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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

David Aitken

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Everything posted by David Aitken

  1. BloodyBucket is correct. According to Steve, the only reason you can split squads in the first place is for recon purposes, or to simulate a very thin line. Even this was not necessarily going to make the final cut, so don't expect anything more.
  2. Is the game presentable as evidence in a court of law? Do I need an attorney to issue writs in the event that you attempt underhand gamey moves?
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Lawnmower wrote: I still think you look a little tooooo much like Tony Blair. Coincidence? I doubt it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Allegations notwithstanding, at least I have some taste in headwear. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And you didn't deny that you journey to Althorpe every weekend to add to your Princess Di collection.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't even know where Althorpe is, or that it has anything to do with Princess Diana. Presumably that's an area of expertise for you?
  4. Hang on, was I just defamed by Lawyer? Look here, you stuffed suit, aren't you supposed to wait until someone else does the defamation bit, and then jump in and screw one (or preferably both) parties for every penny they're worth? Exceeding our authority a bit, aren't we? Leave morality to the humans, now back to the gutter with you. Leeo, I don't know why you're e-mails aren't getting through, but everyone else's are (except maybe armornut's, but I'm assuming he's just done a vanishing act), so it's obviously your ISP's fault. Try sending me a mail without an attachment and see if that gets through, and then maybe ask someone from your part of the world (maybe the same ISP if you can) to mail me and see if that works. Failing that, put the file in a floppy disc and send it by post.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>YK2 wrote: I assume that must be for his flair as Director/producer rather than his acting ability.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Bill Paxton is da man. I saw a film he co-starred in, the name was (checks)... I can't work out what the name was, but he was a smalltown Sherriff who has to prove himself to a couple of patronising FBI agents. He ranks up there with Harrison Ford in my book.
  6. Apologies to CMplayer, I pressed 'OK' instead of 'Map' and dropped the connection before thanking him for the great game, or indeed surveying the remnants of his shattered forces and getting to know my new captives. The screen with the buttons on it said: Axis 56 casualties 3 vehicles KO 83 men OK score: 72 Allied 88 casualties 9 captured 3 vehicles KO 84 men OK score: 28 'Twas a meeting engagement in rainy rural setting. I had 4 Marders and 3 StuH's and a company of riflemen, he had a couple of Shermans, a Chaffee and several battalions of infantry. I moved everying up the right flank, where some of his men subsequently appeared, and I proceeded to blow them into bite-sized pieces and then throw a platoon in to hold them off, to protect my flank as I pushed left towards the VL. A bazooka took out two of my Marders, but the StuH's and the remaining Marders acquitted themselves well (despite the continual bogging of the former), and I kept him off balance whilst I kicked his infantry off the main VL. He had the cheek to call me an SSN at the outset (not to mention refusing to believe that I was the almighty DA himself), because I didn't attempt to conceal my forces. He should be advised that I'm not an SSN, I'm just tactically incompetent. But that didn't stop me showing him how kind and polite people are dealt with in the Peng Thread! I might add that he's putting it all on, he's not really that nice, he called me a f***head when my StuH sent little pieces of his Chaffee raining down on the battlefield with an HE round! Waaa! Thanks again, you are a worthy sacrifical lamb to my ego.
  7. As you can see, I was using BTS's stock 'pink Panther'. Evidently Steve is in on the ruse as well. Still, Tiger being Tiger, as opposed to, say, Churchill or Pershing, his mods would probably make the Germans even more über than they already are... ...which, of course, brings us back to the gamey mods debate! I may have the edge due to my low-res bitmaps, but if you use mods from an artist sympathetic to your side, you can redress the balance! It's all starting to come together!
  8. Game Report Never mind my PBEMs, this is far more important. Both the Germans and the AI are gamey bastards. I gave the computer a defence with eight Panthers, and took eight Cromwells, four Daimlers and four Humbers for myself. I pulled every gamey trick in the book, decoying the slow German tanks with my fast vehicles, rolling up the enemy's flank, occupying VLs with bailed crews, throwing scout cars down roads at top speed to locate enemy tanks, and even using the Quad Damage and Teleportation cheats, and the AI still ripped me a new windpipe. I got a minor victory, but only because I had crews on the VLs, since there was one Panther left when the second-last and my last Cromwell killed each other. I think it's plainly obvious that the Germans were employing gamey übertanks with gamey superior optics and gamey thick armour in an attempt to win an underhand victory. Charles is obviously an übertank fan, as according to my experience he has programmed Allied tankers as spineless cowards who willfully abandon their comrades on sight of anything that looks vaguely like an enemy vehicle. Or maybe I just didn't fill out my points allocation. But I should be able to win anyway, I had more tanks! Fix or do somefink!!
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>EarMarked wrote: I hope this spares some young thing the terror of being confronted by a scissors-wielding scot in the future, you persecutor of artists, you grog Philistine.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well thank you MrIV for those gems of wisdom. I'm still not sure what you use the rabbit for, but feel free to spare us the details. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>CMplayer wrote: who wants to see my war face? when i was in the armmy we learn to hide in a swamp and wait for Russians. if they come close we do like this---> :mad: and throw grenades at them. well actually that was only a outdoor paintbal game. they put me on a very important ambush by myself but the enemy didnt come. i waited a long time but they were all at some ski hotel bar. :confused:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, well that's interesting – I think we may have just the job for you. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Go" button which takes you back to the main forum. You are our forum sentry. Simply sit and make sure no-one comes and steals the main forum page. This happens almost every night and BTS has to spend several hours searching the local area of the internet to catch the thieves – time which is subtracted from CM2's development. As you might guess, your responsibility is pivotal to the timely release of CM2, and everyone will be extremely grateful to you. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>you are my best peng friend Mr. Aiken. i am so glad you support me over the years. all the pengers must know what a nice scotch you are. i would give you a bear hug but i have to be careful of my tough reputation. god bless and may your lips never tuch liquer.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This guy really is the Monty Python rabbit personified. He sounds all cute and fluffy, but get too close and I bet you'd be scattered over a 20-yard radius in bite-sized chunks in about ten seconds flat. What he's doing watching MrIV do his stuff remains to be explained. [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: David Aitken ]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Madmatt wrote: Can anyone tell me what parts he played in Commando and The Terminitor?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I didn't notice him in either. But then I didn't know who he was when I saw those films. I did notice that Arnie was able to run with a heavy machinegun in Commando, though, and take on a small South American army single-handed. I think BTS has it all wrong. Fix or do somefink!
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>CMplayer wrote: excuse me, what does ssn[/b mean, i heard it all the time. What is it? thanks, -r [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ] [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ] [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ] [ 07-27-2001: Message edited by: CMplayer ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This man needs help. Allow me: If you're on a Mac, press Command-Q. If you're on a PC, I can't remember what the key combination is, so a brick through the monitor will do. Now get up, go outside, find someone relatively pleasant-looking (the opposite sex is good) who doesn't seem to be in any rush, and engage them in polite conversation. Alternatively, go and climb a mountain (do they have mountains in your part of the world?). This experience can be enhanced if you find a steep bit and take a running jump from the edge. Failing that, if you must know, SSN = Scum-Sucking Newbie. This is a mildly derogatory term aimed at anyone who has been a regular participant in the Peng Challenge Thread for less that 15 months.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Simon Fox presumably not related to Edward Fox or his daughter Emilia and therefore not worthy of further consideration wrote: Rather than constraining Aitken's viscious demeanour he has taken upon himself to form a knightly order, the Missionaries of the Sacred and Inviolable Combat, riding forth at every opportunity to "do battle" with the "demented", the "questioners" and the "disbelievers". As with all religous fanatics, his interpretation of the "holy word" has it's own idiosyncratic bent, any deviation bringing a viscious assault; bereft of reason and without concern for the reputation of the victim.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Right, you're on the list. Once I've strung up Britney Spears by her school tie then it's your turn (bet she never really wore a tie at school). Yes, and if you think carefully about it, that means you're under Ms Spears. Lucky you. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Stretch Mark wrote: I submit that anyone who can be driven from a board by Aitken could be driven from a naked, nubile, mildly drunk co-ed in a dripping wet t-shirt and tight unbuttoned cut-offs, by a rabbit. I further submit that the board profits more from this analogy than Mr. Aitken, that it was deliberate, willful, and malicious, and that it would not surprise me to see him sign off forever, after being thus singularly abused.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You would have been somewhere between Tony Blair and Nigella Lawson, but you move up ten places due to some blatant errors in the logic of your definition of 'naked'. Then you move down 98 places due to the nice mental imagery. Get some more experience though, I haven't done it very often but I can assure you that they're only naked after you take off the wet t-shirt and tight cut-offs (thus named because you can't get them off without a pair of scissors).
  13. The Jeep MG example is the kind of thing that BTS will likely program at a later date, probably when they redo the engine after CM2. Another example is mortar and bazooka teams technically having sidearms but being unable to use them for self-defense, although this is partly to prevent trained crews from being used as regular infantry, and partly because some weapons teams are abstracted and should realistically be kept strictly with their platoons.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Tiger wrote: Amen Scipio.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yup, paranoia all right. Anyway, Tiger has now stated that his reasons for leaving and withdrawing his work are not entirely to do with the 'dead body' debate, so how about we let him go and move on?
  15. I think Audie Murphy is the name you are looking for. I only know what I've read here, but the consensus seems to be that if the Germans hadn't been inexperienced troops, Murphy would have been toast. Such incidents are very much the exception to the rule and do not merit reflection in CM. There have been many such requests on this board using the actions of the odd hero as justification.
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Scipio wrote: Tiger, people like Aitken and Slappy are absolutly not intersted in your opinion, arguments or any word that you say (write). They are only interested to see themself as winner in a discussion.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I might point out that this is direct defamation, and far more insulting than anything Tiger has put up with, but do you see me throwing a tantrum and leaving?
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Tiger wrote: I asked an innocent question about whether or not it would be possible to be able to mod the casualty kill markers and I got jumped on by the holier-than thou group that resides here with the blessing of BTS.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> This kind of paranoia is the root of the whole problem. There are a fair few people on this board who can't distinguish the presentation of a dissenting opinion from "holier-than-thou browbeating". Just because some of us prefer to be rational and reasonable in what we post instead of returning a flame doesn't make us patronising. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Following this were various tactics of innuendo, browbeating, and patronization and false claims (mostly from snapdragon and Aitkens).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You continue to take no responsibility for the fact that it was you who contributed the most spiteful and inflammatory material to the thread. Apparently you did so because of your paranoia, not because anyone else actually did anything unreasonable. I think your attempts to blame others for your own intolerance are quite poor.
  18. Buttoned vehicles can't fire the flexible MG. This means the .50 cal on American tanks, the .30 cal on American halftracks, and suchlike. German halftracks can fire the MG whilst buttoned because they have a gun shield. German SP guns such as the StuG and Hetzer can fire the flexible MG whilst buttoned because they have remote control. Err... so it looks like the Germans have the upper hand as buttoning goes. It's not really relevant to British vehicles because the tanks don't have flexible MGs and the carrier MGs are internal.
  19. Forgive my cynicism, but do we think that Tiger won't be keeping an eye on the forum to see just how upset people get that he's taking his toys away? And since artists depend on publicity, what does he have to gain from cutting off his own oxygen supply? He's certainly not 'punishing' the people he got upset at – I, for one, don't use modifications. He is 'punishing' many of the people who do use his textures and who supported him in his irritation. Babra said "He'll be back", and I think so too. In the long term he's only punishing himself, but in the short term he's creating a wave of "don't go Tiger, we love you" posts. He seems to me to be someone who needs to be told how much everyone likes what he does, and as Germanboy suggested, expects that credit to give him greater intellectual weight and let him off with worse behaviour. I think the best thing we can do is let him go and let the subject die, and soon enough we'll see what his intentions really are.
  20. Good point. The 50-foot woman can't get no satisfaction.
  21. I did a bit of digging and came up with plenty of threads on the subject, and I picked out these, including a couple from before the game was released. Sorry there are so many, they all have useful information! Night NIGHT FIGHTING Did starshells make it? Are star shells and bridge demolition simulated? Night and illumination Lighting -other than fuses & flares Night combat revisited (long) illuminating rounds for night fights night time visability Flares at Night
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Sergeant Saunders wrote: I'm new, but isn't this the same thing?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I suppose you're right, depending on how you look at it. I think the simplest way to put it, is that what I/O Error is suggesting, is rather than simply having points scored against you for the casualties you take, you would actually be penalised on top of that for losing an unreasonable proportion of your force in achieving the objectives. This, as he suggests, would be different depending on the attitudes of the particular army.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Terence wrote: Is it possible that Tiger wanted a mod-able dead body icon NOT because he wanted to add blood, but because he wanted to make it consistent with uniform mods on living soldiers.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> As far as I know, casualties use the same bitmaps as active troops, not a copy of the same bitmap. So if you replace the bitmap, it's used for casualties too. If there were a separate slot for the casualty bitmap, even if it used a copy of the active bitmap, then that's exactly what Tiger was asking for and this debate would never have started.
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