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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. No Squires for you until you wave the NDA around for a while, and explain why you look like Charles Laughton.
  2. Hmm, caught that, and posted my own take. Be calm, Evil One. We are a band of brothers, and native to this soil. People will remember, and calm down.
  3. Pub's have closed, the Aussie's are starting to show up... What the hell am I thinking?! The pub's never close in Australia, except to the tourists.
  4. Good Lord! I posted my own, completely satirical remarks to Rune before I read some of the borderline acrimonious posts on this thread, and I now withdraw even my 'kidding' remarks. Good on you, Rune, for being excited enough about this game to make an effort to share it with others. I certainly understand that desire. It's that feeling of 'involvement' with this game that has led to my involvement with a community of people, many of whom I've never met, and others of whom I've had straight into my own home, to stay for several days, because I've met them through playing CM. I certainly understand people's anxiousness to see the game. And I can even appreciate that some might be tired of seeing 'teasers' from those more in the know. But keep in mind that these people are 'excited' about a game we've all been waiting for, and they are also excited for us, their community. You know they want to get on here, and tell us all about it, because they're sure that we're going to love it, and they want to let us know that we're not wrong. But of course, they can't. Because things may change, and no one wants to see people posting on release stuff like 'hey, I was unofficially told by someone that xyz would be so, and it's not, what the hell's with that?', or 'BFC has betrayed my trust, and defiled the honour of my family because I was absolutely promised pre-release that my anxiety over some obscure but significant bit of complete idiocy that was as important to me as oxygen was completely groundless, and now I don't see it here. I will never cease posting death threats as a result of this treachery.' So I, for one, will simply wait. Perhaps, as a member of the Peng Challenge I have a slightly different perspective. Because I'm used to a certain level of teasing, and taunting, and even unseemly gloating. But I know it's coming from people I know and like, just as I know that what Rune was doing here was sharing his excitement with the Community, in the only way he truly could. So remember, lads, we're not kept in the dark out of malice, and we're not being teased by those who've got inside information. We're dealing with a 'work in progress, subject to change', and the excitement of our fellows over a game that they can't wait to share with us. Also, most of us are kept in the dark because we're a lot of worthless tossers and halfwits who couldn't be trusted with a burnt out match. And I wouldn't want it any other way.
  5. You elitist swine! I demand that the glorious Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul be given parity with Chicago, and that you agree to bring said preview to our community as well! In the Great Patriotic Playing of CMBO, the Twin Cities have earned as much right to a preview as that stiffened puddle of effluent known as the city of Chicago! We shall appeal to the Central Committee! This reversion to bourgeois infatuation with the privileges of aristocracy shall not go unreported! Or, to put it more succinctly: Where's ours, you annoying little urban Illinois git?!
  6. Btw, 'bout time you returned. Not that we want you, but your presence is less loathsome than others. Sean, It sickens me to see you start another thread... just not as ill if the Justicar had started one of his horrid threads</font>
  7. While intriguing, I feel forced to come forward with the ultimate quibble: Where are the Placebos, John Salt? WHERE ARE THE BLOODY PLACEBOS?! How do we know that soldiers throwing common sugar tablets could not have achieved the exact same percentage of kills?! Other than that, of course, I thought this was damned interesting.
  8. But you do your duty, and carry on. I'm beginning to to think there's a deeper, more nefarious purpose behind these threads. As though some group as yet unnamed is studying Madmatt and Moon's response times, making notes, and plotting something evil. Oh, not this thread, as such. This one's by one of ours, and I think he's just having a go at things.
  9. Short, and to the point. Too hear is to sober up long enough to obey, oh Peng.
  10. Are you still smarting over that portrayal of yourself as the Crocodile Hunter? I can almost hear you saying 'crikey!'
  11. Well, it seems to be that time again, so why not scamper over here for more of that endless Peng Challenge fun? Who's For a Jolly Sing Song and Another Go At the Peng Challenge? [ July 05, 2002, 01:28 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  12. Yes, dear visitor, once again the Thread of threads rises from the ashes. A few things to keep in mind before you scarper back to the well worn topics of Grogdom, your 'What I Would Have Done If I Could Actually Design and Program a Game', and the ubiquitous 'When Can I Expect BFC To Send Me Balloons and a Stripper With the Release Date of CMBB Inscribed On Her Bum Because I'm Such an Important Halfwit' threads. It is alwasy important to remember that whatever you picture when you stand in your underwear in front of the mirror, you mean bloody nothing to us. We do not glory in the light of the sun which you seem to think shines forth from your bum like a beacon. So be a good lad and sod off. We are not impressed. Should you decide that you have come unto the Promised Land, you are undoubtedly mistaken. The only thing we have to offer are taunts, abuse, jokes and jeers. But we prefer that those who join in the chorus have at least half a brain, and the ability to actually use it. Skip the endless bathroom humour, fascination with your own and other people's genitalia, and spitting on the floor as an example of 'high satire'. Sound off as though you are quite manly. Alternately, sound off as though you are quite womanly. But bloody well sound off! Whingers, simpering fools, and soppy lackwits with unicorn posters hung up on the walls of their imagination need not apply. Remember, this is a Challenge Thread. But it is so much more. But first and foremost, Challenge Someone! An individual, thank you very much, none of this 'I'm the biggest, meanest, and stupidest thug wannabe in this here forum, and I challenge all you lot to a fight'. How we laugh at people like that. Finally, although we are held on a light leash here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we are still BFC's guests. Excessive bad language, over the top remarks, and anything that smacks of bigotry and real hatred are not welcome. You will leave, and quickly. Now, you've read the rules, and can say you've been here. Why not buy a commemorative Peng Snow Globe (yes, that is Peng himself standing in the middle of Red Square flipping you the bird through the swirling snow!), or an official 'I Was Left In the Wasteland' T-shirt from our gifte shoppe before you Sod Off?
  13. Hmm, not sure if your subtle attacks brought him in here or not, R Leete, but we'll take it that your prodding had something to do with his appearance. Your sig line is once again your own, lad. I have it on good authority that during these few days when you sported it, you were quite envied by Boo Radley. In private emails I believe he was found to be muttering that if the ground beneath my feet was clean enough for you, it was certainly clean enough for him, and that his freakish height was neither as noticeable, nor as objectionable, when he was groveling full length before a master. So know that even your humiliation has brought jealousy to Boo Radley, who longs for the notice of his betters. Also, I think I shall soon have to say some more things about Pondscum, who continues to defile my sight with a significant lack of cringing.
  14. You caught that one quickly, young Hiram. I was slightly misinformed about yourself and Croda. Originally I'd been told you were living together, but have since discovered that you merely take a vacation place together twice a year. This doesn't alter the nature of your state of denial. I can only offer you my assurance that there is nothing wrong with what you two feel for each other, nor the way you express it. Sorry, lad, but you can't afford Dante. You'll have to make do with my own versifying. And I accept your offer of a game, but counter propose 1000 points. Your other conditions were acceptable. Your attempts at insulting me, however, said more about the issuer than their target. It is difficult, sometimes, to decide whether you are projecting your fears or your desires on me. You keep making these odd 'grog' remarks. What are you on about? Sigh...projecting again. Hiram, fruit is an important dietary element. Your post, for example, convinces me that you suffer greatly from a lack of regularity. Eating more fruit would help you with that. Now, I accept your little challenge. And, while bowling may be the State sport of New Jersey, here in Minnesota we prefer fishing, boating, camping, and other outdoorsy type sports that bring us in touch with nature; clearly something to be avoided in New Jersey. I await your setup.
  15. Well, having let you stew for a few days, and after having re-read your submission to my will (that was a very nice compliment, by the way, regarding the fulsomeness of my posting style), I find that you are less naughty in my sight. Also, I've noted you actually out and about, posting with your new, degrading sig line, and I find this good. So, I stand ready to release you from this penance. I thought that, perhaps, if you accomplished some small quest I would return control of your signature to you. But what quest to impose? First, I thought, I would have you bring me the head of a Grog. But then I had to ask myself, what the heck would I do with that? Oh, I know, most of you immediately thought: Drinking Goblet. But Grog-skull drinking goblets are so 'last season'. And then it struck me! I apologized but informed her that it was Desdichado who'd touched her, not myself, and that he'd assumed he knew her. But then I had a thought! What if I sent my Squire out to insult my Arch Foe, Slapdragon, and drag him back here to the MBT to receive my long overdue third (or was it fourth?) taunt, so that our on-hold game could continue? So, Squire Leete, I charge you thusly. Sally forth (or sashay, if you're feeling sprightly), and find that horrible pseudo-Grog menace and most horrible of my detractors, and insult him, wherever you may find him, and inform him that I once again take up our game, and stand ready to taunt him soundly in the furtherance of our slanging match. Do this lad, and when Slapdragon once again shows up to call me all sorts of foul and generally applicable names, you shall have performed your penance, and may once again call your sig line your own.
  16. Ah, Boo! I take it then that you missed reading my revelatory piece about the Real Australia (posted here in the 'Pool some time ago), in which I discussed that day to day language use amongst Australians is comprised completely of words that they make up on the spot, but their universal and constant consumption of beer gives them a sort of 'empathic' animal sense that allows them to interpret what other Aussies are saying. Say the word, Boo, and I will email you this very informative, if somewhat lengthy essay that exposes the true shame of this marsupial ridden hell-hole. [ July 03, 2002, 10:28 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  17. Panzer Leader's posting a great deal, lately. Where's the Brick? C'mon, who had it last?
  18. Good God! Does this mean he might not be a Harvard graduate and highly payed Attorney, either? What about claims to being an internationally famous Dog Groomer working for the Intelligence community? A rather stupid Forum on which to claim to be a Marine, actually, as this could be disproved pretty much within moments. But then, he hasn't shown much in the way of intelligence, common sense, or even good manners.
  19. Don't think of it as a 'war', Berli. After all, he's only an Australian. Think of it as a Police Action.</font>
  20. Don't think of it as a 'war', Berli. After all, he's only an Australian. Think of it as a Police Action.
  21. Yes, and I don't assume that you're a pandering, foggy-minded, soft-headed hunchback. But I've been wrong before. DjB</font>
  22. Gyrene, we thank you. Whenever egregious half-wits lie, deny, and posture, we of the Cesspool wish to know. In gratitude for your timely pointer to this bit of unbelievably stupid but entertaining behaviour, we shan't tell you to sod off (although you probably should). How refreshing to find that there are people out there so far down the food chain that even our lowliest SSN looks like a Harvard Graduate (as it were).
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