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Posts posted by Jadayne

  1. I actually find them quite useful assuming you've gotten rid of the AT threat. Nothing beats a rain of mortarfire on entrenched infantry. The key IMO is to send the armour forward to flush out and neutralize enemy big guns and then bring in the mortar to wreak havoc on the infantry before your final charge. It's true, though, that until you can remove the AT guns, they're pretty useless.


    "Well then private, it must be sh*t. Good thing we didn't step in it."

  2. good advice all around.

    I think the problem of when to move your troops and when to hunker down has been a problem that has plagued generals throughout history, deciding battles and careers.

    People new to the game, and commanders new to combat will always be hesitant before moving out of an area deemed "safe" until experience teaches them when and how to move in a way that won't result in "10 soldiers out, 1 soldier back".

    The fact that the same problems are being faced by CM beginners (and not so beginners) I think is a testament to how well the AI simulates real life situations. Those of us that have a military background find that real life tactics work. And those of us that don't have that background find out (albiet the hard way) the same.

    man, i love this game.

  3. doh!!!!

    I'm just about to finish version 1.0 and now you tell me there's a 1.1 and I'll have to start all over again!?

    Wicked op, btw. I've been playing it non stop since you sent it. I think this is the first operation I've really gotten immersed into. Usually I get 2 or 3 battles into them and get bored. Now I'm rushing through work to get a few more turns in. Only problem is with the load-time in these later battles (sometimes upwards of 5 minutes) -probably just my computer, though.

    good on ya'

    (how was that for a plug?}


    "Well then private, it must be sh*t. Good thing we didn't step in it."

  4. Tss,

    might I suggest a bug zapper. while not as effective against certain types of field artillery and useless against mortars, I find that there's nothing like sitting on the back porch on a hot summers night with brew in hand watching them pesky 76's fly into it. talk about fireworks.

    And no messy clean up afterward.


    "Well then private, it must be sh*t. Good thing we didn't step in it."

  5. I'm totally prepared to be flamed on this, but for everyone that says CM is "perfect" is wrong.

    It may be the best wargame out there. It may be a supremely accurate tactical level simulation. But "perfect as is" -c'mon.

    There's a seriously disturbing tendancy on this forum to think of this game as our baby -beautiful in every way and impervious to criticism. But, the fact is, all babies have to grow up eventually and survive in the real world. This game also has to survive in the real world. If, in the real world, everyone was a professor of history concentrating on ww2 and owned a G4 supercomputer, then ok, I stand corrected. But, for my part, I have neither and scrolling choppily across the map to try to figure out which of my units is the HQ i hid under woods A and which is the FO I hid under woods B gets to be a bit of a pain during a massive operation. What's really wrong with being able to punch the "R" key so that a roster appears letting me simply select the unit I'm looking for. There's room for a unit information screen -why not the present OOB?

    And, though I hate to bring up the dreaded LCD (lowest common denominator), the idea here is to sell games which, in turn, leads to financing to create further versions-not to be stuck with a 1 off that is only enjoyed by hardcore hobbyists and ww2 fanatics. Anything-ok, not anything, but certainly something as basic as a unit roster -that will make the game more accessible to a wider audience should be welcome as it will only make Steve and Charles richer and more inclined to continue their fine work.

    I actually see lots of room for improvement on the interface level. I assume that the game will evolve as CM 2, CM 3, CM 4 and all the various patches come out until we all look back and chuckle at the quaintness of CM 1 and admire how "our baby" has grown.

    so flame me -I dare ya'


    "Well then private, it must be sh*t. Good thing we didn't step in it."

  6. before this post gets closed, I vote yes. In fact I demand it since not having a roster takes away from the reality of the game. A real battlefield commander wouldn't be able to zip around the battlefield and get instant information about the status and locations of all of his troops. He'd get radio reports from the battlefield telling him the status of what's happening.

    Therefore, in the interest of realism, I think the roster should be implemented as mandatory and the map be removed completely. You simply all of your orders for the game and then wait. At the end of the game a report comes in telling you if you've won or lost.

    There. How's that for a solution. wink.gif

    (seriously though. I vote yes.)

  7. Um, Fionn, I may be a bit nitpicky here, but what really is the difference between what you’re doing and what CCJ did.

    According to the letter of the law (as it is probably clearly stated on the CD’s you are burning), you are not allowed to copy the materials on the CD whether you purchased it, borrowed it, or DLed it from napster. You are copying it onto your computer for your own use, true, but the correct line of action (according to the law) is that you sort out your problems with your computer -not illegally copy the files on the CD. Admittedly, that is not convenient, but your hardware problems are not Sony or WarnerBros problem.

    As far as I can gather by reading this thread (I don’t know the history so I am prepared to be corrected), CCJ purchased the software from BTS. He also had “problems” (in this case the software didn’t arrive in a timely manner), so he used a less than legal means to continue his work -ie. downloading the file to make mods for the CM community. Again, this is not BTS’s problem. The correct line of action is to wait for the CD to arrive via snail mail.

    I would imagine that if this were a Sony forum and not a BTS one, the reactions to your CD burning would be as vocal if not more vocal (especially with this whole napster affair going on) as your reactions to what CCJ did.

    When it comes down to the “letter of the law” then CCJ did bad. But so do you every time you copy copyrighted material onto your computer. Reactions to such matters are totally subjective and we can’t expect everyone to see every issue as entirely black and white. Need I bring up such topics as the speed limit, pot smoking, underage drinking, downloading MP3’s, etc.

    I think CCJ's biggest fault was stupidity. He knew what a hot topic pirating is in this community he did anyway and then let it be known he did it. Tantamount to having a few drinks before a Mothers Against Drunk Driving meeting.

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