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phil stanbridge

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Posts posted by phil stanbridge

  1. Microsoft are no longer 'officially' supporting Win9x products. 2k is probably the most stable of the gaming environments at present, although when XP is service packed it would be debateable as to which is better..

    98se is the best o/s for older systems IMHO. By older, I mean, slower machines. The GUI on 2k and XP is quite resource hungry. To make the most of it you need 256-512mb ram.

  2. Hey guys - You've got to give me credit for trying! ;)

    What I really want to do (don't laugh). During the Bridge Too Far film there's the bit at the start (near enough) where xxx corps get ambushed by the forest. The book I read also seemed lacking in details so I put two and two together and got five. I wanted to portray this attack and extend it, as xxx corps made their way down that narrow road.

  3. No offence to the person on here that advertised quality topographicals but I haven't got a credit card!

    I definitely feel the need to design my first scenario/op, but I want to make it as historical as possible, which obviously means I'm in need of a map or two, plus the OOB for September 1944.

    I want to portray the opening attacks on the Richwald Forest around Arnhem (excuse my ignorance) and obviously want it to look the part.

    [ 12-12-2001: Message edited by: phil stanbridge ]</p>

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