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Posts posted by jeffsmith

  1. Syria Major is "on the outs" Fine option 1 Elimenated

    Syria Minor story Limitations in scope

    but as you stated this seems to be the worst of both worlds

    the Positive is less work for BFC

    Totally Fictionalized makes more work for BFC

    BUT it offers possibilites and elimenates some of the "dead ends" that using Syria causes

    by being Fictionalized you CAN introduce other hardware and options not available using the Syrian setting

    While I am not in the habit of choosing things that make work for others

    I see the fictionalized setting being the best option

    in summary

    Fictional removes the Syrian limitations

    and opens up more open ended (and hardware) posibilities

    I am sure there are many "learned" people who can whip up a fictional ME country rather Quickly:

    and I wouldnt be surprised to find its already been done somewhere ;)

  2. a8.gif

    With Graphic Converter to Zoom In

    My Rudimentary Memory of Cyrillic Lettering

    and an English to Russian Online Dictionary for Confirmation

    I will hazard a Good Guess that the Three Full Words towards the Bottom Read

    Group Army Center

    Now will someone please post the latest version of the puzzle

  3. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    No, the assumption was that the entire BFC crew are game software developers! ;) That particular vocation appears to be fraught with more hazards and boobytraps than an the job of Iraq convoy truck driver. Starting out on a big project doesn't necessarily mean you're going to be able to make it to the end... through no fault of your own. We're just relieved, in late June, to see any signs of life at all on this particular project.

    Agreed smile.gif

    but I am of the opinion

    BFC has pulled off diificult projects in the past

    & I am confident they will do so in the present and future as well

  4. The Prediction of the Demise of CMSF

    would have to be based on the Assumption

    that the Entire BFC crew are Liars

    They have told us it is progressing and just to be patient

    In fact I think if it was NOT going to be published

    the FIRST place we would hear of it would be this very Forum

    with an Announcement with that News from BFC itself

    So please give BFC and the rest of us a break

    by refraining from wild speculation and rumor

  5. the Silence is indeed "Deafening"

    the forum list gets shorter

    as there are fewer posts to fill the threads

    and there is a scary sense

    that something may NOT be happening


    Just like I have grown to trust my surgeons

    (I don't like all they do, but it always seems to work out)

    I trust BFC because of their track record

    I dont like ths silence and apparent lack of activity

    but BFC has come through in the pat

    and I am (hopefully) confident they shall do so again [soon?]

  6. Originally posted by Rollstoy:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jeffsmith:

    When do things become a bit Too CM Like ?


    We gamers can only hope that the competition rips out all the good features of CM and implants them in their own games!

    Just as convenient as it is to know that the WASD keys will steer my FPS character it will be to know that a yellow line means incoming fire ... or that pressing '1' brings one to eye level.

    Best regards,

    Thomm </font>

  7. Dear Ugly Americans,

    Beginning in the early 21st Century

    I and my Future Followers

    Will be doing all in our Power

    to Attack & Bring Down your Culture

    We will be using Unconventional Means

    and "Shadow War" Tactics to accomplish our Goals

    In the meantime

    Thank you for your assistance battling the Soviets

    OBL 1982

  8. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    SNIP I'm sure most people would agree that the Germans in CMx1 are the "bad guys". In fact, I know many players that won't play the Germans. Yet huge numbers of CMx1 players don't think of the Germans as bad guys, and many don't think of the Soviets as good guys. SNIP


    I was reluctant to play the Germans in CMBO

    because I did percieve them as "Bad Guys"

    but in CMBB there were no "Good Guys" smile.gif

    So I was willing to play both sides

    with CMAK I was used to playing the Germans

    so it no longer mattered which side I played

  9. Originally posted by Matchstick:

    I know this is probably heresy, but even if CMx2 can't/won't be made MacIntel compatible you will at least still have the option of installing Windows on the machine and dual booting to that when you need a CM fix (also provides a fix to the CMx1/OSX problem).

    True but I am waiting to see it done

    (and checking various websites for the proof)

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