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Posts posted by Sublime

  1. Well, in my opinion, I SERIOUSLY doubt a victorious Japan, Germany, or Soviet Union (purely hypothetical thrown in for good measure) would do what we did as occupiers of Japan and Germany post war. Which was rebuild them and make them some of our closest allies. You can point to German policies in the Ost or the Japanese 'co prosperity sphere' as examples of the Axis powers conquering and raping areas for all they were worth. Hell, I shouldn't even really have to point to any specific area. Of course I know that many were just following orders, and serving there country. They had no real choice, and no reasonable person would have gone against the system. However, as far as committing atrocities, or choosing to become an SA or SS sturm trupper. Thats different I feel. And I also feel very strongly that most if not all of the adult german population knew they were committing some very awful atrocities against civilians. maybe not the exact scale, but to pretend otherwise is silly. however I will not call the joint US/British firebombing of Dresden anything but a war crime. I have mixed feelings about the fire bombings against japan and the nukings but ultimately I feel the US did the right thing. We were in a war and did what we had to do to avoid concluding it with conventional weapons and subjecting even more of us and the Japanese to death and destruction. and noone needs to argue whether at the same time the Soviet Union was committing atrocities whether against poles in katyn, german p.o.w.s (just as the germans did to them however!) and even their own citizens. all I can really say for certain is that I really cant say because I wasnt alive then, and Ive never been in combat. luckily ive been fortunate enough to be born in the times and circumstances I have, as an American where I can freely express this opinion.

  2. Interesting. I had been under the impression that the decision to attack civilians had come about as part of an evolutionary process that began with daylight bomber operations over France in '40 that to raids after the BoB at night that progressively grew more refined and large as time went on. After massed bombing at night seemed to not do as well against factories, and early reports came back with horrible statistics with bombs on targets shook up the high command, a strategy shift to attack civilians occured. I had also thought Harris was in command then, but again Im not disputing what you say at all. Just as I thought the development of firestorm bombing was in a way an accident, an unforseen side effect of massed incediary bombings on cities...?

  3. Waters Im not saying you.re wrong, but what about the strategy declaration that the German civilians were the target because they were the factory workers etc?

    You mean that this was a War Office decision and it wasnt up to Harris? If it wasnt up to Harris Im just interested to know how far political leadership went in dictating Strategic Bomber Offensive policy (targetting, times of attack, number of aircraft, etc etc etc)

  4. KR,

    He asked for a citation, so I gave him one! On a more serious note, I've been trying to remember what, out of a ton of Soviet writings I read while in military aerospace, had the relevant passage. Internet digging has produced some staggering interviews (senior ex-Soviet strategic planners interviewed 1990) and Cold War period analyses, but not what I specifically need.


    John Kettler

    JK what did you search for to get the ex-Sovt officials interviews? im interested..

  5. I have to agree. I forget what map it is. but I started a qb me, pbem. my opponent started the map. I got axis he.s got allied. I started on the high ground, about 200 meters from the old windmills vp and another vp a little further on the opposite side of the hill i started on. he started on the low ground, muuuch further away from the VPs. a little unfair setup, and Im admitting it though it benefits me!

  6. my concern is I fear I wont be able to download BN without paying 5 bucks to renew my downloads. I preordered it way before it was released, so my download prolly expired in May. Wouldnt be a big issue if I had a credit card right now... But bad credit and past shady activities have me stashing my cash under my mattress. literally.

  7. this is great though. The entire time Ive played this since BN came out Ive noticed how ineffective my MGs seem as compared to historical anecdotes. I also noticed that even though getting an HMG, especially an mg42 should be a stronger choice for defensive positions, it usually doesnt do much better than an LMG version. Only HMG that is truly worth it as it stands in the game now is the 50 cal and thats only because it.s huge round.

    It.d be fantastic if part of the problem all along has been the mg.s accuracy has been bugged. It excites me to think about how much it.d help if mgs worked more as 'advertised' from my readings, etc. Then the mortars wouldnt be quite the super unit as they once were, or at least there'd be variety in what.s important defensively.

    I.d also like to throw in that I think at least it'd be nice if the bursts were randomized. 4 rounds one burst, 7 the next, then 5, then 3, etc.

  8. the new units and terrain are great. the 250 qb maps are really incredibly well done. seriously. the new commands and additions also make it that much easier to play and I must say the CMx2 series has really hit its stride, much like how CMBB was more than just CMBO east front, the game series had come into its stride

  9. Pretty cool. Anyone care to answer a question? Ill post the page later I dont remember it off the top of my head but it says that at battles near Caricano (sp?) the US troops encountered 'German 90mm SP guns' that they destroyed in a couple of engagements. What SP guns would this be referring to? I wasnt aware there was a 90mm assault gun in the German inventory?

    Some of the stuff is pretty hairy when you read between the lines. ' A mark VI driven off with grenades..' etc.

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