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Everything posted by Blackhorse

  1. In that case, good job Peter. I like your art work.
  2. It's got a certain Grandma Moses feel to it. I like it. Who is the artist? For that matter, who painted the original CMBO splash screen?
  3. My human wave attack ended up looking more like a human ripple attack/defend/counterattack/I know my duty/Where is my air support/to the battle/He said yes Triebig/ He said Yes/ Louder!/Louder! Some pointers from the experts would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Who the heck is complaining??? Certainly not me. CMBB is tactical gaming Nirvana. There is nothing there to complain about. I'm merely requesting some additional bonage... a Bonage' Trois if you will. Perhaps your smile o' meter is out of whack, as there was a smiley tacked on to the end of the post, and I did say "Pretty Please", and I mentioned right up front about "asking" for another scenario. [ September 01, 2002, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: Blackhorse ]
  5. You knew it was bound to happen. Yep, that's right, on behalf of all future CMBB owners, I'm asking for another scenario. Two scenarios, while a tremendously humongous bone, will simply not cut it while all of us wait until the release of CMBB. (We can't count the Tutorial) Afterall, we have opponets to practice against. We have wives and friends to impress. We have tactics to learn. We have features to study. We have much to do prior to the retail release of CMBB. BTS/BFC gave us a third scenario for the CMBO demo, how about a third and fourth for CMBB. You know, the old "Do it one better with CMBB" thing. Pretty please ALLONS
  6. Andreas is right nature must be in Haiku please remember that
  7. Nikolashka, the tradional drink of cavalry and cossacks. Vodka, in a short glass covered by a lemon slice topped with coffee grounds. Eat the lemon/coffee mixture. Chase with the vodka. Put on your spurs and ride. It's a bloody good way to get in the spirit of things lads.
  8. You are indeed correct! It was that same position that caused Madmatt's infamous "groin pull" injury.
  9. I knew it was just a matter of time before we found the "Greyhound Incident" Photograph.
  10. Hmm, Correct me if I'm wrong...Weren't you the one who said Bigger Wuss [ August 12, 2002, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: Blackhorse ]
  11. And our thanks to you Rune for being the impetus behind the entire adventure. Without you, it would never have happened. THANKS! Blackhorse
  12. Those pictures turned out great! Did we not get a picture of the "Greyhound Incident"? I suppose eyewitness testimony will have to suffice afterall. [ August 11, 2002, 03:45 AM: Message edited by: Blackhorse ]
  13. I know I said it a few times, but imagine fighting your way across Europe for almost a year in one of those things. Those boys had balls of steel.
  14. I believe there is photographic evidence to go along with that "story". At least I hope so!
  15. Dang. I hope you can at least recover some of them. [ August 09, 2002, 06:28 PM: Message edited by: Blackhorse ]
  16. Lt. LeBlanc, Welcome to the world of Combat Mission. All other games will pale in comparison hereafter. Great job on the tour, by the way. Your keen insights and commentary as well as interaction with all the CMers were a great part of the experience. You will also soon discover that the board here is almost a game onto itself. Allons, Blackhorse
  17. Guys, It was a wonderful and memorable day indeed. Nothing beats being able to get together with fellow CM fanatics and to finally meet the guys behind the forum names. It was a joy to get to know all of you. You are truly a great group of guys, and it was an honor to be able to make all of y'alls acquaintance. I look forward to the many PBEM games ahead. CMBB, to put it mildly, ROCKS. It is an exponential leap ahead of CMBO. The changes and additions are many. The changes and additions are great. The entire Battlefront team is to be commended for raising the stakes to such a high level. If you guys thought CMBO lasted a long time on your harddrives, wait till you get a load of CMBB. Again, it was a great day. I look forward to the pictures! Allons, Blackhorse
  18. There's a slight hic-cup/change in the plans guys. You'll be escorted by me, aka "The Walking Wounded". I severely sprained my ankle playing flag football this morning. Flutie can have it! I'm done with playing the game (yeah right). Age has finally caught up with me. I'll still be there, and nothing else changes, it's just that I will not be as mobile as a true cavalryman should be. See you guys there
  19. There's a slight hic-cup/change in the plans guys. You'll be escorted by me, aka "The Walking Wounded". I severely sparined my ankle playing Flag Football this morning. Flutie can have it! I'm done with it. Age has finally caught up with me. I'll still be there, and nothing else changes, it's just that I will not be as mobile as a tru cavalryman should be.
  20. Greetings Harv! I didn't realize you were in town already. Yeah, it is dang hot here right now...Almost Kuwait hot. Send me an email with where you're staying and all, and I will try to get in touch with you tomorrow. Chris
  21. Where do you work at Knox? Did you know that you can volunteer at the Museum, and that doing so allows you to ride in and work on their operational stuff (Hetzer, JGDPZR IV, Sherman, etc)? They're looking for volunteers. If your schedule allows it you should consider it.
  22. Worst case, you can come join us in the Lincoln Room at the Leaders Club from, oh 1600 hrs onward.
  23. Is that after the French King Loo-a, along the lines of Loo-a-siana, and the city of St. Loo-a?
  24. We'll meet at 0900 hrs by the entrance to the Patton Museum. Maybe if we all carry CMBO placards or have those silly sticky name tags with our Forum handles scribbled on them we'll have an easier time recognizing each other. Either way, once we have the whole crew present, we'll go through the museum, and then head out to the oil and track changing round-robin, followed by the v-pack blowing and then the end-connector pulling. Once we're sufficiently exhausted and dehydrated, we'll then try to fire up a laptop or two and try to see what all this fuss over CMBB is about.
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