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Posts posted by GreasyPig

  1. aka_tom_w

    I wish I had more time to keep up on all the events that happen in here. Your screen shots are absolutely beautiful. So, to be short... I want my game to look exactly like yours! I just downloaded deanco's execellent interface, so could you tell me where exactly to get the other mods?



    [This message has been edited by GreasyPig (edited 11-29-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by GreasyPig (edited 11-29-2000).]

  2. The thing that gets me is this whole break from tradition...


    The USA has a very deep and rich military tradition even though its relitively young when compared to her European counter-parts.

    The good ol "wife" cap smile.gif has been around forever. Ive seen paintings of union randers wearing them back when we had that little arguement with those southern boys.

    I mean look at the new 100,50,20,10, and now 5 dollar bills. The lack of charater is apalling. The old greenbacks are works of art in comparison.

    I am kinda curious, When and what country started this style of headgear? Anyone know?

    How long has this cap been in use here in the USA?


  3. Ghengis Jim

    Make sure the UI knows where the header files are. This is important if this is a second hand install (Not from the original disks or CD). I don't have a pc with Borland near me right now to check where to point. Look in the options or enviroment pulldowns.

    On the topic of which to learn first C or C++, well thats tough.

    C typicaly will be very structured and C++ of course is intened to be object driven. Two real different schools of though. Ive got fellow programmers who swear both ways. But I honestly beleive you need both, as it is determined by the needs of the end application.


  4. Thanks Jeff,

    This is the very stuff I've wanted to know for quite a while but too lazy to figure it out.

    By the way, Im a little surprised Tall Pines provide so much cover. I would have thunk that a typical pine forest would not have that much low ground cover (especialy "Tall Pines). I lived near lots of pine timber and the conditions on the forest floor don't usually support alot of shrubs or low growth. But hey, thats here and I have no idea over there.

    Thanks again Jeff


  5. My typical 1 night a week.

    wife: "Your on that DAMN computer again? How come you never spend any time with me?"



    me: yes dear

    w: "WELL!!?"

    m: Well Honey, its like this. Basicly I've been swimming up river for years. Clawing my way past obstacles and predators to some place my insticts have told me I needed to be and that it would be bliss.

    w: "What the hell are talking about? SO! Whats this got to do with anything?"

    m: Well then I met you and I've stopped swimming.

    w: "Hmmm. Really? Ahh honey, I love you."

    m: Ya.... Then you sucked the LIFE-FORCE from my BODY and turned me into this empty pathetic animal before you. Its then I realized that my trip is only half over. I'll reach heaven after I float back down this god-damn river and end up bear or sea-gull sh!t.

    So why don't you cut me a break and let me coast a bit, BEFORE I belly up. Besides, I've already spent 15 minutes with you.

    w: "15 minutes??!! You havent spent ANY time with me!!!"

    m: Yes I have. We got three kids aint we??


    Life is alot like tubing

  6. Howdy boys,

    I gots a question.

    Can someone tell me why you can't select storm-troopers by the platoon? As far as I can tell you can only get them by company.

    I sure like their load-outs and would happily pay the extra bucks for em. Its just that if you have to buy them by the company it would exclude them from the lower point limited games.



    Burning alive in Arizona

  7. This may seem like a dumb question but...

    Is there a difference in possibility of a fire starting in either a "Light Building" or "Heavy Building"?

    In the game I take light to mean wood and plaster while Heavy to at least contain a fair amount of stone/block/brick building materials.


  8. Mark

    Ive done the very same thing as well. I have begun using a seudo timed method that Im really not good at yet but its a trade off.

    When I begin an area fire with some AFV or Arty I put my troops on the "MOVE" command for a short distance and the "FAST" on the remaining. However, I usually don't have my last waypoint in the objective itself. Hopefully, when the turn ends my guys will have just arrived out side the objective. On the next turn I cease the cover fire and move in. This brings up something Ive noticed.

    There is always a SOME delay in movement commands BUT a cease fire command always seems instant or really quick. Anyone else seen this? Just an observation.


  9. Fionn,

    I am happy to see that you and Spook have come to a semi agreement. I hope that we can soon.

    Though, again I would like to clarify your statement: “I was referring only to CERTAIN citizens”

    What certain citizens are these? It seems these “citizens” are influential to your contempt of the USA. How is this so? How can one who is TRULY impartial, logically derive a statement like: “MY point is that a LOT of Americans seem to think that the world is crying out to be "led" by America in a crusade to right wrongs etc etc” from just “certain citizens”. Understand, my American English defines certain in the context used as specific, individual, particular.

    So I ask you..

    Are you using just these few “citizens” as your basis for your beliefs/comments?

    Isn’t that the definition of stereotyping?

    We could go on and on about the implications of these comments. But why.

    So to recap, considering your last posts:

    American is evil (just like everyone else) But Americans are different because well.. they are arrogant, under educated idiots because Fione knows some “CERTAIN CITIZENS” to provide evidence.

    Please Fionn respond. Tell me what truely stems your animosity toward US.



    Loaded and pissed off at the All-Star game

  10. Fionn

    Please sir, point out where I have stated generalities about your country or people. Show me where I have lumped your countrymen into the cesspool you’ve advertised as American.

    I politely ask you to quantify “a LOT” in “a LOT of Americans seem to think”.

    Do you mean ALL Americans?

    All most all,

    most all,

    more than half?

    OR is it really just the few?

    Because Fionn, I am a WHITE, fairly young American. AND I can assure you I understand the meaning of “BIGOT”. The term is shoved down my throat every other day in local and world news, past and present. Your generalizations certainly “could” meet the definition.

    I am now genuinely curious.

    You SEEM to be an adult, capable of LOGICAL reason. If these two characterizations are true, then aren’t your statements more than a little broad? Honestly “a LOT”???

    And if your answer is NO.

    Then sir, you are a Bigot. You have stereotyped Americans just the same as if I’d of said you’re a “typical snotty European Prick” .

    If your answer is YES which I hope it is, I ask you or any anyone: Why the animosity toward Americans?? REALLY??

    Jackhammer’s comments don’t really help anyone’s cause. BUT, listen too him and exclude anything “American” in his post. He sounds like a young man ready to fight for his country. Is there really anything wrong with that? Other than its posted here in a gaming community, BUT this thread didn’t exactly call for a bipartisan reply either. Scoff at him fine. I can’t say approve of his language either. But in the end, if I were in a fox-hole/ WHEN I was in that fox-hole I wouldn’t have chosen anyone LESS enthusiastic than him to be my “Ranger Buddy”.


    Man I’m I tanked.

  11. Fionn

    Arent you being just a little too Nihilistic.

    The US does give away huge sums of food, money, and general aid. And..I beleive 100% that she does this with intent on achieveing some agenda (polital or otherwise). In fact I am upset when there isnt some GAIN for the effort.

    But.. Isn't this HUMAN? I know you agree from reading you post: "The USA aids its allies only insofar as such aid helps its greater geopolitical goals. When such aid would run contrary to the US' best interests it isn't offered."

    Not only is this human but isnt it LOGICAL as well? Certainly the USA didn't pioneer this technique.

    But your point:

    "MY point is that a LOT of Americans seem to think that the world is crying out to be "led" by America in a crusade to right wrongs etc etc."


    "HOWEVER there is something seriously wrong when Americans go off believing that their country does things "out of the goodness of its own heart". "

    My point or arguement is with statements like these. You insinuate that we are under educated about not only our own country but the rest of the world, too nieve or too stupid to realize nobody wants our help and because we have a "whole bunch of really cool nukes" we ARE world leaders.

    Im saying your wrong. VERY wrong. You and MANY others take this righteous stand of "awareness". My point is you've fallen into your own HOLY trap of making broad, general claims about another country and thus placing your self amongst an elite few, of which NO American is allowed with out excessive scrutiny.

    Im sure you know Americans BUT do you REALLY know us, REALLY? If you think so then HOW? Apperently not as well as you think because Yes, Im an American and Its safe to say I know a LOT of Americans. I have faith in my country, I served her and will die for her. But my thoughts are MINE. I know better, my friends and family know better. Theres no such thing as a "Free Ride" or "You dont get nothin for nothin".

    So.. obviously your not blinded by propaganda and can TRUELY see. The LOTs Americans you speak of must be actually be the few. Again my piont is if you dont know this then In my opinion your wrong. If you do know this then why is there this urge to feed such a post.



  12. killmore,

    "The hand is extended to the selected and there is always a price to pay for accepting it... Most people don't undestand that the hand is never extended without some gain for US."

    Really, I are you certain?

    You have help prove my points exactly.

    Did anyone else hear that loud broad based, way over generilized "SLAP"

    You paticipated in 3 replies of this thread, stating your opinion on the matter. I find ironic you wish it closed so soon. The statements you made could be taken as harsh but by all means close the thead, YOUR truth has been spoken RIGHT?


  13. hmmmm

    There aint a damn thing the States can do that wont be second guessed by some people.

    We extend a hand, its taken, then criticized. We don't extend a hand then we're chastised.

    Some talk like we're some global crack dealer handing out freebies at the playground. "First ones free, First ones free". The big evil that snakes its way into everyones life.

    Its funny when a thread like this begins. A series of replies soon follow with thinly veiled disdain for the US and the poster then digress into "Not all Americans are bad, just the loud patriotic ones". Yet in knowing this they still post their replies and their point of view on USA. Theres certainly no shortage of loud NON-US opinions. Opinions that must be heard else some arogant, under-educated, American continue beleiving the propaganda.


    "I never remember asking the "good ol' US of A" to be a "world leader". I NEVER remember asking it to stick its nose into EU business."

    Ive looked around and I can't find anyone here THAT ASKED to be a "World Leader". A strange predicament for sure. One day you wake up, declared a "World Leader", then ridiculed for it.

    But honestly I really don't care. Really I don't. But maybe thats what other counties dislike about us the most. I worry about feeding my kids, providing a home and education. I worry about the weather and if Dad can get his field planted on time. I guarantee he doens't have time to worry about foreign policy. It must be a nice Luxury.


  14. I don't know about "immobile"

    In the US everyone is encouraged to be a thinking soldier NCO or not right? I can't relate this to the period or anyone else though because I just don't know. Certainly a serious loss of intitiative could be there (No PVT left in charge wants to do any stupid like die) but when ORDERED to do something I beleive they should be able to perform as well as moral will permit.

    However recombination is a great idea and a realistic result.


    just giving PVTs a little more credit. smile.gif

  15. Thanks for the help folks,

    Its easy to say I've tried just about all thats been suggested here. I have. But I must be lacking the "attention to detail" that all of you can achieve. I guess it'll take practice. As it is I am very successful against the computer with infantry tactics, In fact I usually have to carry the battle with my grunts without the support of armor.

    Its funny the Desert Storm analogy was used because I could actually USE that analogy. Ive lost a Panther, jadpanther, and a half dozen amored cars to just a few armored cars and 1 light AT gun.

    A common senario I find myself in:

    I start the game with what I beleive is superior armor. As the game proceeds I get a few kills and take a few acceptable losses. The emeny is usually very successful in preserving its remaining vehicles. Then gets them into a position to put pressure on my infantry while out of view of my guns. So I plan a route to give me cover and a fireing position that will not only provide LOS to my intended target but shield me from view on my flanks. Then its time to SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND, MISTER PANTHER. I move my tank into my PLANNED position with the HUNT move. BAM I get nocked out by my target whose is usually nothing more than an armored car sporting a 37mm gun at a range of about 600-650 meters.

    If I had a dime for each tank Ive lost that way I could have paid for CM a week ago.

    I find I fare better with the Americans. I know my armor is weak. So Im not really confrontational. I just keep my boys pushing until I can put a satchel or bazooka on the enemy vehicle, using my armor only in a support role. BUT I HATE THIS. I wish I could say I have a distinct armor and weapon advantage (which I do often) and FORCE the confrontation with my enemy because I know I can go toe to toe If I have to. Unfortunatly FOR ME the armor ratings dont seem to give much an advantage. Its just who can but the bead on who the fastest. I doesnt matter how big the barrel is under that bead or how much armor protects it.

    Now realize, I don't expect a predictable outcome "I win" all the time. And my comments above is not a complaint of the game, that would be VERY near sighted on my part. I know BTS and others raked this masterpiece over the realism coals over and over and MANY people who actually know what the hell theyre talking about contributed.

    So it comes down to my misinterpratation of armor and weapon strengh and a lack of paying attension to detail.

    I wonder also If I should start playing with fewer BIG armor pieces. The ranges I assume that were typically used in a prefered engagement of the big German Armor were longer than a QUICK BATTLE seems to allow. Am I wrong? Its easy to make excuses so again this is NOT an attack on the game.

    Thanks again guys.

    Keep the sugestions coming


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