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phil stanbridge

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Posts posted by phil stanbridge

  1. Would it cause a big upset if the pack was just released regardless of "authentication" from the mod masters? Surely they wouldn't mind? It's not as if they're gonna be edited and re-badged is it?

    Polite disclaimers could be added to the readme etc etc. Come on, let's be mature about this smile.gif

    I'm sure I speak for everyone out there when I say we could really do with a compatible terrain set.

  2. I tried DD's grass, and although the winter textures look fabulous the spring/summer variation pales in comparison. I'm currently using Magua's Normandy textures. I think that's the best looking grass I've seen to date. I'd like to see a Magua winter texture set. Wishful thinking.. I'm sure I remember him saying he'd do it..

  3. It's been a while since I posted on these boards... I've just reinstalled CMBO on my fairly new XP setup and have just reconfigured CMMOS and am getting the gig or so of mods installed that I have on my hard drive. The only thing I haven't done is re-apply a terrain set. I personally think the terrain is the most important mod of the lot. So which stuff should I use? I love Magua's Normandy set, but this doesn't look so hot in the winter. Is there a real nice 'overall' terrain mod I could use?

    Also, if anyone can recommend a new commonwealth operation I'd appreciate it.

  4. How have you got on with this?

    I had similar problems way back when I first got my copy of CM. It was when I upgraded from 98SE to ME (if you can call it that smile.gif ) when I first strarted seeing the crashes. I had around 256mb of PC133 memory at the time if memory serves. I think it was a combination of the O/S and the drivers that caused the crashes. I got so fed up with it that I did a belt and braces and formatted and reinstalled 98SE. This fixed it.

    I'm running XP now and I haven't had the same problem since.

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