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Posts posted by SuperTed

  1. Originally posted by McAuliffe:

    But in case of an attack scenario, isn't it the task of the designer to create a scenario, where the player is confronted with situations he won't find in a quick fired up QB. Shouldn't he "create" a scenario ?

    When you leave defensive forces on the map just grouped per platoon- or Cie. leader, I guess the attacking player will have not much of a "match" when choosing default setup.


    If you re-read my post, you'll see I only group attacking forces. For the defensive side, I always place them for fear of exactly what you mention.

    Also, I always have a note in the overall briefing that refers to "Best Played As" to help the player. I guess that is the crux of this thread. smile.gif

  2. Originally posted by McAuliffe:

    In scenarios, I suggest that you choose the default set-up. If the designer has not taken the effort to set-up the units in more or less good defensive positions or advance columns, I guess the scenario isn't even worth playing it.


    Something that has always frustrated me is poorly placed units when I am attacking. I can understand this being the case if an ambush is being simulated. If that is not the case, then I prefer to place my advancing troops where I think they will be most effective. I suspect any real commander would feel the same.

    To that end, I usually design scenarios that allow the attacker to place the units within a set-up zone. So, instead of forcing my set-up preferences on the player, I tend to group the forces. I'll keep the platoons together and have an area for support weapons, vehicles, and the like. I feel this allows the player to see exactly what he has at the outset.

  3. My First Soccer in Over Nine Months AAR

    My plan was to play goalkeeper for the first half of the first game to see how things went. Well, after playing two consecutive games, I think it's safe to say things went well! :D

    Game 1

    Despite allowing six goals, only one could be pinned on me. I played a ball poorly and allowed a player to score. The other five goals were the result of defensive breakdowns that culminated in point blank shots. Fortunately, this team's strength is offense and the final score was 13-6.

    Game 2

    After getting the first game out of the way, I was ready to rock and roll. This team plays a much better defense, making my job easier. Again, I allowed only one soft goal and the defense allowed the other one. With a strong performance on both ends of the field, we came away with a 9-2 victory!

    The knee feels great! Of course the scrapes, bumps, and bruises are another story, but I'm not about to complain. ;)

    Thanks again to all the well wishers out there.

  4. Originally posted by PawBroon:

    I don't want to pull my Frenchness on you Ted but aren't 100+ soccers games a bit much for some foreign n00b?


    I'm glad you're on your way to recovery and hope that you'll be able to kick balls in no time.

    Pun intended BTW, don't yell at me...


    Somebody has to keep soccer alive in this country and I'm doing all I can. ;)

    Thanks, I look forward to kicking some balls to. :eek:

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