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Posts posted by TankDawg

  1. If nothing else, full playback would be one hell of a marketing tool!

    Would definately attract more players. I have often wished I could send a movie to a friend or two to entice them to play. They would in a heartbeat if they saw how amazing the game is when it gets hot.

    Could release them to all the Gaming web sites for publicity. Not too mention, boy, could you put out lots of tutorials.

    would be great.

  2. Wow!! Unbelievable! Looks great!!

    Watch out for Curt and his MMP BadBoys, though. I am sure they will some how figure out a way that this hurts their business or infringes on mighty Hasbro's copyrights.

    (Instead of finally realizing how this game has actually exposed many gamers to ASL that had never heard of it before)

    [ May 13, 2002, 05:42 PM: Message edited by: TankDawg ]

  3. Thanks you guys for the help.

    Originally posted by Warmaker:

    The Tiger I in the Warfare HQ link listed above is a very nice, hi-res, tri-colored Tiger.

    It'll go nicely alongside the ambush schemed SPW's with their 12th SS Pz.Div. markings.

    Is it funny or really weird that we talk about mods as if we were choosing which wine to go with dinner?



  4. Thanks you guys for the help.

    Originally posted by Warmaker:

    The Tiger I in the Warfare HQ link listed above is a very nice, hi-res, tri-colored Tiger.

    It'll go nicely alongside the ambush schemed SPW's with their 12th SS Pz.Div. markings.

    Is it funny or really weird that we talk about mods as if we were choosing which wine to go with dinner?



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