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Posts posted by GriffinCheng+

  1. My story is: the 1st pre-order was scrapped for my plastic expires in May (damn I miss those posters!). My re-order was shipped and my account was charged on June 16. Guess what? It is not there till mid-August and it comes together with the replacement order!!! For Eric, when you asked about the shipping time, I just shipped back one of the orders back to BTS.

    Fortunately, I have made another order in late June and requested "express delivery". It is good to have it earlier....

    Griffin @ work place

    P.S. Dear CM Borg,

    I am amazed by the power to assimilate people thru cyberspace. I am wonder if you can assimilate opfor troops thru PBEMing. I still feel the pressure of my stupid work and I wonder if your magic power can do anything about it. Good luck, don't run into hamsters. biggrin.gif


    "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again :(

  2. As far as 1.04 -> 1.05 is concerned, the PBEM files are totally compatible. I was having a PBEM game starting with 1.04 and now 1.05. No sweat. Personally, I think it would be fair to upgrade before any action is done.



    "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again :(

  3. Heri is right. Continuing with Rommel's adventures in the desert, IIRC, he once "paid a visit" to a New Zealand field hospital and inspected the solders there! Another was a British MP policing traffic at night and found that they were all German the next day. Wait to see more confusing in CM3.



    "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again :(

  4. I always stick with nVidia reference driver. I personally don't give a damn about manufacuter's dirvers. BUT, people says CL has a very sweet control panel applet, but I have not tried it yet.

    I don't see I need that FSAA. I am pretty much satisfied with the current vista.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> even still have an old Righteous 3D voodoo card lying around some where. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Da, my Orchid Rightegous 3D s still in my old Pentium 133 since I bought it for Ms Laura. I ve with me an old Pure3D II w/ me so that I can play Grand Prix Legends happily.

    Griffin @ work -- place.


    "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again frown.gif

    [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 08-28-2000).]

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>He has been assimlated he just doesn't know it yet he only thinks he is not assimilated.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I share my secret with you. I see assimulated people. All the time. (Breathing mist as I spell the words)


    I have both a number of PCs and Mac. Under the CM, the patch work on both sides are pretty much the same.

    I am proud I have all the readme files (orginial and 1.03 - 1.05) in my CM directory/folder.

    Griffin @ work -- place


    "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again :(

  6. Did "PanzerMeyer" have a lot of "relationship" with Peiper and Wittmann? Just don't have time to finish "Steel Inferno". BTW, where did he get his "Panzer" reputation? IIRC, he was an "old" Nazis member.

    Office now and will get this scenario after work.



    "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again :(

  7. I have one occaion when a Sherman broke thru my infantry defense and started shooting wild. I have 2 squads hidden in wood. First, I asked them to target and shoot but they "refused". Then, I moved them near the tank and you know -- ka boom! The tank went blazed and I saw one of the squad lost their 'fraust. Give it a try -- but not on me. <VBG> biggrin.gif



    "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again :(

  8. Matt,

    Sorry to hear that. I can't remember exactly if you have got a firewall installed on your NT2K. What brand is it? Have you installed all the security patches for IE, Outlook, NT, IIS, etc? It is pain in a** but if you are admin NT, actually whatever OS, you need to stay alert and get all to updated fixes asap.

    Apart from the awesome NTFAQ, you will also need to back up constantly (and cut off that Win98 and file sharing from your server, if any) and check this:




    "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again :(

  9. Axis! They have all the cool toys like Panthers, Flak-88, Storm Troopers (15mm laser rifle variant), AT-AT, AT-ST (aka "chicken-walker"), Tie Interceptors, Super Star Destoryers, Zaku II, Dom, Gelgoog, etc. Yeah!

    2nd but distance, Commonwealth, less cool toys like Archer (fits well with Britsh doctrine : Run Away Fast), Firefly VC, Crocodile, Bern Carrier, PIAT.



    "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again frown.gif

    [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 08-18-2000).]

  10. I think you should post this in the "Scenario Talk".

    !!!Spoiler Alert!!!

































    Mine is to move all your troops back to the victory point at once! Use trees as cover as much as possible. Move the usless truck off the map as soon as you can.That is how I beat this one.


    [This message has been edited by GriffinCheng+ (edited 08-16-2000).]

  11. Hello,

    I personally met CDIC last Friday evening as he came to Hong Kong on his business trip. We met at the hotel lobby in which he was staying. We can't wait to see what the real Combat Mission is all about. I have brought along my lovely PowerBook. So the first thing we did was to look at all vechicle models of both sides. Well, we discuss the differences between the models such as "Shot trap is here in Panther VG but it is removed in the (late) version", "This Sherman M4A3 tends to burn easily", etc. People passing by without any idea might have thought that I was a car salesman.

    After he bought me a delicious dinner, we started a "hot seat" QB at about 2135. Personally, I would call that "hot lap" for what we did was just pushing the Powerbook around. Back to the game, it was a meeting engagements between two combined arms on a gentle slope without, virtually, no tree covers.

    The map has a small village in the middle and it was where most fightings happened. I reached the village first and gained upper hand early. However, as I carelessly lose most of my AFV in subsequent turns, I lost the edge.

    Just when he tried to maneuver his counterattack, the game had to end abrutedly since my PB gone out of battery and I forget to bring the AC adapter! We saved the game at around 2330 and decided to go on tomorrow morning.

    After six hours of insufficient sleep we met again in his room at around 1015 next morning and we went on for 2 more turns. He managed to cause great damanges to my infantries with his FO and panzers. Since I had another appointment elsewhere we have an agreed ceasefire. He won a major victory.

    The little game was fair and we had so much fun and we talked a lot about the tactics and ladder stuff.

    I have actually taken a few shots of CDIC and would post it later when I get home, if CDIC doesn't mind about this.

    I had an idea that some day, we should hold a CM convention so that I can see all you people ("ladies and gentlemen") in person for exchange of experiences and most important -- have fun. I think the place would be the best in Europe when most CM1 battles took place.



    "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again :(

  12. Hello Johnson,

    I am using CL GeForce 256 DDR with Detonator driver 3.15(?) beta. It works fine. I don't even bother to use the CL drivers. Which version is causing you trouble?

    The only complaint is I cannot go up to 1280 in CM. smile.gif



    "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again :(

  13. Thanks for the link. Great read!

    I think Charles would have added:

    "Actually, people played the Beta Demo to an extend which is well beyond our expectations. We expected the beta demo to have a lifespan for about 3 months, it turned out the people kept on playing it till we release the Gold Demo. We have to add the thrid scenario for the Beta Demo. Moreover, there are textures and sound mods for the Beta."

    My $.02



    "+" is just the beginning. Expect to see "GriffinCheng76", "GriffinCheng(105)" or "GriffinChengA3E8" more should Forum problems occur again :(

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