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Status Updates posted by weta_nz

  1. Great idea for the blind quick battles - could you send me a link?


  2. Hi Mark,

    Hope you don't mind me messaging you out of the blue.  I thought I'd be a bit cheeky and ask if you had a version of Last Defence v4 that did not require the vehicle pack? I'm really keen to try a v4.0 scenario and for us long time members 'Last Defense' has a pretty special place in the long list of great scenarios!!  (I have all of the cmx2 ww2 content - but I just can't justify buying the vehicle pack). No worries if you are unable but just thought I'd ask :).



    P.S thanks for all the great scenarios you have provided over the years!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. weta_nz


      Great - that would be awesome. Don't worry too much if you can't replace the vehicles with something similar as part of the reason I'm keen to have the scenario is just to see how some of the new AI commands can be used.  I have played around a bit in the editor with the 'Retreat' and 'Area fire' with some success but it would be great to check out how a experienced scenario designer has used some of the new features (ideally after playing the scenario a few times of course)

      My email is: thrustersb@gmail.com

      Thanks again!

    3. MarkEzra


      Sent you the altered game file.  Enjoy!

    4. weta_nz


      Thankyou - I will play it tonight when I get home from work and let you know it went :)

  3. Hi, I'm at work at the moment but I am keen to play a small probe. I can setup a shared folder in dropbox and setup a small/tiny map probe with me on attack. Let me know your dropbox name etc.  Also any special settings/requirements you have for the battle. I would prefer infantry only with maybe some halftracks, armored cars.

    1. Ultradave


      Whatever you like is fine. 

      You'll need my email to share the folder - 


      When you set it up can you make sure both sides are set for map preview allowed. Might help us both plan our forces. Other than that, anything you like. Infantry, halftracks and armored cars sounds fine.

    2. weta_nz


      Hi Dave,

      Great I will setup something when I get home from work (~8hrs). I've just started another PBEM battle as the british so I might choose to be the germans in this one, I'll set you up as the americans unless you have a different preference.  Like I said before I'm keen to try a small infantry only battle.  I'll make it a probe into a village with me as the attacker. I will make sure map preview is on. 


    3. Ultradave


      That's fine for me.

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