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Posts posted by GreasyPig

  1. Im pretty simple

    6-pack o' Miller Lite - (only the best NASCAR beer will do) and a big ol, nasty chaw (chewing tobacco for you city boys).

    It makes me feel... well... American smile.gif


    yes Sergeant Major Im a hick.

    True story: While head'n to chow one day of my past, illustrious military career, I relaxed a little bit as I couldn't see any brass around. So I cocked my hat back and jammed my hand in my bdu pocket to.. you know.. play with my spare change. Bout half way up to the door I caught out of the corner of my eye some big, older soldier making an attempt to run me over! Scared the hell out of me! Startled I jumped back in one of those defensive half karate-kid swan positions then.. gaped! It was the dang Sergeant Major of the Post and ol "RED DOT" was pissed bout somethin!!! We use to call him "Red Dot" cause he use to go around the post on a crusade with a paint brush painting red dots anywhere he thought a soldier should be made AWARE that this equipment or place requires EXTRA SAFETY considerations. This whole thing with the dots started out well enough. Dots started appearing on heavy doors, blind hallways, awkward steps. But.. Me and the boys thought he went a little too far when dots started showing up on the Abrams, and Bradleys. Afterwards I said to my 1st sergeant "Top, if I find one of those red dots on the trigger of my M16 I'm gonna be a little worried bout the lack of faith in this outfit". Anyway, ol RED DOT was pissed, It took me a sec to figure it out then I jerked my hand out of my bdus like I had just touched a hot stove and snapped to parade rest ...but... forgot my cap. He looked at me REAL hard then started shouting "WHAT THE !#@$, WHAT THE HELL KIND OF SOLDIER ARE YOU YOU YOU !$@$%^&&^@, WHAT @$$%# COMPANY YOU IN. DOES YOUR COMMANDER EVEN KNOW THE KIND OF $@#$!^ SOLDIERS HES OVER!!". He then backs up a little bit looks at my cocked-back head gear and shouts for whole post to hear " WHERE IN THE HELL DO YOU COME FROM BOY!?!? ". Feeling really worried as I didn't know if I should answer or if this was a retoricle question I nervously waited. I must of looked pretty pathetic. "WELL!!" he said. So I answered... "IOWA, SERGEANT MAGOR!!". His beaddy little eyes unsquinted a little and his tight lips loosened into a little smile and then he just calmly said " Never mind." and then evenly walked into the chow hall. I was left there just standing. After a sec I fixed my hat and decided to nix the chow hall idea and have supper at the NCO club.

    [This message has been edited by GreasyPig (edited 06-20-2000).]

  2. I called my CC and was told that $53 check/approval had been placed since my last statement but that an official charge hadn't been placed. Damn auto-customer service thing wouldn't give anymore detail. I did read that the shipment is in an USPS sleeve and not in a box, so maybe when I asked for a package they over-looked this.

    Hell, in the mean time I'm trying to keep cool. Dang humidity is up again with this latest monsoon. I hear Ahwatukee is getting hammered with heavy rain and hail. I guess it just as well we dont have it yet, I swear the power out here is setup like a damn christmas tree. One good blow and everyones lights out.

    Its good to hear that the Pheonix folks have theirs. Were soon to see our copy. Been contimplating getting -Ground Control-. SciFi really aint my bag but its been getting raves as a great tacticle rts. Anyone played this??


    Forgive the spelling as Im just an engineer. smile.gif

  3. Well, while checking the official "Holy !@#$ I got !!" thread. There were two folks from Pheonix that received their copy Monday. I checked the local USPS and was rewarded with a nice PINK!! BARBIE BOX my daughter ordered a while back. DOH!!

    Well they weren't done sorting the mail so hopefully it'll be here tonight or tommarrow.

    Any of you Chandler boys seen yours yet?


  4. I live near Queen Creek and work for a certain semiconductor company in Chandler.

    But Im a victim of circumstance, as I grew up in Iowa, joined the Army and ended up here.

    I guess the real problem with the intense heat is the manual. If its glue bound it could definitely go soft. Anyone who's left a paper-back book in the front seat in july can tell you.


  5. I can only imagine the kind of extreme heat and warpage is going on inside my mailbox as I sit here at work. (If its even there). On the bright side its only supose to be 106 here today in Az.



    Been lurking here for oh bout a year now and just decided to post.

    Hey Cush, your from centerville Ia? Man we use to kick the snot out of your wrestling team!! I grew up in Chariton.

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