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Von Brizee

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Posts posted by Von Brizee

  1. I was doing A Walk in Paris PBEM and I had my sharpshooter kill two Frenchmen with one bullet. It was pretty neat.

    I also am doing a PBEM in the Nijmegen battle. I have a sharpshooter with 31 kills!!!! He only used 5 shots total!

    First shot- Fired at a tank and buttoned it up.

    Second shot-Fired at a tank and killed the commander

    3rd-shot- shot the guy out of an assault boat and killed everyone inside it when it sank. Or maybe he popped a whole in it or whatnot, but he sure made that boat go away.

    Did the same thing for the next two shots until he finally died from arty. He was very impressive.

  2. lol crumply. Would it please you if no one played as the Germans? You could do a PBEM game, and one player could be Allies, and the other would be the map. "Haha! Watch as my rain makes your men wet and cold!" What the hell do you really want? It is a GAME. EVERY side was guilty of atrocities, so maybe no side should be played or modeled. Like I said before, I am awaiting funding on my Nutrition Mission simulation, and would greatly appreciate any contributions.

  3. Is there a record for amounts of men killed by a single unit in a single battle? I was just wondering because I am in a PBEM right now and I have a single squad that has taken out 54 Americans all by himself in the space of a few minutes. There are still a few survivors, so I will post the screenshot of the kills when they all die or the game is over.

  4. It's not his anti-Nazi stuff that bugs me, it's just his excessive finger pointing of pro nazis. I put in some sarcasm about my Volksturm grandfather being drafted to defend his town and I get called a Pro-Nazi because of it. The proper thing to do for all German boys was to desert and be shot by the SS. Or just hide in the basement while the Soviets come in, burn your farm, and rape your women? So I assume, by your logic, every poor Russian peasant that picks up a rifle to defend his farm in 1941 is a bloodthirsty Communist? If a poor Georgian's village was being burned by Sherman's troops in the US Civil War, and he goes out to fight them, then that Southerner is of course a rascist black-lynching KKK fellow?

    Appears like it's getting easier and easier to get a Phd nowadays by the looks of it, it seems knowing what the hell you are talking about is no longer a necessity.

  5. I was thinking more along the lines of "Nutrition Mission"

    It could have various units such as toast, eggs, bacon, and cereal. We wouldn't be able to include struedel because it might offend some people. Cap'n Crunch cereal will also not be allowed because the Cap'n glorifies war. Along other lines, Lucky Charms could also be left out because it stereotypes Irish leprechauns.

    Maybe this game isn't such a good idea because it will offend some people. And don't let us start on those who do not or cannot eat breakfast, they might not like it either.

  6. Feel kind of bad for Doc Brian's students if he is a history prof. Gonna be a lot of screwed up people coming out....

    I have to go tell my grandfather he is an evil man now, for being drafted into the Volksturm in February 1945 so he could defend his small town against Soviets. Should of just let them smash the place I suppose, that would be the pure and good thing to do?

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