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Von Brizee

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Posts posted by Von Brizee

  1. Yeah I am into paintball a lot.

    Just 2 years ago at this one area we did a 24 hour game called "Barbarossa" It had thousands of players, and casualties were reinserted every half hour or so. It was a lot of fun, playing over miles of terrain.

    They even had specialized weapons in it, like heavy MG's that took two men to carry, and bazookas which fired about 30 rounds in a big ball all at once. They even had tanks which were basically trucks with a closed back and an armored MG turret on the front.

    It was really well done, I got to be a German platoon leader. They even had medals and everything. I got an Iron Cross 2nd for killing 2 Russian tanks by myself. My platoon was holding a fort against 2 Russian platoons. (In this game, platoons were usually only about 20 men, and sometimes your company CO would send you some support) We had maybe 6 men left total, and then the Russian tanks showed up loaded with infantry in the back. That was bad news. My bazooka guy took a hit so I grabbed his zook and got a lucky long range shot on the tank. It was amzing! The second tank behind it was rolling up the road and I shot out the gunner and the driver with my rifle so it was declared "dead". 30 seconds after that I had the full attention of every Russian there and was soon dead myself smile.gif Judges saw what happened and they noted it down and gave it to our CO, and he gave me a medal. Getting the medal won me a free facemask so it was all great :0

    I urge any paintball fans to try a reenactment scenario

    The other year I did one called "Burma Road" It was the biggest thunderstorm we had in years, and the "road" was more like a canal. my my my smile.gif

  2. my chum has it, and yes, there are sometiems something like 1000 units on screen at once, but only for 20 seconds or so until they are all burning wrecks or bloody piles smile.gif I do like how the weapons actually do have some range to them, and unlike Command and Conquer, TANKS HAVE MACHINEGUNS! That's what pissed me off most about C and C, the only way to kill infantry with tanks was to squish em. But the tanks handled like expensive cars, so it wasn't a real problem. Most of my friends aren't into CM, because it is too complex for them, so occasionally I get a "no brainer" game so I can play against them and smack them around a bit

  3. Marder-marten I think, as in the pine marten the type of weasely thingy.

    Hetzer is bushwhacker I believe

    Jagd means hunting, so the tank destroyers are hunting Panther, etc

    Nashorn is Rhino




    Some of the things the soldiers say, I can't even figure out, even though I was born in Germany. Moved to USA at about 6 or 7 yrs old

    Would like to see a translation page for them, like some guys did for CC3

  4. And sometimes I like to keep them forward to ambush tanks and then pull them back. Like drive em up in a Jeep in a Meeting Engagement and ambush enemy vehicles that get too bold. And I have seen the AI send vehicle crew into the nearest cover when the tank blows, and that is sometimes right near my AT team! Just happened in a QB the other day. My PBEM opponent drove a regular Greyhound by itself near a lone schreck. The GReyhound bails without even being fired at and then kill the schreck team!

  5. On one hand you have the Germans and Hitler, and on the other Stalin and the Russians, a fairly hard choice for me, since neither Hitler or Stalin are men to admire as is Patton, Marshall, Eishenhower, Churchill, etc.

    This is my dilemma with the Eastern front, any game I play I have to relate to one side or the other, usually the "good" guy.

    Much like watching a Football game where I don't like either team, pretty hard to get into.

  6. Okay I just finished the scenario. I actually had basically an intact platoon hold it's own in the woods with the assistnace of a FT. They then went into the USA rear and started killing arty spotters, mortars, MG's etc. By this time most of the US vehicles were dead, and I got a lucky flame shot that ignited a field, killing 2 and trapping one. Most of the forest was burned at this point. A Greyhound and M10 got thru where I was leaving a corridor open for counterattack. They killed 3 of my halftrakcs before I rushed the Greyhound with my Pioneers and then my tanks arrived. The M10 blasted my Tiger immediately since it's gun was aimed right at it. The M10 then died. I left a Stug back at my HQ and sent all my other vehicles forward. They met up with the Brit armor reinforcements and we each had basically equal losses. One of my tanks got immoblized in brush somehow so I had to ditch it. My wirbelwind got blown up by a US grenade. At this time I was rushing for the US Victory Flag. I got to it, and my HQ was under a very large infantry attack. My Stug was out of MG ammo and my MG42 was running low but I held them off. Pulled off a Tac Victory. I liked this one a lot

  7. I kind of find it strange that LMG42 men cannot run with their weapon. Is it not the same LMG42 that is found in most German Squads? I know there was a 50 round drum Assault MG42 made but I don't think it was that common. I know all the stuff about how carrying the MG and the ammo is very heavy and all, but there are two men and I think an LMG is only on a bipod. If 2in mortars can run, and even one man schreck teams can run, why not LMG42's? I figure they would tire quickly but sometimes I just need them to escape from somewhere very quickly, such as get from the top floor of a building to the trees right outside of it. I think they could really book it for about 20m and then get tired or weary, or am I wrong? I don't think this will be in CM, but maybe CM2?

  8. I didn't finish it yet. I am now at the point where the USA is rushing me with it's horde of infantry. I am thinking of just having all my guys run for the rear and burn the terrain where they escape from to stop the US. They have so many guys! So far I have lost about 2/3 of my infantry, all my mortars, and one of my halftracks. I have killed all of the first Sherman attack and am bleeding their infantry pretty well.

    Don't have the screenshot but it wouldn't look like much. The tanks didn't explode in the fire, the guys just bailed on them so all it looks like is 3 tanks sitting in a burned road.

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