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Posts posted by Mikester

  1. Tiger I for sure.

    Preferred tank of German tank aces such as Michael Wittmann, etc. (although he never lived long enough to use the Tiger II in combat as he was killed north of Falaise in Normandy before 501 Panzer Schwere Abteilung was refitted w/ Tiger II's)

    Tiger II was way too slow and suffered too many mechanial problems and breakdowns to be an effective tank in mobile warfare. It is a really cool tank though and I can see why many would pick it.

    Mikester out.

  2. Herr Jochen2,

    Guten Tag. Wie geht es Ihnen heute nachmittag? Entschuldigung, meinen Deutsh sprechen ist nicht so gut also.

    That's about the full extent of most of what I remember of my German unfortunately. wink.gif Spelling probably isn't that great either.

    Like Sniperscope said, no news is good news. They are only emailing folks where they had trouble charging their credit cards, etc. So if you havn't heard anything / received an email from them that is the best news of all.


    Mike D

    aka Mikester

    aka Herr Dittmer

  3. Number 1 and 2 are about as gamey as you can get.

    Number 3 is perhaps a little bit gamey, but then there are some good reasons posted above why it isn't. Also, the game has to have some kind of physical limitations and one of those is the map has edges. Not really much you can do about that, so everyone just has to live with it.

    Mikester out.

    [This message has been edited by Mikester (edited 06-14-2000).]

  4. I know I'm probably jumping the gun by about a day or so at least. I know you guys said the patch would be out on / around the release of the game. However, I started looking today here at the BTS site and the other related CM sites and I didn't see a patch download available yet this afternoon. Since I'm probably one of the lucky folks that will get the game soon (I'm even hoping by Friday) I would like to get the patch downloaded and be ready to rock and roll when the game shows up at the door.


    Mike D

    aka Mikester

  5. Free French were the first units to move into Paris exactly for political reasons.

    It's also interesting to note that Hitler himself issued an order for the city to be burned to the ground / destroyed by whatever means necessary. To the German commander of the Paris garrisons credit, he ignored the order.

    Mikester out.

  6. Thanks guys.

    I'll get the new drivers tonight. Richard, I don't think the "music" played when windows 98 starts is choppy, but I could be wrong. I'll have to check my interupt settings when I get home tonight and see what is set on what. I thought the SB card was on IRQ 5, and all by itself, but I could be wrong.


  7. I'd be interested in this as well.

    I don't have any problems w/ the sound when I play the game.

    But before I start the game, the intro music is all choppy and sounds like a record skipping and repeating.

    I have a Sound Blaster Live Value sound card in the Dell system I just got last Nov. Havn't updated any of the drivers for it yet. So I should probably do that first. Also, I'm still running DX6 since it's been working w/ the game graphically and didn't want to mess w/ DX7 since sometimes updating that kind of stuff causes more problems than helping matters. But, does DirectX also control the sound? If so, maybe I should update?



  8. Doug is right. As I recall Steve stated that it would probably take them at least 2 days to process all the credit cards.

    Mine was only authorized for $53 charge late last night and I pre-ordered on the first day you could back in May 1999.

    And they are processing the orders in the order that they were received, so if you've only ordered recently your card may not be charged until later today or even tomorrow.

    Mikester out.

  9. Eppe,

    I already asked them a long, long, long, time ago to put in the capability to be able to switch the mode of play between email, to TCP/IP, and then back to email during a given game. This would give us players an enormous amount of flexibility in playing out our games in any combination of playing the various turns in PBEM, Hotseat, TCP/IP, etc. modes. Steve said they'd consider it, but I've never heard a difinitive answer on whether we will be able to do this or not.

    Mikester out.

    [This message has been edited by Mikester (edited 06-14-2000).]

  10. Have a beer??? biggrin.gif That's my best advice.

    I think we all got the same generic email. So I wouldn't worry about that. Steve also said that whatever problems they've had with charging peoples credit cards that they would be sending emails to them to get that stuff straightened out sometime later today. He also said to not email him about such matters and I'd imagine that's why you havn't gotten any reply since they are likely extremely busy getting the game shipped out right now.

    Best advice is to be patient.

    Mikester out.

  11. Guess I must have missed that post on the estimated date. Thanks for the info guys.

    Mr. Demon.

    TCP/IP is the protocol your machine runs to do things over the internet. Once BTS get's this into the game and the rest of the code to support gameplay we will be able to hook up w/ our buddies anywhere in the world and basically play a hotseat type of game, but with two computers that are not anywhere near each other. In other words, no slow email to deal with, etc. Both players will plot their moves and then the movie will be generated and played for both players. They are also integrating optional timer(s) that can be used to limit the amount of time the players have to plot, watch movie, etc. LAN protocol (Local Area Network) is similar to TCP/IP, but it's strictly for playing the game over an existing LAN setup. Which is what most folks have, for example, at their place of work where there computer is hooked up to "the network" via the LAN connection.

    Mikester out.

    [This message has been edited by Mikester (edited 06-14-2000).]

  12. I was over at my brothers house over the weekend and we got CM running on his machine. He has an older Diamond 330 video card and a VooDoo 2 3-D video card. Had to download latest version of Direct X and most updated video drivers for the Voodoo to even get the game to run. When we got it running he had the blocky smoke too. Didn't try to go to the low detail smoke setting (this is assuming the default is the high detail smoke setting). My guess is that would have cleared it up. But we were too busy playing the game to really care.

    Mikester out.

  13. Charles, Steve, and the rest of the BTS Gang,

    I appoligize in advance for bothering you guys right now. I know you are very busy getting the game shipped out to all of us and please do not let this, or anything else, deter you from that task.

    However, there is one very important component of the game that isn't going to be included with the orginal release: namely TCP/IP and LAN support.

    I know you plan to patch this for us free of charge and I can't tell you how great this is and how much we all appreciate it. But my question is when? Can you please give us at least an estimated date, rough timeframe, or some kind of indication when this feature will become available, so that we can have some idea of when this much desireable feature will be added to the game?

    Thanks a million in advance.


    Mike D

    aka Mikester

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