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Posts posted by Sublime

  1. exactly. Thats a mistake I often see inexperienced players make. theyll fight and defend a treeline or the edge of a city, letting the enemy ID them and then destroy them in detail especially from afar.

    you put your troops behind something, in the next row, in the next few blocks, or behind a hill, and they'll kill the enemy, and the enemy troops will be somewhat cut off from their support, and also from all the eyes that accompany the support. Often theyre killed so fast your opponent wont know what the hell happened.

    also playing schultz in his own excellent in the valley of the shadow, he had a 150mm IG that decimated me the whole battle, and I never spotted or ID.d it. Mind you this is after numerous shots by it, and me having anyone I could with binocs looking for it. At best I was able to isolate its position to a rough area. Never did get the bastard. OTOH he also had an 88mm AT gun, which I DID spot quickly, and soon had mortar fire killing it. a lot of things make a difference. If you have a great high caliber AT gun, fire from afar all the way in if you want. After 1500 m, especially with the German ones, you'll make kills and it'll be hard to spot for awhile. Closer in, it'll get spotted but make the kills. It seems counterintuitive but I actually tend to ambush at closer ranges with higher caliber at guns, so as they kill and get let loose when they can do a lot of damage on numerous opponents. This is all situationally dependant of course, sometimes I have small caliber at guns ambush too of course. But my point is that the German 50mm and US 57mm can wreak havoc from a long range because theyre so small. They take forever to get spotted. Yes they have trouble penetrating heavier armor, but it still isnt fun getting pinged, and the HTs buy it. Ive also noticed that while a first round kill isnt as likely, after you ping something several times I usually get some sort of result thats negative to the enemy.

  2. couple of points- the wheat fields are perfect for tank hunting teams. I think people forget that its a wheat field or field with high vegetation. if u have them crawl or hide tanks or even men have to be almost on top of them to see them.

    most people have success with schrecks, but I often see posts where people say they never get kills with fausts. Its a lot harder but its an art and lately as my skill increases so do my kills with fausts.

    I believe womble came up with the idea originally, but I used to end move orders at the location I wanted the team to fire. it was a bad idea, now I order them to quick or move fast past the location I want them to fire (unless they ambushing, laying in wait) because the team will run and the faust guy will stop and fire anyways. huge difference using that.

    32m cover arcs are important, hold shift for 360 cover arcs (essential for tank hunting)

    I also suspect as the series progress as the 60m and 100m fausts come out people will start making a lot more kills.

    But how about the zooks? in a qb against schultzie, US vs US I had some very interesting results. First of all I took a couple of platoons of M10s (with a couple airborne companies) against schultzies platoons of Sherman easy 8s.

    First thing I noticed - tank destroyers, arent. besides being open topped their armor is paper thin, and the gun surprisingly did not penetrate the shermans armor most of the time. Veeerrry bad news. I lost about 7-10 M10s for 1 dead sherman, 1 immobilized. I was shocked.

    Even more shocking was a heroic couple of parachute teams with zook men took on a sherman head on, close range. Front turret penetration. tanks reply? all 3 mgs gun down the team. another team charges in, front upper hull penetration. they got gunned down too, tho apparently it wounded the driver.

    The zook has piss poor behind armor effects apparently =(

    (no im not saying its broken, its just all luck, just observations)

  3. Steiner - once again another assnine post from the neo nazi.

    ATGs are not broken at all. yes, the camoflauge could be improved a little or something.

    however I use them effectively all the time, and against skilled opponents. I've noticed all too often that people think just because they have encyclopedic knowledge of history that'll make them good at playing CMBN. Nope. It helps though. Or people who rocked at CMx1, or some other game expect the same. Nope. In fact many of the people who think things are broken because of highly subjective personal experiences would do better to play more and improve their skill, than spend all their time flaming a game they hardly even play.

  4. speaking of herat Im still pbeming this and very enjoyable imo.

    Im playing the muj and by using my troops wisely Ive managed to snipe right along (by deploying the sniper teams back deep in the city) the whole 20-30 min the battles progressed. Id only say maybe 10 soviet casualties, but its also the morale effect - and the wtf where r they effect as well - none of the teams have been spotted to be fired back upon.

    I have to say I wish CMBN would let fausts at least be fired from indoors as a compromise - you can with the rpgs in this and it helps them alot - though the team I ambushed a t62 with got a hit (and this is where its flipped - I wish CMA and SF had the hit txt so I coulda seen if it penetrated or what) on the front upper gun mount or turret (as far as I could see)

    it scared the tank and it backed up - but that was it. rpg team got killed by the tanks return fire. otherwise my opponent has put off storming the city by hooking around the hills and open area to the right and now he's moving in. All in all this really only delayed the inevitable bloodbath fight thats going to happen, and he's had a couple of airstrikes and arty barrages but they've only gotten civilians and buildings ;)

    I know shocking right? Soviet troops shelling and bombing indiscriminately in a city!

  5. Kettler - if you select any units, you can + and - to cycle through them - just like CMx1.

    for god's sake try the other scenarios! You're missing a lot of fun! One scenario does NOT do the game justice.

    Dont play at basic, play it on veteran or warrior. trust me. It'l be the same, artillery will just take longer to realistically appear and spotting will be more realistic. As stated above though, this will help you greatly since the enemy wont have super fast reactive artillery screaming in.

  6. the idea of a third world war in europe is so incredible I dont think its completely possible for the human mind to completely envision and comprehend. Nuclear weapons have never been used anywhere near as extensively in warfare, nor biological and chemical weapons as well. It would have been a godawful mess and disaster. I often read about how spetznaz groups would use suitcase nukes on US targets in West Germany, attack bases and everything else. My 3 year old self, and my mom would have been vaporized, along with millions of others in Germany, my dad, dead somewhere else nearby. And thats speaking for US around the Wiesbaden area in the mid to late 80s.

    thank god cooler heads prevailed.

    'only 10-15 million Americans'

    Lemay had become an idiot, if he thought America could withstand such losses. The most war dead we ever had was from the Civil War, and news did not travel as quickly or reach everyone as it has in the last 40-50 years. And that was about 1/15th of LeMays extremely optimistic assessment.

  7. Kettler - thanks. Pelelieu has always fascinated me for some reason. I really am getting interested in the PTO - I always have been but it never held the same fascination the Ost Front did.

    The fighting in N. Africa, Italy, and Western Europe was hell though. Just of a different type than in the Pacific. Im sure in some ways it may have been tougher in the PTO, and others in the ETO. For every story of chivalry or not having a rough time in Western Europe, you hear plenty more about the horror in the East.

    The PTO fighting also ended in 45. Besides Japanese soldiers coming out of hiding in ones and twos, sometimes 30 years after the war ended (!)

    However, Germans were in Soviet captivity until 1955, which is awful when you think about it - the rest of the world had completely moved on.

    Also I remember the loose figure of 1.5 million Germans died in Soviet captivity

    All that being said, the real people who got a break, if you can call it that, was the US civilian population. If nothing else because we didnt have a land war fought here - watching the excellent series the World at War, and the figures it gave for war dead, it mentioned 500.000 German civilians were thought to have been killed in the last few months of the war, in the land fighting. Truly an awful event, to all concerned.

  8. I know its based in the Pacific, and is probably old news. I had never actually read this fine book by Eugene Sledge, but if anyone hasnt I highly recommend it. Gives an excellent view of front line combat in WW2, specifically in the Pacific on Pelelieu and Okinawa. The author was in a Marine 60mm mortar crew, and has a fantastic (and honest) memory with lots of little details that really enrich the book. Those guys sure had a tough duty.

  9. My father was an USAF officer in the late 70s through to 2005. He started his career as a WSO in the backseat of F-4 Phantoms based in Spain. He often told me when he talked about it that they pretty much figured their first mission would be their last, that even if they made it in to drop the tactical nukes they had on russian marshalling areas the threat of being shot down by friendlies on the way back was huge. I also remember him telling me around 2000 that a little known secret at the time was that the US only had an air to air missile supplie for 3 days of combat in Europe! The whole situation would have been awful, NATO and the US planned as a matter of course to use tactical nuclear weapons right away. escalation would have been a matter of course as well.

    Ill check out the book, unfortunately my plate is full, I started reading With the Old Breed by Eugene Sledge (fantastic!) and after that Ive got an interesting book on the Dirlewanger Brigade by Christian Ingrao. Not sure if its any good, but Ill give it a loook.

  10. strange - im playing a pbem of herat against someone. Im the Muj. Pretty good so far - he's been trying to avoid the inevitable street fight thats going to happen when he actually pushes into the city proper. So far hes shelled and shot some of the outer buildings and hooked around to the rear of the city.. You can really see the effects of the engine modelling the insurgents blending in with civilians, and the effects of placing a sniper team a few buildings back. Ive had about 4-5 green/regular teams firing for the whole game so far ~10-15 min and they havent been spotted at all. theyve only killed about 6 godless commies but they're sure making em nervous ;)

    in an idiot move I repositioned some men and one of my combat unit HQs move order marched them through one of my own minefields. 2 dead, one wounded. =(

  11. sly,

    NEDforce was a great battle. Ive played through most of it against Gogol (you owe me a turn btw Gogol)

    I had the Brits. one of the sniper teams leader had the name Clark (my name namesake)

    he got a few SS then got killed. -sigh-

    real tough battle for the brits, especially against a good human player. I was pounding the crap outta him with my 25lbers the whole way and I did a lot of damage against his men. but alas the tank battle didnt go so well for me, and though I knocked out most of his panthers, the last 2 or 3 seem to be plenty to finish me off. I only have one AT gun left, and its outta AP shot =(

    only issue with the battle is when my CAS came in - or didnt actually. I heard the reinforcements arrive radio squelch - got excited - and then noticed it said CAS on station eta 20 minutes. lol! so more like 30 because it takes another ten for planes to come in. Mind you at this point Gogol had already advanced pretty far and things were looking dire...

  12. Unfortunately though CM:A is well done and I like it- it was made by a russian company (snowball) that BFC licensed the engine too. This means expansions are unlikely, as is any further support or patches. Honestly we're lucky we got the patches we did, and Im glad I live in America and got the US version, I guess the Russian version wont work with the patches!

  13. Kettler,

    Yeah there are still some weird LoS issues. However I noticed day and night differences as the game gets patched. Couple of things -

    the demo is not a good representation of the whole game. I cant stress this enough - Ive played a couple of scenarios that just didnt do it for me and I didnt even feel like playing the rest of the day after that. However against humans, and some of the well made scenarios...

    The engine itself is spectacular. Once you cross to playing against a human its all you'll want to do as Im sure you remember from CMx1. And thats where the game shines, its so much more realistic, and theres so much going on in the battlefield its amazing.

    Also as far as your battle - 60mm will never KO a panther. At best you MAY get track damage, maybe engine if you're super lucky. In fact I may have only seen arty kill a tank once or twicce in BN. in SF however I used to pull it off frequently - but thats just technology at work.

    A helpful hint - bypass indirect fire for any on board mortars you have - I almost never use them that way, theyre very much more responsive and lethal to targets in your line of sight. especially the american 60mms, as they can keep up with your troops.

    Split your teams and spread your men out. Very important.

    Panthers are a very deadly tank in BN. As they were in real life. They have a good balance on anti inf. anti armor. A healthy respect for panthers is truly needed in this game. In fact I was shocked when I played my first german on german PBEM that panthers really kicked ass against tigers. its that high velocity 75mm. it'd go through my tigers like butter!

    Initially in my play experience with BN when I saw the spotting rounds for off board arty come in I'd try to move my men out of the area ASAP. This works sometimes, however having your men run also exposes them to other enemy fire, allows the enemy to spot, and allows the shell fragments from explosions to hit them upright. Often enough I have them hunker down with hide, and doing so forces them to keep their heads down and drastically reduces my arty casualties I've noticed.

  14. Actually I think it has something to do with QBs and or Pbems. Ive noticed the same with almost any armies ammo bearers, it always seems to be in QB PBeMs. (I dont do QBs in single player anymore..)

    However, you still get the same total of ammo its all just with the unit that does the firing. odd and I dont know why it is the way it is...

  15. Kettler,

    I just gave the advice because I remembered you from when I played CMBO and CMBB back when they actually first came out. After a hiatus and some other things I fired up CMSF years ago.. and was disgusted and didnt play it again. Had too much trouble, and my computer wasnt up to it then.

    I ended up getting back into stuff and wanted to give it another shot 1:1 infantry modelling was the biggest issue I had with Cmx1. So I gave it a shot- starting with CM:A. After I got used to it... I cant believe I didnt like it at first - I guarantee you if you stick it out you'll see the beauty of this series. BFC definitey did not lose their touch, and CMBN has waaay more of the old CM games in it than a lot of people here will acknowledge.

    Best of luck, if you end up getting it I'll PBEM ya..

  16. Also its very important to me that any time I open a new scenario or battle I zoom my view all the way out. Sometimes things loook... off to me or weird. It was this subtle feeling I had for the longest, until I discovered the zoom controls! For whatever reason some scenario designers leave the view zoomed in, or something happens, and sometimes you'll open a scenario and it''ll be on 2.4x zoom or something.

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