblems since by displaying them is anti-establisment. Trivialize the use and soon the fascination fades in both the emblems and the ideas they are supposed to represent.

    Adolf Hilter Campbell? Doesn't sound like a very futuristic name to me. =P

    Reverse psychology ? Then again if you name your son Martin Luther does not harm your child would naming him Sirhan or Lee Harvey harm him ?

    BTW: what's the latest on the issue ? The authoroties still not disclosing why exactly the children were taken into custody ?

  10. By Dietrich

    I was at a local Oktoberfest celebration -- a fairly low-key and family-friendly affair

    By definition a proper Oktoberfest celebration is neither low-key nor family friendly. ;)

    -- when I spotted a twentysomething spikey-haired guy with a runic "SS" tattoo on the back of his neck. It rather soured my mood; took another couple pints of Doppelbock to get my mind off it.

    I trust you, as a matter of course, take offense in tattoos like the skull and crossbones, devil and other assorted emblems with less than savourly connotations.

    When I see stuff like that, it really makes me want to chew out the person in question, because it's people like them who indirectly ensure that people never get past the German-equals-Nazi thing, so that people in general are in effect preventing from being able to see all the good things about Germans and German culture, food, music, etc. Of course, let's be honest: every German from 1933 to 1945 was a Jew-hating, Hitler-loving, concentration-camp-ignoring, civilian-slaughtering, baby-bayonetting Nazi. (Pardon the vicious sarcasm.)

    This fixation on emblems is really eating up the justified indignation towards the nazi attrocities. By coming down on them like a ton of bricks ensures the enduring facination in them and by proxy the criminal organization associated with them.

  11. By JonS

    That's true enough, except that for the first time in history we've created a situation in which people are no longer free to migrate as climate changes

    Man still has feet, doesn't he ? If/when the excrement hits the ventilation in, say, India or China what force will stop the migation from those areas to areas not affected by said excrement shower ?

    I'm not saying the migration would be a overnight affair. It would rather be a decade(s) or century(ies) long affair.

    I think the advances in media and communication technology has clouded our perspective from centuries and decades to days and indeed minutes.

    We've also created a situation - for the first time - in which there are what are effectively vast ecological deserts that will prevent (or greatly hinder) the free migration of plants and animals.

    I doubt that. If we can wreck havoc in places like Australia by introducing flora and founa not indiginous to the area there is no reason to think nature can not take care of its own in that respect when the climate change goes over the threshold for the prevailing flora and fauna. After all, the nature works in cycles which span centuries and eons, not weeks and months.

    Finally, we - both as a global society and individually - have sunk vast quantities of resources on the basis that the climate will stay the same.

    IMO it is not a mere coincidence the already barren areas with oil reserves have affected (by proxy of the oil industry) the development of effective and cost efficient energy sources which would in turn help arid areas for example in their strugle to ward off the deserts.

    Which is not to say that some people will be better off if/when the climate changes. They most assuredly will. Just as assuredly as some other folk will be substantially worse off, and looking for ways to alleviate their pain.

    I think this whole scare is all about the haves fearing they will lose what they have because all their posessions will become worthless as it all is meaningless and superficial to the existence of the humans as a spieces.

  12. It shows just how difficult it is to be "surgical" with weapons like these. I personally think the Israeli's, at some level, try to avoid undue loss of life among non-combatants, but at another level, they really just roll the dice and leave them (Palestinian civilians) to fend for themselves. It's a sort of "so what if they're dying, so are we" attitude that comes with years of national war exhaustion. Understandable but unfortunate. It is a situation the US should learn from, since we have, to a great extent, lost the moral upper hand in recent years.

    Lets face the facts: the Palestinian fighters are using their civilians as, well, human shields is not a proper term since the civilians lives are not the fighters main concerns so much as the bad press they are bringing on the Israelis.

    And when it comes to civilian casualties the international press is really turning a blind eye when it comes to Israeli civilian casualties when suicide bombers hit busses etc.

  13. Not only have the parents been told the reason for the action, but they have already been given, or will be given in the next 24 hours, an opportunity to be heard before a judge who will review the child welfare officials actions and can reverse them. In my state the question is whether an 'urgent and immediate' necessity exists to take the children out of the home, in New Jersey it may be differently phrased but conceptually similar. And if the children stay in state custody, the Campbells will be given an opportunity to litigate their cause within a short amount of time - 30 days or so.

    Recently. here in Finland a divorced father of 6 lost the custody of his children to the wellfare people after his ex-wife who had been taking care of them was hospitalized. They deemed "a single person" can not take care so many children on his own (despite the ex had been taking care of them prior to being hospitalized).

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