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Von Brizee

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Posts posted by Von Brizee

  1. I was thinking about the buildings, but then that means that you could find them at the outset, by just looking at the map. I want some to be hidden.

    I could make it smaller than a battalion if you liked, but I am gonna have loads of enemy reinforcements coming in.

    If you can blow up bridges, I will include them so all you have to do is destroy them to slow enemy reinforcements. I don't know if you can do that intentionally though.

  2. Okay guys, I seem to be finding patterns here. I just played Valley of Trouble as Americans on as EASy as possible to see how quickly I could secure the map. Well I was advancing about a company of infantry forwards on the very right edge of the map (From US point of view) and the battle was going very well. Soon enough, the German 155mm started opening up on my charging infantry, killing many. Well, I ordered a 105mm arty strike on those woods, and it took it out. I told the guy to cancel his fire and I moved my men into the woods. Well, on the next turn, I hear WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THUMP!!!!!!! "Medic" "AHHHH MY LEG" "Stretcher!" "Noooo!" and various other screams as the arty shells burst in the trees. It turns out my arty guy continued to call in fire at the CREW of the gun, b/c he could see them, even though I told him to stop. Well, I guess he should be happy. He killed the German crew. He also killed 67 Americans in those woods, and routed dozens more (who ran out the wrong side of the forest into pillbox MG fire, but let's not get into that)

    Needless to say, I suspected this man to be a German spy. So, I put him on top of a Sherman (which was pissing me off by continuously firing at a bunker crew rather than a 75mm Pak pillbox) and sent them both sailing into the village, which was under arty and mortar fire. A Panzerfaust blasted the Sherman from a foxhole and the arty spotter and crew ran into a house which then lit on fire from an arty round.


    That one made it all worthwhile hearing them scream.

  3. Okay I have started making this really unique scenario but I want some feedback on who would actually download it so I don't waste my time. I just got the game.

    Okay here is the first one:


    Date: Midnight,June 2, 1944

    Place: Vierderet Airfield, Northern France.

    Your briefing: (In a snotty English accent)

    Attention soldier! We have a very important mission for you and your men. We have received news that at Verderet Airfield in France a new elite Me-262 squadron made up of Knight's Cross holders will be transferred there. As you know, our invasion will come within a few days and these planes and pilots are better than anything we have. They will surely devastate our beach landings so you must accomplish these objectives tonight with your crack Commando unit.

    1. Destroy all 6 88mm Flak guns and all 4 20mm guns.

    2. Blow up the fuel and ammo depots so the planes can't run.

    3. Kill or capture the German garrison commander, SS General Von Brizee. He is inspecting the troops for the day and staying overnight. Von Brizee is a defensive genius and a known war criminal.

    4.Knock out the German communicatons pillbox.

    5. Escape to the west side of the field where you will be hidden by French resistance until our ground forces meet you in a few days.

    If you accomplish this, these air defenses will be knocked out and will allow our planes to bomb this airfield into oblivion. If they are left standing, the crack crews will annhilate our planes and the men in the comms bunker will vector in the Me-262's. The supply stations must also be destroyed to hinder all repair efforts and to keep the planes on the ground. Killing SS General Von Brizee will make the ground troop's task much easier in the future.


    Reports indicate that the airfield and surrounding village are being held by Von Brizee's crack SS outfit, somewhere between platoon and company size. Also in the area are Luftwaffe ground crew who should not give you any trouble. The main garrison force is made up of Russian POW's pressed into German service, who should be eager to surrender to your men. You must work fast in this mission, for German reinforcements will be coming in ever faster. A strong SS armored force will be arriving from the road in the East sometime later. You will have French resistance forces arrive on that same road shortly before the Germans do so they can set up an ambush. They are very inexperienced and poorly led but numerous. Do not depend on them to stop the Germans, but merely hold them up. Axis reinforcements will be trickling in from all sides as the battle progresses, thus, time is of the essence. French resistance fighters will be arriving sporadically, as will Commandos that were scattered in the airdrop. Goodnight soldier, and move out! For King and Country!


    You are to play as the Allies. You will be given an elite battalion of British commandos. Since this is an airdrop, you will mostly have light weapons and rifle teams, very little support. The German ground crew will be green, the Russian POW's will be conscript, and all SS troops will be veteran, elite, or crack. French troops will be regular, green, or conscript with veteran leaders. The fuel and ammo depots will be the only GREEN wooden bunkers, they should not be too tough. The communications building will be the only CRACK concrete pillbox. Von Brizee will be the SS Battalion Commander. The AA guns are self explanatory. Once you complete all your objectives, you must exit the map on the designated side with at least half of your HQ's intact. The Germans will be much stronger than you in this mission, but it is night and u start out strong. You must work very fast since reinforcements for them will come faster than yours. The map will be Huge so you have a lot of ground to cover. You will have 80 turns.

    If you complete all the stated objectives and get out, you win. You do not need to rout the enemy or secure terrain.

    Does anyone want me to finish this?

    I am also doing two other mission based games to be played as the Germans, which I will do if the above mission generates enough interest.

    One will be based on the novel/movie The Eagle Has Landed, where u have a German crack paratroop outfit that must kill Churchill. The other will be a long convoy of Allied supplies moving through a forest road which the Germans must ambush.

  4. Okay I have started making this really unique scenario but I want some feedback on who would actually download it so I don't waste my time. I just got the game.

    Okay here is the first one:


    Date: Midnight,June 2, 1944

    Place: Vierderet Airfield, Northern France.

    Your briefing: (In a snotty English accent)

    Attention soldier! We have a very important mission for you and your men. We have received news that at Verderet Airfield in France a new elite Me-262 squadron made up of Knight's Cross holders will be transferred there. As you know, our invasion will come within a few days and these planes and pilots are better than anything we have. They will surely devastate our beach landings so you must accomplish these objectives tonight with your crack Commando unit.

    1. Destroy all 6 88mm Flak guns and all 4 20mm guns.

    2. Blow up the fuel and ammo depots so the planes can't run.

    3. Kill or capture the German garrison commander, SS General Von Brizee. He is inspecting the troops for the day and staying overnight. Von Brizee is a defensive genius and a known war criminal.

    4.Knock out the German communicatons pillbox.

    5. Escape to the west side of the field where you will be hidden by French resistance until our ground forces meet you in a few days.

    If you accomplish this, these air defenses will be knocked out and will allow our planes to bomb this airfield into oblivion. If they are left standing, the crack crews will annhilate our planes and the men in the comms bunker will vector in the Me-262's. The supply stations must also be destroyed to hinder all repair efforts and to keep the planes on the ground. Killing SS General Von Brizee will make the ground troop's task much easier in the future.


    Reports indicate that the airfield and surrounding village are being held by Von Brizee's crack SS outfit, somewhere between platoon and company size. Also in the area are Luftwaffe ground crew who should not give you any trouble. The main garrison force is made up of Russian POW's pressed into German service, who should be eager to surrender to your men. You must work fast in this mission, for German reinforcements will be coming in ever faster. A strong SS armored force will be arriving from the road in the East sometime later. You will have French resistance forces arrive on that same road shortly before the Germans do so they can set up an ambush. They are very inexperienced and poorly led but numerous. Do not depend on them to stop the Germans, but merely hold them up. Axis reinforcements will be trickling in from all sides as the battle progresses, thus, time is of the essence. French resistance fighters will be arriving sporadically, as will Commandos that were scattered in the airdrop. Goodnight soldier, and move out! For King and Country!


    You are to play as the Allies. You will be given an elite battalion of British commandos. Since this is an airdrop, you will mostly have light weapons and rifle teams, very little support. The German ground crew will be green, the Russian POW's will be conscript, and all SS troops will be veteran, elite, or crack. French troops will be regular, green, or conscript with veteran leaders. The fuel and ammo depots will be the only GREEN wooden bunkers, they should not be too tough. The communications building will be the only CRACK concrete pillbox. Von Brizee will be the SS Battalion Commander. The AA guns are self explanatory. Once you complete all your objectives, you must exit the map on the designated side with at least half of your HQ's intact. The Germans will be much stronger than you in this mission, but it is night and u start out strong. You must work very fast since reinforcements for them will come faster than yours. The map will be Huge so you have a lot of ground to cover. You will have 80 turns.

    If you complete all the stated objectives and get out, you win. You do not need to rout the enemy or secure terrain.

    Does anyone want me to finish this?

    I am also doing two other mission based games to be played as the Germans, which I will do if the above mission generates enough interest.

    One will be based on the novel/movie The Eagle Has Landed, where u have a German crack paratroop outfit that must kill Churchill. The other will be a long convoy of Allied supplies moving through a forest road which the Germans must ambush.

  5. Okay I have started making this really unique scenario but I want some feedback on who would actually download it so I don't waste my time. I just got the game.

    Okay here is the first one:


    Date: Midnight,June 2, 1944

    Place: Vierderet Airfield, Northern France.

    Your briefing: (In a snotty English accent)

    Attention soldier! We have a very important mission for you and your men. We have received news that at Verderet Airfield in France a new elite Me-262 squadron made up of Knight's Cross holders will be transferred there. As you know, our invasion will come within a few days and these planes and pilots are better than anything we have. They will surely devastate our beach landings so you must accomplish these objectives tonight with your crack Commando unit.

    1. Destroy all 6 88mm Flak guns and all 4 20mm guns.

    2. Blow up the fuel and ammo depots so the planes can't run.

    3. Kill or capture the German garrison commander, SS General Von Brizee. He is inspecting the troops for the day and staying overnight. Von Brizee is a defensive genius and a known war criminal.

    4.Knock out the German communicatons pillbox.

    5. Escape to the west side of the field where you will be hidden by French resistance until our ground forces meet you in a few days.

    If you accomplish this, these air defenses will be knocked out and will allow our planes to bomb this airfield into oblivion. If they are left standing, the crack crews will annhilate our planes and the men in the comms bunker will vector in the Me-262's. The supply stations must also be destroyed to hinder all repair efforts and to keep the planes on the ground. Killing SS General Von Brizee will make the ground troop's task much easier in the future.


    Reports indicate that the airfield and surrounding village are being held by Von Brizee's crack SS outfit, somewhere between platoon and company size. Also in the area are Luftwaffe ground crew who should not give you any trouble. The main garrison force is made up of Russian POW's pressed into German service, who should be eager to surrender to your men. You must work fast in this mission, for German reinforcements will be coming in ever faster. A strong SS armored force will be arriving from the road in the East sometime later. You will have French resistance forces arrive on that same road shortly before the Germans do so they can set up an ambush. They are very inexperienced and poorly led but numerous. Do not depend on them to stop the Germans, but merely hold them up. Axis reinforcements will be trickling in from all sides as the battle progresses, thus, time is of the essence. French resistance fighters will be arriving sporadically, as will Commandos that were scattered in the airdrop. Goodnight soldier, and move out! For King and Country!


    You are to play as the Allies. You will be given an elite battalion of British commandos. Since this is an airdrop, you will mostly have light weapons and rifle teams, very little support. The German ground crew will be green, the Russian POW's will be conscript, and all SS troops will be veteran, elite, or crack. French troops will be regular, green, or conscript with veteran leaders. The fuel and ammo depots will be the only GREEN wooden bunkers, they should not be too tough. The communications building will be the only CRACK concrete pillbox. Von Brizee will be the SS Battalion Commander. The AA guns are self explanatory. Once you complete all your objectives, you must exit the map on the designated side with at least half of your HQ's intact. The Germans will be much stronger than you in this mission, but it is night and u start out strong. You must work very fast since reinforcements for them will come faster than yours. The map will be Huge so you have a lot of ground to cover. You will have 80 turns.

    If you complete all the stated objectives and get out, you win. You do not need to rout the enemy or secure terrain.

    Does anyone want me to finish this?

    I am also doing two other mission based games to be played as the Germans, which I will do if the above mission generates enough interest.

    One will be based on the novel/movie The Eagle Has Landed, where u have a German crack paratroop outfit that must kill Churchill. The other will be a long convoy of Allied supplies moving through a forest road which the Germans must ambush.

  6. Okay I was playing Valley of Trouble in the Demo as Germans on the highest difficulty level possible. When my reinforcements came in, the Americans were fighting my men in the town at close range. My Panther moved up and killed all the American tanks but two. The other American tanks were soon knocked out. One hit a mine and the other got hit by a Panzerfaust. By now, on top of my hill I have my Company CO, my two mortars, the platoon of reinforcements, 2 bunker crews, and an MG42. I think that I can hold off the Americans with these. BUT, one routed soldier from town comes running up the hill, attracting every US soldier's attention. Soon enough, mortar fire comes down on him.

    He lives miraculously, and reaches the top of the hill and goes near my men up there. The Americans REALLY want him to die so they call in 2 mortar barrages and 2 arty strikes with their spotters (I think) Well, 4 minutes later EVERYONE on top of the hill is dead, including my Panther. That is, EXCEPT for the little bastard that ran up there and attracted all that fire. He somehow survived the overlapping crater bombardment and surrednered to the advancing Americans. They probably gave that little punk a medal.

    Knowing it was over, I tried unsuccessfully to send my last rifle team out to kill that little punk, and they ALMOST did. They killed all his American guards but the last of my men died as the American guards died. I WANT TO KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I am German and I know we thought the Soviets were the real problem. My grandparents always have told me stories of this. Towards the end of the war my grandfather in an SS division was hoping he'd get transferred west so he could get in the "friendly fight" because the Western Allies weren't as relentless and they weren't cruel. He also attests to the inferirority of Russian troops. He tells me of guarding a bridge in the Ukraine for several days. Every few hours the Russians would attack over it and get massive losses. Eventually after about a day or so the tanks couldn't get across since the wrecks on the approach were so thick, and infantry could not run through the piles of bodies. The Russian tactics did not change for over a week until his unit had to pull out since they were a rearguard. He also says that the Russians were better towards the end, but the veterans wouldn't push so hard in the final months because they didnt want to die when victory was so close. The fanatics at the end were the new guys, who were inferior.

  8. Alright my device manager isnt even telling me what type of video card I have.

    So help with that could be nice.

    My computer is Pentium3

    64mb ram

    5512 MB free

    But my real problem is the graphics. The game runs, with sound, I just can't see anything really. It looks like one of those eye tests the doctors give to see if you're colorblind.

    I've tried all the options it gives you at the startup of the game, none work.

    Thx for ur time

  9. I have everythign unzipped to its proper place, but a ,essage says when I try and run the demo........

    "The procedure entry point DirectDrawEnumerateExA could not be located in the dynamic link library DDRAW.dll

    Been looking forward to playing it after I read all the instructions and now I am reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllly angry,

    Any help?

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