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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. I weep for your ignorance. And you pretend to an education? Weasels aren't rodents, you vermin hugging toe-biter. Yeah, pull the other one, that one has got bells on it! I saw that list of names. If there was anything like a 'Just God', the rest of us alcohol addled buggers would have the right to pull the pants of the ROW crowd down around their ankles and make them wriggle for freedom through a cactus patch while Militias fired live ammo over their needle scored bums to keep them from moving into the normal 'here I am, Lord' position! And now you want a game, to celebrate the fact that you've finally earned enough packs of cigarettes to be considered a 'player'? Then send me a setup, thank you.
  2. Me love you CM long time, ban guy! Hootchee mama! Jesus, Tim (I always preferred his 'Tim the Enchanter' incarnation to the others; isn't it amazing that we can discuss the various 'halfwit vintages' of Gaylord?), couldn't your time be better spent trying to get your GED? Or doing Community Service? Or maybe trying to meet girls?! Anything, frankly, as long as it doesn't involve stealing female undergarments from burglarized apartments or torturing small animals. Which, after you finally decide to stop spamming this Board, will be your next developmental step, I figure.
  3. Of course. Bask in the warm glow of my 'golden tribute'. Stand a little further off. I'm getting some splash-back...
  4. You're a Knight now, you contemptible pool of ferret urine. Of course you're a 'former squire'. Dear God, is this what 'philosophy' is coming to? In my day, we understood the simple semantical conventions of conversation, and, despite the incredible chemical load, managed to hold up our end. If it helps you, take off your shoes and socks and see if you can work out the 'logic path' on the fungus riddled 'toe tree'... I wouldn't know. Young woman stare at me, mesmerized, like a mouse viewing a cobra. Some of them may be trying to scream in horror, but their best shot sounds like a freaking Carly Simon song. I have that sort of effect on women.
  5. Let's just say that I'm dreadfully afraid that I might know how your mind normally works, and live in dread that I may be right.
  6. I have never seen such a degrading performance of 'good sportsmanship'. The bonhomie and courteousness of this series of posts made my freaking blood run cold. Despite such constant displays of maturity, things like 'Rumbles of War' continue to occur. Gentlemen, this is not how things should be done. It debases everything worth believing in. As an example, I will address my remarks only to those who I know through this board, or personally: Winecape: You big big South African frog lunatic! Send me more wine, or I will come to your home country and force you to explain to customs how it is that you know me when I'm arrested at the airport with your name queued up in my PDA with the note: 'Contact? Small bills, hard currency only. Opaque bottles? Good front for our activities...' Malakovski: Oh, so this is where you've been hanging out rather than finishing the endless stream of rigged games you began against me?! The worst thing I can say about you is: You're my bloody former Squire! Also, I'm almost certain that you have never, ever, read a philosophy text that you actually understood. Spengler? Where'd you get that from, a google search?! Stikkypixie: You bleating, Belgian living, stoat fondling product of failed immigration laws! Oh, and Happy Birthday, again, in case you missed it on the Thread... Dieseltaylor: You manipulative, deal-brokering refugee from a bad Fiefdom session! Your posts are like an icepick driven into the suppurating sore of the Forum! Kanonier Reichmann: AUSSIE! AUSSIE! MARSUPIAL SCUM! Nidan1: Nidan? I mean, Nidan?! I know Nidan! He's an arty dumping, 'visibility limited to 20 meters' puddle of poodle vomit! I've had pets put to sleep that contributed more to the human experience than freaking Nidan! GreenAsJade: Okay, well I don't actually know him, except to say: If I was as thoughtful and helpful as you, I'd cut me own foot off, and feed it to a llama! Then I'd shave the llama bare and use the hair to make a rope to hang everyone else mentioned above from Grog Dorosh! And as for anyone else mentioned in this sad, sorry, disturbing...what? Now? Apparently it's either time for for me to take everyone else's medication, or we've just received videos of the Cheery Waffle crowd having a campfire sing-a-long and smore party. In any case, I have to go.
  7. Well, I've read 'Thus Spake Zarathustra', 'Ecce Homo', 'The Use and Abuse of History' and 'On the Genealogy of Morals'. Also some other essays and excerpts from other works. Most of it was for Political Philosophy & Theory courses, so we had a more specific focus than, say, Berli might have had. Nietzsche was one of the more interesting reads. The most painful was Thomas Aquinas. I'd rather perform a self-crucifixion rather than read Aquinas again. Better yet, I wish I had a time machine so that I could go back in time and shove weasels up Aquinas' bum until he desisted from writing. </font>
  8. Shut up Boo. Shouldn't you be helping Seanachai feed the cat its milk? </font>
  9. Happy birthday, Stikkypixie! Now, be a good lad and lie down on the floor. I think I've got something on the bottom of my shoe that needs wiping.
  10. Well, I've read 'Thus Spake Zarathustra', 'Ecce Homo', 'The Use and Abuse of History' and 'On the Genealogy of Morals'. Also some other essays and excerpts from other works. Most of it was for Political Philosophy & Theory courses, so we had a more specific focus than, say, Berli might have had. Nietzsche was one of the more interesting reads. The most painful was Thomas Aquinas. I'd rather perform a self-crucifixion rather than read Aquinas again. Better yet, I wish I had a time machine so that I could go back in time and shove weasels up Aquinas' bum until he desisted from writing.
  11. You were playing in a tournament? I've lost all respect for the fact that I ever even bothered to not respect you at all. Why don't you just borrow a uniform top from Dorosh and some fishnet stockings and start up a thread for 'Game-Playing Nazi Uniform Wearing Cross-Dressers Searching For Others For Conversation, Romance, or Fun?' you big big freak? How you been? I mean, besides descending into the gutter and porpoising through the urine of tournament play?
  12. That was actually quite nicely done, Boo. Well, except for all the made-up words and such. That was rather limp. I mean, the excessive and badly done word play on 'git' became tedious. But otherwise, it was entertaining. I foresee a bright future for you, Boo. Unless, of course, you continue to add endless suffixes to some root word in an attempt to infuse it with extended meetings in a rather witless attempt at 'humour'. 'Git' is a bold, proud anglo-saxon word. The attempt to somehow 'romanize' it with endless suffixes degrades both it, and you. Refrain, oh Boo. Otherwise, kudos, you halfwit swine.
  13. All right, I have to go to bed now. I have to feed my cat some milk! Maybe my next door neighbour will come over and explain to my cat where milk comes from... Dear God...the horror, the horror...
  14. Better yet, make him go 'dry'. You know, the old 'these lips shall never touch liquor no more' type thing. I'm pretty sure that kills Australians. At the very least, it neuters them. And no harsh chemicals to damage the environment!
  15. It would help if you lot would publish a freaking 'field guide', or something. I mean, I'd hate to shoot something that wasn't in season...
  16. But this is not a 'family thread'. It is, at best...no, it's not even truly 'family friendly'. I hate families. Arrrr! Curse and split 'em, says I! I think it's important that we keep children out of this Thread. That is the primary reason we behave like gentlemen. In a modern society, nothing is more off-putting to children than behaving like adults. They don't need to know that the adults are all raving lunatics, foul-mouthed, drunken, and abusive. Children are attracted to that sort of thing. Conservatives are 'minute rice'. Minute Rice is devoid of any nutritional value, easily prepared, tasteless and offered as the mass market alternative to anything of real value. You may draw your own conclusions.
  17. Sigh. Hardly surprising. The words 'Drunk' and 'Australia' were used in the Thread title. Frankly, I'm surprised we're not actually catching them in our zippers as we do them up after a slash.
  18. So what you're telling us, Elijah, is that the University of California has opened the equivalent of an off-shore diploma mill in the Valley? Ah, then I imagine you will be doing major papers, if not your dissertation, on the Peng Challenge Thread. Well, keep this in mind, my educated friend. I'm not some simple native that you can con with beads, feathers and palm wine into an interview when you're out playing at 'Margaret Mead'. I'm not a bloody Australian. If you're going to use me as a source for the story of 'the Peng Challenge Thread' for your graduate work, you'd better show up with at least a case of imported beer, and a liter of single malt. And if you want me to reveal the incredible shamanistic underpinnings of the Thread, with all the dark rituals and hidden sacraments, we're talking some serious fecking chemicals. Not that tiddly crap you can get by sidling around the Student Union and going 'nudge, nudge'. We're talking Hunter S. Thompson, 'Heart of Darkness' ****e that would rip the skull right out of your average undergrad and leave him alone and weeping in the corner. Otherwise, all you're going to ever know is that it's some silly thread on a WWII game site message board...
  19. Here in the North, that is still called 'God's Country' (although he's got some explaining to do before we let him use it for picnics or anything), we simply pull down a map that shows Minnesota and Ontario, and the borderlands like the Dakotas, Wisconsin and, in heretical schools, Iowa. Children are then told 'America is out there'. They are then admonished to 'never go there'. We teach them about the rest of the world in Geography, History, and Current Affairs classes.
  20. Although I continue to hate you all the way that God hates heretics, may I just say, Axe - nice thread title. Our lot seem to have issues in that direction, lately...
  21. From an earlier conversation: Seanachai: Now, Dalem wouldn't bat an eye about putting a million people to death, if he thought it contributed to some purpose he believed in. For me, I could only put a million people to death if they really pissed me off. I mean, personally. That's the difference between Dalem's politics and my own. He'll wipe out an entire population for an ideal. I'd only kill them if I disliked them. Mace: I don't think I could put a million people to death. Seanachai: That's because you're sane. Also, Australian. You people still have that whole 'rights of the individual' thing going on.
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