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Posts posted by GreasyPig

  1. No matter how hard I try or how hard I want to be...


    I've tried all sides. Hell I even tried the best tanks in the game, Pantehers and Tigers, but I still can't move a damn thing without getting killed. Ive tried being patient, Ive tried being aggressive but it dont matter. Ive tried staying long with German armor and short with Allied armor AND vise versa. Ive tried move and shoot tactics, hiding behind trees, ridges houses and HAVE DIED. Ive tried sitting still, out of LOS, IN A DEEP HOLE and by the end of the turn it will HAVE DIED.

    Ive played these games before. I know the tactics used. Ive worked hard, been to church, even helped that old bitty across the street start her car every other morning.


    I do have just a little shred of common sense.

    Please help me folks. I want to be a good tanker.


  2. Damn,

    After reading this I realize I have the same problem too!! I press Alt-s and I dont get any questions about file name. I just assumed the file was saved to Auto-save. But even when I load the autosave I noticed it was a turn behind.

    I cant intall to C:. I have only 400meg left and I want that resevered for swap.

    Is BTS aware of this?


  3. I'll tell you why it only got a 7 for sound.


    Nor did BTS hire some eccentric Euro-Alternative band to play during credit rolls.

    So BTS better pay attention next time to "industry standards" if they want a higher rating.

    Lets hope not smile.gif

    The Big GreasyPig


    [This message has been edited by GreasyPig (edited 07-06-2000).]

  4. BTS,

    I LOVE the game, can't stop playing it.

    I do have one request and if sounds improper please someone convince me of it.

    Can we have in the QBs a seperate point max for each side? I understand the point system very well. I understand WHY its there. BUT I sometimes find I would like to see a Lop-sided point pool. I know you can do this by selecting each sides equip prior to the engagement but I like being surprised and having to make do with what the game has given.


  5. Mannheim Tanker,

    Im very happy with CMBO and the fact that BTS modeled BRASS BALLS. But why even do it at all since its not even close to "REALISTIC". I mean everyones heard the:

    CLACK....CLACK....CLACK of the ball-bearing pendulum perpetual motion thingy. Right?

    Well thats the sound that that this paticular paratrooper should have made while "WALKING".






    CLICKCLACK...CLICKCLACK...CLICKCLACK when they "SKIP". (which I hear is common amongst British Paratroopers)

    But BTS didnt take in account for this. Its totally unrealistic (IMHO). For crying out loud, Stevie Wonder should be able to call in -precise- arty on these boys, But nooo.

    Unless of course these boys had their legs crossed and HOPPED across the open field. But then we still have a problem, cause the squad motion is screwed.

    GreasyPig smile.gif

  6. I had a damn limey crack Par troop squad run across an open park through two MG and one half-track MG and three inf sqaud (all SS vet+) fire just to flop a sachel on top of my stug who was systematically pushing the English Paratroopers out of the buildings in Arnhem. I just gaped as I watched. I even could hear the bagpipes play as I watched them start their suicidal sprint.

    AND totally pissed they not only made it but blew my last STUG!!!

    I did make 'em pay on their way out though. But geeze, I REALLY needed that stug(as it was saving countless lives doing the dirty work of house clearing/demoing smile.gif ) and thought I had it MORE than well covered.

    I just find it amazing that they could run that fast with those HUGE BRASS BALLS.

    Maybe BTS should look carefully at how they modeled BRASS BALLS in the game. I'm mean cause I should have heard them CLACKING from a mile off. In fact I should have heard the town clacking like crickets cause it was crawling these brass balled brits.

    Not very realistic. smile.gif



  7. Hey folks, got a real question.

    Playing the Germans last night I was given a few standard half-tracks (dont recall there name). These half-tracks were all equiped with a MG42 I believe. Now these guys would fire on the enemy but I could not actually specify the target (no target command in the menu). Why was this left-out?


  8. I just want to say something for all you boys AND girls out there that feel left out of the agony I and a few others share.

    Everyone has their own WONDER BITCH.

    For some their WB is high school or college.

    Others its mowing the lawn.

    For some its that beat-up old Pinto station-wagon that they have to kick, scream at, threaten and jump-start just to get to work on time.

    For some their WB is being a geek, and not having any girl friends.

    For others their WBs may be their work or boss or a urinary infection.

    For me, my WONDER BITCH just happens to be THEE WONDER BITCH, the one who actually enjoys making my stomach ulcer bleed.


    "Its a SWEATER!!"

  9. Wait a minute, You boys aint over. Continue the debate!! This has been a fine read.

    What if you took the most common arty piece of the period from both sides and set it up on a fireing range. Who would be more accurate to a single target with one round at varing distances?

    I know this has little to do with how the were used but I was just curious.


  10. Madmat, your stuff rocks!

    But, I noticed a slow-down. However I can't say its due to your mod.

    After a while of playing the Market-Garden OP my computer started accessing the hard-drive every few seconds for a few seconds. This caused a pause every time it happend, very annoying. I save, reboot and play and all is well again for a while then it starts again.

    I'm going to try to play without mods tonight to see if that helps, although, Im sure to miss the additions.

    I have a PII 300 with 64meg and a 16meg Banshi card.


    slow I know, Has anyone else seen this??

  11. Panzer,

    That was about two years ago and as I can't remember what I did last week there is no way I can remember the exact day. smile.gif I can tell you it was early September.

    It must be way cool flying A-10s, IMO much better than fighters. Those ground pounders got to love those guys as much as a good arty battery. I guess what makes em so cool is you can actually see them at their deadly work.


    I'll send somethin to you when Im at home.

    good deal?


  12. well,

    I am happy as a greazed up Pig in Sh!t. I finally got.

    Its funny how pathetic and anal I am.

    I had WB check the box this morning at 9:00am.

    I checked the box this morning at 10:30am.

    Then I had WB recheck the box at 3:00pm.


    Well at aproxamatly 6:30pm WB starts in on me about something, I don't know what about, I was watching espn's race coverage. So I decided to take a walk and for the sheer punishement of looking again I went to the box.

    I'll be damned it was there. I think the mail lady was a little too tanked today. She has a history of tipping back between routes.

    Anyway the real sweat part is when Big Momma saw me with my package. She knows there aint a damn thing she can do or say to get me off the computer now (except maybe "The neighbor lady is swimming nude again").


  13. Bratch,

    Well happy birthday buddy!!!

    Its a no show here in Queen Creek too. Went to the post office with hopes to cut it off on the way to work again today. I beleive the ladies there think I waiting for my kidney transplate to arrive (wonder how they got that idea hmmmmm...)

    I reckon I'll just golf tomarrow. Price is low but the temp high.


    Well, I was gonna swear but being it Bratches birthday and all...

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