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Posts posted by TankDawg

  1. Good points by all.

    If scouting is to have occurred before the battle, I request briefings like Todd recommends. If not, fine, but give us actual scouts then (not split squads).

    By coincidence, I am doing a PBEM with Todd and have been unable to reach him for a while, so I am not sure that he is aware of this thread. (he could just be hiding from me)



    Jeff Newell


  2. Hi Bill,

    Good question. I feel pretty strong about this. FYI, 98% of my games are PBEM.

    I don't like playing them unless there are at least 40 turns. That way I can historically deploy my troops. I can not use 'battle proven tactics' if I have to race across the map.

    With a big map, you need that many turns to prevent it from becoming a race to the Victory Locations.

    My PBEM opponents and I love your scenarios and have never had any problems with the scenario length. Keep them coming!


    Jeff Newell


  3. Mantaray,

    Sounds like you have major organization issues! How do you lose files? I have 5 ongoing games right now. Have played dozens. Never lost a file.

    And if you have to wait that long for turns, you need different opponents. Just make sure you know how many turns a day you can expect from your opponent BEFORE you start.

    As for "people knowing exactly where your troops are." I have no idea what this has to do with PBEM. Sounds like a Fog of War issue.

    If you are having this much trouble with PBEM, I think TCP/IP might prove to be a little more challenging.


    Jeff Newell


  4. Hi,

    I have been one of the few that does not get the demand for TCP/IP. I PBEM every night and it works great - sometimes 6 turns a night with one opponent. And thus, my question....

    Most nights I enjoy concurrently playing about 3 PBEMS. That is, I get a turn from Player A, watch it, send it back. About that time I get a turn from Player B. Watch it, make orders, send it back. And on and on (one day I had 4 going like this!).

    Anyway, if I am on TCP/IP, I will only be able to play vs. one opponent per night. I know my other opponents probably will not care for that.

    Am I wrong? Will there be a way to have several games going on? If not, as I have stated before, I will probably just stick to email (besides, being online while my opponent spends 15 minutes replaying a turn movie is not my idea of fun)

    Thanks for your input in advance.


    Jeff Newell


  5. Hi JOhn,

    I think what CavScout is trying to say is this: (here comes a sports analogy)

    If in football, you beat a team that was playing without its 2 star players due to injury, and then later in the season you lose a game because YOUR 2 star players were injured, you can not whine or complain about "we only lost because of our injuries."

    The Germans won many battles in 39-41 for the same reason they lost many a battle in 44-45.


    Jeff Newell


  6. On the west coast here, so excuse the delay.

    I can NOT beleive how many people still buy into that 'sheer weight of force' argument.


    "The Allies won due thier superior force and numbers." Wrong! Remember, most all the history written on WW2 up until recently was by German officers who time and time again tried to explain HUGE tactical mistakes and poor leadership by saying "We would have one if it were not for the 5:1 odds against us."

    Allied Jr. Officers and NCO's were just as competent (if not more) than their German counterparts time and time again.

    If you like playing the Germans because of their cool toys, fine. But don't give me this 'better leadership' and underdog stuff.

    You want underdogs? Play the US in Mortain, Bastogne or Eindhoven. Play the British at Pegasus Bridge or Arnhem.

    Just please, please stop saying the Germans lost due to sheer numbers.

    Rant mode off.

  7. Hi Ron,

    I was trying to keep it general here. But to counter your specific case - my 4 Shermans ran into a Jagd out front, followed by 4 Panzer IVs. The Shermans were close enough that he had to pivot, and I quickly killed it. Then the Panzer IVs met a similiar fate (I lost 1 Sherman).

    Had the IV's faced me first, the Jagd would have picked us off, one by one.

    The Jagd in this case is kind of like a Firefly. Put your 4 Shermans out front, and have the Firefly cover move.

    Hopefully the spirit of my original post will not get lost in these specific happenstances.


    Jeff Newell


  8. Realize this should probably be on the tactics board, but no one ever seems to go there.

    I wrote this to a friend last night and thought some on this board might appreciate it:

    Like ASL, I sometimes learn more losing than winning. One of my other PBEM opponents (MAJ in Army) has taught me much. Your tactics have been sound, but I thought I might pass along some Armor tactics that have proved effective for me.

    I am by no means an expert, but my handy FM 17-15 (The Tank Platoon), leading an M1A1 Platoon, numerous Armor Books and years of ASL have taught me a few things. Understand that I almost always play the Allies. However the US Army tactics I use have their genesis in German Armor doctrine.

    1. Have a plan for what your armor is doing, and where it is going. In this game it is very tempting to have your Armor react, turn by turn, to the ‘threat of the moment.’ But when this occurs, you relinquish the initiative to your opponent. Mentally assign them a mission and try to stick with it. Of course you have to be flexible, but keep them focused on the mission regardless of the ebs and flows of the battle.

    2. Overwatch is a must. That is, when moving 1 (or more) tanks, you must have other tank(s) covering their move. In our current game, I recommend sending the Mark IV’s out in front, with those nasty Jagdpanzer IV’s back one terrain feature covering their move. The Mark IV’s turrets are quick, allowing them a good chance in a sudden gun duel, while the Jagd can penetrate any allied armor from a distance.

    3. Don’t send tanks in alone. Have infantry on their flanks, or if speed is crucial, have them ON the tank, ready to jump off and provide cover.

    4. Understand what they can and can not penetrate. CM makes this simple. Check unit info screens. If your gun can penetrate 100mm of armor, and your opponents tank has 120mm of Armor, back off and fight another day. Hit em flanks. Or cross your fingers and hope for a lucky shot. (Heck a 20mm AA gun took out one of my Shermans once)

    5. Check the ground conditions. If damp or wet, realize that you might bog, or worse, become immobile. This has killed me in a couple of games.

    6. Stay ‘Open topped.” Much better for sighting and target acquisition. However, the minute an enemy sharpshooter or sniper appears, button EVERY vehicle up.

    7. try to keep your tanks grouped. A minimum of 2, and in bigger games, the traditional 4 or 5 tank platoon working together is awesome.

    Well, there you go. Would love others to chirp in with their thoughts and advice.


    Jeff Newell


  9. Not to mention the one of the only major flaws of CM is how it handles night battles. So even if somehow they included the mythical IR sights, it would have to take a back seat to all the other mechanics of night battles that this engine as not been able to do yet.

    Maybe CM2 will tackle this. I recommend studying how ASL handles the loss of CnC, Straying and LOS at night.


    Jeff Newell


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