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Posts posted by PawBroon

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rupert_2:

    All we need now are Landing Crafts...<hr></blockquote>

    Just like this one maybe?


    Doing fast MODs on request to BUMP fellow MODers Sneak Previews is what I call service...


    Clubfoot, that one is very nice indeed.

    I can't see Hanks & Sizemore though.

    Please fix or do somefink!!

    [ 01-08-2002: Message edited by: PawBroon ]</p>

  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

    Well, you don't uninstall a mod, right? You simply copy over the last one...<hr></blockquote>

    You do.

    My Wasp/UC wasn't CMMOS Compatible.

    So I had extension like _mm, _mmb, _b etc.

    Feldgrau's is.

    If you installed mine and play with it, then put Feldgrau's _po, _ca, _uk etc over mine, CMMOS would only apply his texture.

    Now if you had probs with CMMOS it might explain the mismatch.

    So even though there is NO uninstall procedure, what I mean is that you need to be SURE you deleted all of the previous files before...

  3. The Wasp with the Air Recognition Panel is Feldgrau's.

    You might have either installed both to test them and hadn't uninstalled one properly or you are using Feldgrau's all along and that's why mine isn't showing...

    As a side note, I do use Feldgrau's Wasp.

    I've reMODed it to my taste but nobody in is right mind would want to use one of my MOD over Feldgrau's.


  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

    Where did the eyes go PawBroon? They looked cool.<hr></blockquote>

    They're on the other side.

    If Eyes are needed, gunward is most certainly where they should go.


    As a side note, this side of the MOD is a Work In Progress.

    The rest is weathering and dirtying.

    But this part is clearly not done.

    Andrew, you said when you released your Jeep MOD that you've fond a way to put mud quite easily.

    Seeing your gorgeous Daimler (have I told you I am glad I stopped mine?! :D ) it is evident that you are very much into your new method.

    Would you care to drop me a mail to give me some pointers if it's not too long to explain?

    Thanks for your MODing effort and for the work you put in it for the community...

    [ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: PawBroon ]</p>

  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Rex_Bellator:

    I thought this cutie was never going to get modded after Pawbroon's valiant work/nightmare with the textures.<hr></blockquote>

    We did a Yalta.

    I stopped my own Daimler when Andrew started his and sent to him all I had in the way of pictures.

    Insteas I did the Archer.


    Now mind you, not only will you have a Daimler MOD but a useless Archer TD as a sidekick.

    Ain't life grand?

  6. Ye shallst not let Andrew's MOD UnBUMPed.

    That Daimler is perfect BTW.

    Am I glad I stopped mine to finish the Archer.

    Now for all of you Big Cats lovers, I'll be releasing the Pershing and the King Tiger soon after that Archer SPG.

    No pics since I'm a formerly registered user of a very dead Photopoint...

    Andrew's Daimler over Tom's WinterPack, I'm in Heaven.

  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    [QBPawbroon ... cute, but I'm afraid that one is a bit beyond the pale. May we ask that you delete it on account of how MadMatt won't like the language or the religious references? Sorry pal.[/QB]<hr></blockquote>

    Not mine.

    Tis from South Park and was sung by Mr Garrison.

    It being from that cute little anime thingie, don't expect much in the way of lyrics.

    The song is very catchy BTW.

    It's all about bigotery Joe.

    I'm surprised that even South Park is beyond your ball park...

  8. Merry ****ing Christmas!!

    I heard there is no Christmas,

    In the silly Middle East.

    No Trees, no Snow, no Santa Claus,

    They have Different Religious beliefs.

    They Believe in Muhammad,

    And not in our Holiday.

    And so every December,

    I go to the Middle East and say.

    Hey there Mr Muslim, Merry ****ing Christmas

    Put down that book 'The Koran'

    and hear some holiday wishes

    Incase you haven't noticed,

    it's Jesus's Birthday

    So get off you heathen Muslim Ass

    And ****ing celebrate.

    There is no holiday season in india,

    i've heard.

    They don't hang up their stockings,

    and that is just absurd..

    They've never read a Christmas Story,

    They Don't know what Rudolph is about.

    And that's why in December,

    I'll go to india and shout.

    Hey there Mr Hinduist, Merry ****ing Christmas

    Dring some 'nog, and eat some Beef

    and pass it to the Missus

    Incase you haven't noticed,

    It's Jesus's Birthday

    So get off your heathen hindu ass,

    And ****ing celebrate.

    Now I heard that in Japan,

    Everyone just lives in sin.

    They pray to several gods,

    And put needles in their skin.

    On December twenty-fifth,

    all they do is eat a cake.

    and that is why i'll go to Japan,

    and walk around and say.

    Hey there Mr Shintoist, Merry ****ing Christmas

    God is gonna kick your ass You infidelic pagan scum.

    Incase you haven't noticed,

    There's festive things to do

    So lets all rejoice for Jesus

    and Merry ****ing Christmas to you.

    On Christmas Day, I travel round the world and say.

    Taoists, Korishnas, Buddists

    and all you atheists too.

    Merry ****ing Christmas to you.

  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas:

    Deserves a bump, freely given since I don't have a life.<hr></blockquote>

    Thanks for that Andreas.

    Don't you hate it when you have to Bump your own Threads to advertise the work your doing for others?


    Mind you, that was very mundane of you and you earned a candy.

    Here is your 43rd Wessex 59th AT RA 1st Battery.

    Top BMP not done yet...


  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gordon:

    If the battery and vehicle identification symbols are what you are looking for, I can provide you with that.<hr></blockquote>

    Now that I understand what I first wanted, I'd have to say a hearty YES PLEASE DO PROVIDE.

    Not that I care (I'm me as you so aptly put it) but there will be young people who would want something like accuracy for Xmas.

    [ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]</p>

  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by MikeyD:

    A VERY big Valentine-based thumbs up!<hr></blockquote>

    Thanks Mike.

    Coming from someone who somehow escaped marrying me since releasing his Hetzer MOD is very important for me.

    I've tried to raise you by mail but since the demise of Excite as an ISP, all tentatives bounced back at me.

    Here is my own mail, marcel.vie@wanadoo.fr since I have something to clear through you concerning this Archer.

  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas:

    I think you are right.

    Sorry about the misunderstanding - did think you meant towed and SP, and not Wolverines and Achilles when you talked about mixing. I have no idea is the answer in that case. I would assume a more chaotic mixing.<hr></blockquote>

    Each AT RA had batteries like this if I'm correct:

    4 Towed 6Pdr

    4 Towed 17Pdr

    4 Archers

    What I meant with REG wasn't REGULAR (Sorry) but REGimental as opposed to DIVisional.

    Sometimes I can't help but being me.

  13. Now then Andreas!!

    You forced me to do my homework.

    Here is what I fond so far:

    20th AT RA, 3rd ID

    55th AT RA, 49th ID

    59th AT RA, 43rd ID

    97th AT RA (before December 44), 102nd AT RA (December on), 15th ID

    I did most of those already when I released the UC/Wasp so there's no hassle.

    But just because you're asking, I might only do the 15th because they are Scottish.

    Seriously, Div badges are easy to find, but where can I get the Reg ones?

  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    What does the hieroglyph on the fender mean?<hr></blockquote>

    Well I hate it when I have to go all Grog-ish and all.

    So for starters let's say that putting drawings on my MODs is like a gimmick.

    The Wasp on the UC/Wasp was an easy play on words.

    The stocking legs a la Betty Grable on the Humber was to make me stick to View One and this Eye of Horus is HISTORICAL.

    Gaaaakhh! I've said it.

    A legend of the Royal Tank Regiment says that in WWI, some tankers were asked by an old Chinese guy about how their machines could see if they hadn't eyes.

    So they took on painting some...

    The practice carried over WW2 and there is some pictorial evidence of Matildas with such blue eyes on the turret.

    Now the Horus variation is my idea to the best of my knowledge.

    Since the Eye of Horus is rumored to be a lucky charm, being stuck in an Archer is prone to get you over enthusiastic about painting a pair of those...

    Of course one should be reminded to paint them backward if they were to be displayed properly.

    But I don't need a Post It, I've got a Molek.


  15. It's just a Work In Progress but I already have that nagging feeling that I've screwed it.

    I mean, the gun is still pointing rearward, there is no proper turret to speak of and I still don't want to be given any of those in my QBs.


    Anyway, the top view and gun mantle still need to be done, and considering most of you will ask for some kind of weathering, it's not available yet.

    To any impatient Boardees in here willing to Alpha Test it, I must say a little bit of legalese.

    There had been talk about MOD Usage and Etiquette.

    I have solved this once and for all!

    The Ultra Gamey Buy Me! Buy Me! Archer TD will be released in DentalWare.

    For those of you who are not versed in the subtle Art of the Pool, DentalWare is a Distribution Mode where every request will be answered by a Bite Me!.

    As a side note, if there is any Dorosh in here who'd wish me to put some divisional or regimental thingies on that MOD, now would be the time...

  16. Sorry for interrupting your program but I am about to release something which would be MOD-like in general.

    I need Mike's eMail as his regular Excite one is as bankrupted as said ISP.

    Mike, considering I've been proposing you since you first released your Hetzer, I think you should really give me your addy.

    If not, I'm putting the St Emilion in the fridge!

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