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Everything posted by medlinke

  1. Because I've had some technical difficulties with my FTP site, the encryption on my new PW didn't take correctly, it'll be at least until tommorow until I can post anything new. However, when I do post, you'll get a preview, and hopefully a new mod. Next article won't be until late next week at this rate. Thanks Keith ------------------ Operation CultureK Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!
  2. we need to get this guy to do some work for CM! Those BGs are great! I wish we could have something like that in CM!
  3. I have posted an article on Assault theory on Operation CultureK. Check it out, and keep on coming back! I do have a question for BTS though and everyone else. Can we make a central news posting center that posts to this forum? Maybe something like the FAQ topic, but without the comedy. That way, there could be 1 post called, "WEBSITE NEWS!!!!!" And under it you could always find the latest posts, etc. I hate coming here and dogging the group with posts about the site when they are of the general nature like this one. What's your opinion? Thanks Keith ------------------ Operation CultureK Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!
  4. Actually, The propaganda posters will get a new one each week. So look for a new one on Sunday or Monday. I am thinking that perhaps I'll do it like a thumbnail...so people can get a bigger poster if they want. Some of the posters are pretty bad looking when small so it's been a challenge finding ones that look good at only 130px width! Thanks for the encouragement. My site layout is a lot like Manx's site. Here is why. 1. I respect his site a lot. Come on...it's awesome. 2. I use ASP include files for my banner, sidebar and footer for easy updating so it made sense to do it that way. 3. I am quite partial to the inverse L layout. 4. It's not fully developed yet, but soon you'll see what else I have in store for that sidebar! Thanks for all the encouragement once again, and if anyone is looking to write for me, or contribute things...uh hmmm building mods, etc. please let me know! I really want to get something up! Thank you Keith ------------------ Operation CultureK Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!
  5. With the approach of CM2..at least getting into those months where people really want to see some CM2 posts, will a specific CM2 board be created? Personally I don't want to rummage through a ton of CM1 posts to find CM2 stuff, and vice versa, I don't want to rummage through CM2 stuff once it's released (or at least some info / screenshots / etc.) to find CM1 stuff. Just a question Keith ------------------ Operation CultureK Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!
  6. -------------------------- Everything is updated -------------------------- Go ahead and get everything. I didn't cut people's downloads off or take the site down, so go ahead and download the new files. Until 3/5/01 I will continue to post the zip files with just the mission bmps. So if you want them get them soon (they aren't big I think the Free French one is like 320K and the Winterized one is like 8K) So...go and get em! Thanks for the kind words and support! Keith ------------------ Operation CultureK Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!
  7. -------------------------- Bergman Mod Fixed -------------------------- There was a slight problem with the file for the FF and US Shermans tonight as you can see from this thread, but I have fixed it. In the future, should there be a problem, please contact me right away and I'll get on it ASAP! Fixes for things like this always get first priority and it has been taken care of. So...Start downloading! I have also posted just the fix for this one so you don't have to download everything as well! Enjoy! Keith ------------------ Operation CultureK Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!
  8. This is mirrored at Operation CultureK so you can find it in the link in the sig of this message. Thanks Keith ------------------ Operation CultureK Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!
  9. No Way! $100...come on....Women may spend that much, but by the time you tell them what you like and what they look good in, they are returning over half! Besides, you could also suggest something like...go out to lunch....go out for coffee...there are many less expensive out the ladies kinds of things... So...I'm sticking to mine. Women also have an amazing ability to know when you get something in the mail. I got a Credit Card bill in the mail yesterday and my Fiance, who doesn't live with me and has a different credit card provider....knew I got mine. It was uncanny. I also got a tin of Mrs. Fields Cookies and the second she walked in...she smelled cookies...So I bet a woman would know when that package was coming in the mail! ------------------ Operation CultureK Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!
  10. see that's the problem.... here's the solution.... This has always worked for me.... On just some random Wednesday or Thursday build it up that you have a ton of work. Ignore the work (which you don't have) and spend the evening with your wife. Make it special and do things you don't normally do (clean up after Dinner, etc). Then, suggest that she call her friends and that they go shopping for the day on Saturday....She'll agree trust me...They always think that's a good idea... Then, when she's shopping, find you game, grab it, and play it. Make a copy of it, and put it back....Then: 1. She won't know the difference between the demo and real game 2. You'll have proof you don't have the disc 3. You can still play 4. Your "missus" won't be pissed 5. She'll appreciate your gesture You can't lose! Come to think of it....maybe this should be an article for Operation CultureK...entitled... Wife Got your game? The Art of CovertOps for CM Disc Recovery hehehe Keith ------------------ Operation CultureK Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!
  11. Well consider this.... Portland sits at the base, or at least near the base, of an inactive volcano....well...there has been speculation that it is due to erupt and become active again at some point.... You people in the NW better watch out or one day that Volcano may blow and bury Portland! Keith ------------------ Operation CultureK Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!
  12. I couldn't find your e-mail address Wittman, but if you would like, on my new website I have a section where people can preview things, like scenarios and get feedback on them. If you are interested, take a look at site. You'll find a link in my sig. Thanks Keith ------------------ Operation CultureK Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!
  13. I couldn't find your e-mail address Wittman, but if you would like, on my new website I have a section where people can preview things, like scenarios and get feedback on them. If you are interested, take a look at site. You'll find a link in my sig. Thanks Keith ------------------ Operation CultureK Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!
  14. I couldn't find your e-mail address Wittman, but if you would like, on my new website I have a section where people can preview things, like scenarios and get feedback on them. If you are interested, take a look at site. You'll find a link in my sig. Thanks Keith ------------------ Operation CultureK Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!
  15. I get 500 megs of space, which is plenty, I put something like 119 mods on there over Christmas so I could download them from home (I live at school, Michigan State University) I get unlimited bandwidth unless it begins to compromise the network integrity, and I have a 99.9% uptime guarantee from my web host! So...I think I can handle it all! Thanks for the compliments! Keith ------------------ Operation CultureK Check it out today for Great Combat Mission Content!
  16. Chalk one up for 22! ------------------ _ __________ _ Operation CultureK Check it out today!
  17. Hello CM'ers I just wanted to make public the newest Combat Mission fansite. It's called Operation CultureK and is hosted at my website, CultureK.com. My philosophy is content, content, content. So I am going to make public my intention to keep the website updated with at least 1 new content item every three days. That's not as much as the bigger websites out there...but I do think it will make it something worth visiting. I have downloads, articles, reviews, a few FAQs, and if you look really hard...some job postings! So if you are interested in seeing a new Combat Mission Website. Check out: Operation CultureK ------------------ _ ____________ _ Operation CultureK Check it out today!
  18. I can tell you why you are having problems. You are using Front Page or Word to make the website? Any Microsoft product writes code that is extremely well coded....for IE products. For any other products, including IE for the Mac....it sucks. My advice would be to use netscape composer if you don't really want to delve into getting a professional HTML editing suite like Macromedia's Dreamweaver 4 and Fireworks 4 Studio (which I use and highly recommend). So...your best bet for now would be to redesign the site before you get into a ton of pages you need to redo! Keith
  19. maybe when the jeep gets that close it is modelled like a close assualt on the tank? That might explain it a little bit, then it would be a miracle shot for a crew vs. Armor... But still, it's nice to see these things happen, even if they suck against you... Keith
  20. Hi, I am looking for a good set of sky textures. I have the originals and the ones that were recently posted to TGN (Jan. sometime) I think they are nice, but the clear day texture and the night textures aren't up my alley. I saw the sky textures used in the Normandy Terrain set preview....what are those? Anyone have any sky sets or know where I can get a different set to try out? Thanks Keith
  21. It might be nice to see 3 levels though. -1 normal and +1 This way there could be abstracted gullies without having to elevate the whole map. I also think that it'd add alot to the game without taking the massive amounts of time that it would to implement an unlimited or say 10 level elevation model. Three is optimum I think. Keith
  22. here is what I made from everyone's suggestions. I took DD's mod and just used Fireworks to lighten / darken each texture from -35% to +20% As you can see the transitions are easy from 1 level to the next, but I have noticed that jumps of 2 levels or 6% difference in color is noticeable. Perhaps making it a 4% would not be a bad idea, but for most scenarios, I think this should be fine. In the first time I tried it I came out with the level 19 just too light weighing in at +35% over the original, the textures just didn't look right. This one, while bright, doesn't make tree bases look bad. here is the overhead shot: As you can see it's a smooth transition from 0-19, the buildings, etc, don't look out of place. I tried to put every common item minus units on the board. Here is the isometric view: So, there you have it. I can't distribute it without DD's permission, and it is 15 megs in size so I can't e-mail it. However it was really easy to do and I think anyone with a graphics program (other than paint) should have no problems replicating this look or tailoring it to their own preference. Keith ------------------ ------------------------ CultureK.comThe experience will last a lifetime
  23. Thanks for all the suggestions, It's nice to see everyone wants to help out! Keith ------------------ ------------------------ CultureK.comThe experience will last a lifetime
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