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Posts posted by Mikester

  1. All right you sound hounds. I have the S/B Live card already. Thinking real serioiusly about upgrading my somewhat chintzy speakers though. What's my best bet / bang for the buck. Do the "digital" speakers work w/ the SB Live card? Are there any real benefits to the digitial speaker setup? What about 2 speaker system like what I have now vs. surround 4 speaker systems. Are they worth it?

    Thanks for any input / thoughts you may have.

    Mikester out.

  2. Scott,

    Really sorry to see you didn't get the game yet. You've been around here a long, long, time like some of the rest of us. It's too bad to see you and everyone else having to wait to get the game.

    Take a look at my "Thanks a Million BTS" thread. I asked Charles about when TCP/IP would be available and he said they are aiming to try and have it out in about 2 months or so at the earliest.

    Mikester out.

  3. Thanks for the info guys!!!!!!

    Being an engineering technical weenie I'd really like to see these charts and understand better the armor penetration capabilities of tank x's main gun against tank y's armor at various ranges and angles.

    Plus they look really f***ing cool too.

    Mikester out.

    PS: If these are made available for download please put them into some kind of blocks. 300MB is an s-load of stuff to try and download.

  4. Captain Foobar,

    I would agree about the timer thing during the battle. However, I would seriously disagree about the setup time thing. Especially in terms of attack / defend scenarios. Defenders almost always sighted in guns, checked lanes of fire/LOS, etc., etc., etc. The didn't just magically appear somewhere and only be given 3-5 minutes to hurridly setup before the attackers suddendly descended upon them.

    Same holds true for attacking. Plans were generally made, scouting reports reviewed, commanders given mission and objectives. Staging areas determined, forces gathered, etc. This all plays into the attackers setup. And again, they didn't just magically do all this in 3-5 minutes. It took time to plan effective attacks.

    Part of German tank ace Michel Wittmann's genius was that he always recon'd the battlefield whenever possible before the battle. He'd take an MP40 w/ him and generally go out by himself and check out the entire area, discretely of course. He would then formulate in his mind how he envisioned the attack, all potential problems that might arise, etc. His tanks were then setup in staging areas accordingly. This all took time.

    Point is commanders in real life didn't just race up to the front because they were ordered to attack and then plunge into battle. Neither did defenders just sit around waiting to be attacked and not make any preparations that took time. Yet, that's exactly what you are implying we should be doing by limiting setup times.

    Leave the setup time up to the players to properly prepare for battle. Use the timer once the battle has begun. Only exception to this in my view would be a meeting engagement where both side run into each other (perhaps totally unexpectedly) and neither side would have reallly had time in real life to make any preparations like checking LOS's, etc.

    Mikester out.

  5. Steve,

    Here's one thing I havn't been able to figure out. My friend and I both live here in Denver. I order the game a year ago in May 1999. He orders game only a couple of weeks ago in May 2000. We both get the game this past Monday. Both packages have ship date (postal mark?) of this past Friday, June 16th. How can this possibly be? That would imply that almost all the orders all shipped out on Friday. No?

    Worst part of it is that he and I have a long standing little "competition" about such matters. I.e. we order things generally at, or near, the same time, but whoever gets it first usually gloats over the other guy. Childish, I know, but hey we are they same bunch of refresh monkey's that crashed your server when the Gold Demo came out don't forget. Anyway, he goes home for lunch on Monday and is then calling me at work telling me he already has the game. I couldn't believe it. I would have thought that with the first come first serve order processing that I would have at least gotten the game 1-2 days before him given that I ordered a year earlier. But like I said above, this ended up not being the case.

    As it turns out, I can live without the bragging rights of being first quite easily since we both have the game we can settle our "differences" on the field of battle.

    Mikester out.

    PS: Only other thing I can think of is that he actually ordered one a long while back and has since actually forgotten that he had already done so. That would serve the Schweinhund right in that he would probably end up w/ a second copy about a week from now. wink.gif

    [This message has been edited by Mikester (edited 06-21-2000).]

  6. Charles / Steve,

    I thought we were supposed to be able to pull up and see those really neat colored 4 lobed armor penetration diagrams for tank x vs. tank y once we had the final copy of the game (like the ones posted somewhere here on the website). I find no mention of this in the manual, can't find any such files in the CM directory, and can't seem to find anywhere in the game where one might access this stuff. So I assume it isn't there???

    Mikester out.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Coolguy101:


    Never in my life have i waited for the mail man to come like i have for the past few days.

    [This message has been edited by Coolguy101 (edited 06-20-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Greg and all,

    It's funny. I'm lucky and got the game in the mailbox yesterday. I come home today and as I'm unlocking the box and reaching in to pull the stuff out I'm thinking to myself, gee, this was a really big thing yesterday opening this box. Now, today, I couldn't care less about opening the box, or what was in there at all. For all I know somebody sent me an envelope w/ $1,000,000 in it. Havn't even looked at today's mail. Just came in, plopped it on the counter, and proceeded immediately upstairs to start the computer. Especially since I knew I had at least one new PBEM file to play.

    Hope you guys all get your copies soon.

    Mikester out.

    PS: Ordered my copy back on "day one" May 7, 1999. Didn't even ship out of Vermont according to what's on the package until last Friday which really surprised me since they started shipping out the first copies on Wednesday. Game got here yesterday (Mon.)

  8. Rob/1,

    Don't take this the wrong way, but I see absolutely nothing wrong with posting this here. Go read the fine print under the headings for new forums. The scenario one refers to stuff that is scenario specific, like about such and such battle. Yeah I could have put this over there, but decided not to since this isn't scenario specific.


    Only got the game yesterday and havn't had a chance to even start looking at the manual until tonight. Thanks much for the page reference. Exactly what I was looking for. It's interesting that the terms operation and victory flags didn't lead me to this. Look up operation in the index and it refers you to page 93. But that section ends on p.95 and switches to different topic. Look up victory flags and it takes you to p. 114. Guess I should have average the two and it would have gotten me to p. 103.5, eh?

    Later all.


  9. BTS,

    Wasn't sure where to post this so it ended up here.

    I'm sitting here in setup mode of an operation right now. Can't see any victory flags. Is this the way it's supposed to work? Also, if I'm remembering correctly the first turn I plotted in operation last night (it was late maybe I was half asleep) I couldn't see the victory flags durning turn 1 plot either?

    How am I supposed to know where the victory flags are in the operation???

    Mikester out.

    PS: Tried looking in the manual under Operation and Victory / Victory Flag. Didn't seem to see any explanation for the above

    [This message has been edited by Mikester (edited 06-20-2000).]

  10. Charles, Steve, and entire CM team,

    I'd just like to say that this is one of the most solid bug free games that I've ever purchased. It runs absolutely flawlessly on my computer and looks completely stunning. One of the best quality pieces of software I've ever had the pleasure of owning. You guys did a fantastic job with this project.

    There will always be those that will nit pick things to death including CM. But I'd have to say that this game alone has advanced computer wargaming to a new level that is heretofore unseen. It's always good to see those that are willing to push the envelope and try new things like moving the genre' into 3-D, simultaneous turn execution, etc. But you guys did more than just throw these things into the game. You actually pulled it all into one solid package that quite simply outclasses pretty much every other wargame out there today IMHO. A tremendous accomplishment.

    Thanks a million for producing this game. I hope it was enjoyable for you guys to develop it as it is going to be for all of us to play it (now all I need to do is find a way to sneak out of work today). biggrin.gif

    Best Regards,

    Mike D

    aka Mikester

    PS: And, uhhhhm, Charles, now that I've got you all buttered up. How long until the TCP/IP patch is out? Sorry, you know what a demanding bunch of pains in the a** we are though. wink.gif

  11. Bummer Rob. Hope yours does come tomorrow. Just got done running the intro movie where I could now see it for the first time in all its color and glory. God does it look beautiful. The detail that's in there even though the movie is just flying by is awesome.

    After playing wargames for 21+ years now I've finally reached wargaming Nirvana. biggrin.gif

    Mikester out.

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