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Posts posted by Sublime

  1. Id have to agree the way I was envisioning adding AAA without it seeming ridiculous or asking for a whole new dimension to the game was basically similiar to CMx1. The AAA guns would sometimes when air support was on map start shooting rounds in the air - tracking an invisible (to you) target. Sometimes this would drive off the air support (or perhaps it was shot down - doesnt matter to you) Perhaps sometimes this may affect the length of an attack run or interrupt one.

    The AAA weapons prescence would be important to - simply as another tactical weapon for the Germans that is great for halftrack cleansing =)

  2. I always find its good to slow down on whatever Im doing. I often find myself about to press a squad or two further into a town and when Im about to do it I try to catch myself and give it one more turn, and usually that means the rest of the platoon or assault force is now caught up - a good thing =)

    Not to say that keeping an opponent off balance when an attack has begun isnt a good thing either - some of my pbem opponents have commented on how quickly i race troops around the map and attack. Speed has its benefits, but it definitely also comes with a price in these games...

  3. I have to admit I love playing the Italians in the few Pbems I've played so far. And I actually didnt really like playing the Romanians, etc in CMBB..

    It's just very rewarding to win or make your opponent catch hell. Especially because the Americans are 'armed to the teeth' (as the Italian campaign's first mission brief warns) at least compared to the Italian troops. Still the Brixia mortar does do a lot of damage, and is surprsingly accurate. and with the new target briefly command I get way more legs out of my on board mortars, even my american 60mm mortars do about double the damage per battle now because I can be more miserly with my ammo.

    Im not very impressed with the machine guns, the rifles are just rifles but the large amount of them does give the squads some teeth. Better in my experience further out. The closer you get in the more your helping your American opponents.

  4. Im Pbeming it now as the americans. really good, like the map.

    but - spoilers -

    it seems perhaps a bit unbalanced for h2h play. the Germans ideally get the tools they need. however it seems that he only got one at gun, leaving very little room for error against 2 stuarts and arty support (on and offboard). Mortars and infantry? check. but only one 81 (on-map) against my off map 2 and 2 on map 60s. and I got 2 platoons of rangers vs his one of pz grenadiers. Again he could have pulled it off, if everything had gone his way, but it hasnt so far. I also may have errors about is OOB as the battle is still ongoing. I really loved how the briefing mentioned one platoon of rangers decided to take m1919s instead of BARs for extra fire support and voila - you get Rangers with kick ass supressive fire.

  5. skelley I wasnt trying to be rude or hostile in my post, in reading it I feel i may have come across that way.

    Emrys, Ive read US military survival manuals that claim a flying aircraft can spot someone shining a mirror from over 50 miles (!) away on a bright clear day. Not sure if thats true or not, but survival kits do come with them.

    There are other factors that could give someone away to someone looking for them. The spotting indeed is not perfect, however my experiences have not been near as extreme as some of the other posters.

  6. ah that clarifies it quite a bit. still though, you'd almost certainly assume if pack howitzers dropped with the airborne and the way that drop went at least in normandy that they would have been used in the direct fire role there as well? Perhaps Im wrong, I certainly cant think of any instances where I heard of them specifically used in a DF role in normandy. Im glad Charles relented, I love the gun =)

  7. I feel that the AA guns are a very needed addition. The animation or interaction with the airplane doesnt have to be done, but at least have them be able to 'drive off' the planes.

    In CM:A this would have been a huge boon that was also a huge deal historically when the stinger was introduced.

    Of course this is all WW2 but the Germans often have a lot of light flak on the battlefield and the US too - and I just think in some ways it sucks to have a weapon that you can use and have it not be shot back it. Not game breaking but since we.re all striving for the perfect CM..

  8. could you possibly have it assigned a key like the p for pause, and then when you hit target briefly it would light to say 15 and if you hit it again it would say 30 seconds, then again for 45, again for 60 then reset? increasing by 15 seconds with each key press or selection on the menu..

    just a thought

  9. John I think I understand what your problem is, or what you dont get. When you select a unit of yours, you only see what that unit sees. if you select an enemy unit, and you turn your view to see whatever men you want in the same view, you'll note that any that are lit up are the ones that see that enemy unit. Units CAN shares spotting info, albeit over time, with many different factors involved. C2 chain helps, of course.

    I suspect often you select a unit, forget its selected and watch the battle by moving the view around, but not seeing the sum total of what all your different units are seeing.

    This is why most of the time I command I DO NOT have any specific unit selected while I watch the replay. if sometime sparks my interest Ill pause or just select the unit, then make sure I right click or unselect to make sure I can see everything all my men see.

    Also, even though your man may have clear los to something, it doesnt always mean itll be spotted right away. OR at all sometimes, but Ive noted that if the enemy unit stays in the open my units faithfully will at least eventually spot them, and quicker if the enemy is moving quickly, firing, etc.

  10. I just assume (and am content to) that its the same as the grenade being tossed - a slight abstraction that covers for corner shots or whatever.

    And yes, it works well with zook squads, schrecks as well. However schrecks are usually accurate and deadly enough to use as a mini ATG of sorts, and I excel with them in ambush roles. By their nature tank hunter squads are a lot better suited to fire brigade type stuff, reacting to holes punched by their armor, if nothing else because at this stage in the war they have a 30m kill radius. This means you have to be damn sure the enemy is actually going to roll his tank by a spot. With a schreck you have much more capability, the zook is a different matter. Kills arent nearly as certain on tanks (half tracks are no problem) so I like to be closer, especially because it doesnt seem to be as accurate as the schreck either.

    The PIAT is a mixed bag. The warhead seems decent. But its effective range isnt as far as the zook or schreck, at least in my gaming experiences. However the PIAT is more than compensated by how much better 6 lbers seem at killing German armor compared to say the American 57mm. Now I may be mistaken but I believe those are the same actual guns. So perhaps its the British AP shot, or maybe the higher seeming proliferation of APDS ammo in CW hands. Of course it could also be subjective. But Ive noticed the same on the 6lber mounted churchills, as well, and seeing as how theyre mixed in with 75 mm variants Im starting to think this was realized in the war and they were an 'early firefly', or the platoons AT tank. and of course with 17 lbers ATG and the CW armor with it. Because of this, the effectiveness of the American zook is important I think, though Im certainly not knocking the US 57, I guess its also really just handicapped by the lack of HE, now that I think of it.

  11. by having the team run across the tank or near it it stops them from making a full stop at an action point - theyre constantly moving. without testing it, in my experience they usually always take the shot if they know the tank is there and are in faust range. Usually it is quick Im using however. Sometimes slow. I personally have killed at least 5-7 tanks this way in PBeMs since womble first mentioned it 5 or 6 months ago. Just a random thing that works for me sometimes, its very situation specific of course.

  12. honestly I loved it. great scenarios, and it reaaallly ads a lot of variety of forces to the game. Not only that, but they had very different terrain, its a lot more open.

    Id opt for it - plus you'll be helping the EF game (thats what I really want too) come along.

    Though I do prefer the US infantry myself. But then again Im American. gotta love the paras on both sides.

  13. all I know is that Ive discovered some glaring flaws in the US tank destroyer doctrine, especially when the tank destroyers cant handled by the tanks. initially when the battle began it was duels of 2-3 M10s vs 1 Sherman at a time, and even then I was losing!

    Historically did they come to a similar conclusion about their TDs? I know M10s saw service in Korea, but I could believe that would also be because of ubiquitous numbers and it being so near WW2.

    When was the whole TD idea discarded in favor of an all around MBT?

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