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Posts posted by Jadayne

  1. 1. get naked and roll around for a while

    2. instruct your green troops that there's gonna be an easter egg hunt

    3. just pretend they're not there

    4. get zen and levitate

    5. most importantly -THINK POSITIVE!!!


    "Well then private, it must be sh*t. Good thing we didn't step in it."

    [This message has been edited by Jadayne (edited 09-15-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by Jadayne (edited 09-15-2000).]

  2. It's been a particularly bloody battle. My troops have spent the better part of 20 turns clearing 2 platoons of crack french troops from a cluster of heavy buildings. When it appears the coast is clear, I bring up my Company HQ, 120mm FO, heavy machine gun, and mortars to occupy the remaining heavy building.

    Suddenly, from the top floor, pistol fire erupts as the last remaining french unit (a 2 man HQ) reappears -damn, I thought I got rid of them. To my horror, one of the FO team goes down. When the turn ends, my troops are exposed in a wheat field 100 meters short of the goal.

    On the next phase, I quickly rush my two remaining full strength crack platoons with HQ into the building to clear out the pesky HQ and save my underpowered units.

    When the action phase commences, everything seems to be going according to plan. The crack units get to the top of the stairs just as everyone else arrives in the building. A firefight ensues.

    "haha" I laugh to myself, "this'll be short work"

    Then it happens -the entire building erupts in the cataclysmic nuclear-type explosion we've all come to know and love (or hate). The culprit -1 POTATO MASHER THROWN BY MY OBVIOUSLY OVER-EXCITED BANG-HAPPY TROOPS!!!!!

    The final body count -2 full platoons of crack stormtroopers, 1 platoon HQ, 1 120mm FO, 1 42Heavy machine gun, 1 88 mm mortar. In fact, the only troops left standing in the building are 2 members of the Company HQ.

    oh, AND his HQ -which runs away into the woods.

    the moral


  3. I got the game 3 months ago. I have now been at the computer non-stop since that moment. I have an IV bag in my left arm feeding me a glucose paste for nutrition and have had my entire lower digestive system removed so i don't ever need to leave for the bathroom (all done under local anesthetic so I could continue playing) My roommate comes in and flips me over twice a day, so I don't get bedsores on my butt, and sponges me down.

    The carpal tunnel syndrome at this point is so bad that I've resorted to banging on the keyboard with my forehead and using my toes to manipulate the mouse. I've gone clinically blind, but have become so assimilated with the game, that I can maneuver my way around the map by sense of smell. I have no friends left except a bunch of people on the forum that i've never even met.

    God, I can't wait for CM2

  4. as far as the "what is the best cover and concealment" question, I think someone did some kind of test to figure out each individual terrain type. I can't remember who or when or what the name of the thread was, but it was very informative.

    I also think that that is the best way to answer any of those "what is modeled" questions. You'll have to set up a scenario to test it out. Besides the terrain example, i remember someone doing the same with artillary spreads, ambush effectiveness, hiding, and probably several others I didn't actually read. The point is, if you want to know if being on a hill is more effective than being in a valley and how -make the map, put the units on it, and see for yourself.

    Just like you'd have to do in real life.

    and, as for your original question: if you have a veteran unit that has been busted down to regular because of the 4 green recruits that joined up prior to this battle, and all 4 of them are whacked by an incoming artillary shell, would your unit then become veteran because they no longer have to wait around for the new guys?


    "Well then private, it must be sh*t. Good thing we didn't step in it."

    [This message has been edited by Jadayne (edited 09-14-2000).]

  5. ok,

    I'm at work now and all the rules and things are on my computer at home. I'll send the set up from there tonight.

    After that, though, I'll be playing from my office where i have icq set up and we can do afternoon/evening rounds.

    the classical parts of the country? You mean Roxy, Thirsty Dog, and Pub U Zlateho Tygre?


    "Well then private, it must be sh*t. Good thing we didn't step in it."

  6. y'know, Broon, with all these references to Cz republic, I get the feeling you've lived here. Do we know each other? Are you another one of us disinfranchised expats who got disinfranchised with being an expat and moved back home?

    ps. am i sending you the set-up or vise versa?

    pps. and send me your icq number.

    [This message has been edited by Jadayne (edited 09-11-2000).]

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