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Everything posted by spider

  1. You must pass the initiation ceremony, now stand still. this wont hurt unless you want it to ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  2. Im 29 and i lost 160 pounds on the slimfast plan, thankyou slimfast!! ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  3. play to the last level and you will find that they did The super panzer with quantum shields and particle cannons, hehe ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  4. Barracks in my pocket tm ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  5. Im glad nobody is pissed at me Anyway, just to say on the armament, trooper is correct, we are currently equipped with steyr augs, in my opinion among the finest infantry weapon systems available, far surpassing the british sa-80 family (accurate but they fall apart in the field) The m16a2,(its old) and the ak74 (5.45wp is a weak round, even the russians wil admit that) we have the best of uniforms, (we have the danner fort lewis boots, £260 retail!,more in dollars, but we dont have a working jet, theyve all been taken out of service, the irish air corp is being scrapped completely, barring the helicopters assigned to the rangers, which will be replaced with the money from the land sold and the wages saved when the remaining planes and helicopters are turned over to a new coast guard which will also include the dearmed ships from our scrapped navy! we dont have any mbts at all, our apcs are severly out of date (although new ones are being purchased, i doubt they will compare to warriors or bradleys), the plan is to reduce the entire irish defence force to 3-4 combat btns and a company of rangers. supported by engineer company, medical company, etc. there has been between 9 and 12 btns for a long time and we have only ever seen 2 on foreign duty at a time, with no real terrorist threat anymore it is viable to reduce the size and create a very professional army. Just a pity we never bought the h&k g11's Oh trooper, it was only dublin that really had rifles, many of the wests groups carried shotguns and 22s! I have a funny picure of an irish anti aircraft crew, they are standing in a line pointing their shotguns in anticipation ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  6. I tried search, not much look, ill try it again, thx
  7. Just a few questions # *1* Will there be captured tanks, will the germans for instance be able to use a sherman that was abandoned on their turf? *2* will americans use mp40s as they did or will they be confined to what theyre supposed to have? *3* will squad member salvage ammo from dead squad members or pick up extra weapons when out of ammo? *4* How are ammo levels and small arm effectiveness modelled, i know the firepower rating is not like an attack rating in an rpg its just a guideline right? not like 200 firepower = 10 casualties at x range. shots are simulated for each individual weapon? is ammo rated for each individual weapon? can you run out of bar ammo but have fully loaded rifles and smgs still? ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  8. As far as i know the republicans in the rising were put to death on the same day as the rising ended. Fair trials can take months, just saying... ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mike T: Sorry Spider, I forgot to thank you too for your interesting post about the German recon photos etc. Did you know that the German's also had a plan drafted to invade Ireland in WW2 - it was called Fall Grun (Plan Green) and I believe SPI was actually developing a wargame based on it. By the way, do you have any info on what the Republic's armed forces were like during the war. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah, theyre the photos i have all right, i can get you a good bit of info, ill post it later on a separate thread, i have to find the books, just moved house, its a mess. Its amusing a lot of it, we were that badly equipped, its not much better now, we had to "borrow" apcs for peacekeeping, we have excellent small arms but the expensive stuff just isnt there, our best tanks are british scorpions!! so anyway, ill post it all later in the week so stay tuned ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  10. Kewl, i read the article before just forgot ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  11. I generally stay away from anything russian, and paintstripper, or are they all one and the same? ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  12. Just to put in my final word here, And about the north to the guy who wonders where protestant settlers come from, they were mainly scottish presbiterians, they didnt really cause any trouble, and the whole country was under british rule at that time anyway, Oh, yeah, micheal collins survived the 1916 rising but was shot by Devaleras men (Devalera was an irishman but he lived in america and had american citizenship, thats how he escaped the 1916 firing squad) They made a film about it but most of it is hollywood junk , its a one sided film. I have absolutely no problem with the english, been there, liked that, bought a cheeseburger. dumbo, 55% is an old figure, the nationalist community have been outbreeding the unionists since the early forties. the projected figure is 65%, (remember that poor people have larger families, thats a statistical rule, now that theres more nationalists its not going to change, it will grow) That means nothing however as that kind of differencedoes not merit a changeover such as hong kong, i dont believe its a good idea at all, the trouble would be unreal, there would be chaos, its just not going to happen for a good while yet! As for Usernames comment, it wasnt as bad for ww2 but in ww1 the irish regiments were wiped out first, as Fionn said, to get rid of the trouble makers, but thats forgotten now. And as for thatcher being bad for everyone. I know that, i wasnt saying she wasnt, but that is one of the cases the scottish and welsh are using as an example of how they are abused by london rule, One question however, why are you losing money on NI scotland and Wales? unemployment, they never recovered fully... o. fionn it was more than 50%, we have 50% of pre-famine population now, nevermind just after it.. And just a pro-british comment since it is true, they were actually the first superpower to outlaw slavery! This is what i think should be the last post, Just argumenting, no hard feelings, i used to go shopping in northern ireland a lot, until the exchange rate shafted my wallet so badly! Quote of Dumbo "Contrary to overseas readers most Southern Irish folks get on rather well with the English. I have not detected any anti English viewpoints on Fionns part, here he is just stating history." ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  13. I am one of the lucky few to have seen the shooting of that film, and many of my friends are in it, the beach scenes. I bought a medics steel pot helmet off the props when the film was finished shooting, it will grace my wall forever ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  14. I think it should be known that the ira nowdays is not the ira of 1916, Much like the old and new mini, the only similarity is name. I dont personally think a united ireland will be possible for a while, the projected figures for population growth in the north and with the irish economy booming it will be possible by 2015 or something, i read that by then the majority of united ireland will be well over the estimated 65% current. Also worth cosidering is the fall apart of the uk, scotland and much later wales will eventually be independent states to england, they already have separate parliaments, the scottish especially got a terrible deal out of "britain" most of the wealth pours back into england, margaret tatcher gave them a terrible deal and laid off workforces in scotland and wales leaving both in a relative depression when compared to england, in wales their biggest industry, coalmining was shut down by tatchers administration and that only fueled devolution, despite patriotism in the extreme, england alone wont sustain northern ireland if it doesnt end up irish and it will devolve like the others becoming a state.... ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  15. I like crunchy nut cornflakes though ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  16. Many Irish Brigades (such as the irish guards who done point for xxx corps during the drive to arnhem)existed with huge amounts of southerners in them (english regiments have a long history in ireland before ww2 and many irish served in them then also), we had a merchant navy, we had to negotiate the atlantic too, but the flag kept us relatively safe, I have german recon photos of the east coast where there might have been an invasion had britain fallen to the nazis, a few bombing runs accidentaly hit ireland, More irishmen died in the great war when we enlisted in huge numbers. During the first world war the germans supplied the ira with guns for the 1916 rebellion. I have in my possession 2 kar98 wrecks (very little metal left but theyre still worth a bit due to their historical value, 1916 rising) from a ship called the aud which was sunk on a gun run, my mothers a marine archaeologist and worked on the salvage of that ship, they were common items and i was allowed keep the lesser quality guns, ive been to numerous uboat wrecks off the coast. I have a few interesting articles on the irish army,navy and air corp (a few old planes and a salvaged hurricane we were allowed to take off the english) Ill post em if theres an interest, this isnt a major army here so i dont expect a huge demand.... I want to make it clear, *1* about 65% of northern ireland is towards a united ireland, it was about 50/50 in ww2, the whole of northern ireland was not pro ww2 as suggested, i could explain why north is separated from south but its long, if you want to know i could post it i suppose. *2* most if not all the extremist republicans live in northern ireland not the republic, we dont have a broblem with most english, only the anti-irish ones. *3* catholics and protestants are NOT republicans and unionists, i have a friend who is protestant, lives in northern ireland but is a republican. The only establishment in northern ireland which is sectarian against any religion is the orange order, which is against catholics and republicans, generally tho theres not as much trouble as there used to be and theres a cease fire. *4* the irish are not red haired leprechaun farmers who drink guinness! Im blond (yes blue eyes, i admit it ,im of aryan descent, )i live in suburbs and i drink budweiser or dutch gold (u get desperate, hehe) my favorite color is black not green (dont read into that too much *5* NOBODY EATS LUCKY CHARMS HERE!!!!! Cyas all, im off to watch a film on sky movies (a british channel) ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  17. no, a p2 ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  18. Hell yeah!! Thats how i think, long live the revolution I think that dave guy should read the manifesto, then hell understand why wargames wont die...... ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  19. why did that post twice? oh, american, youre signature says PERViously, u might wanna change it
  20. why not? i think people would buy it, i know plenty of wargamers who dont have internet, oh well, ill order it then, thanks for telling me! Brown shirts are facsists, so were black shirts and blue shirts. ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  21. why not? i think people would buy it, i know plenty of wargamers who dont have internet, oh well, ill order it then, thanks for telling me! Brown shirts are facsists, so were black shirts and blue shirts.
  22. steve, before i buy/order game, will direct order be cheaper than the retail in the computer store price?, ive seen id software (among others) price games higher than the shops, dont know why that is but otherwise im up for a purchase, im otherwise confident that this game will rock like no game before it! Im sick of the ,mainstream games being crap with no realism and big monsters with tentacles, and im sick of all the huge flaws in games like steel panthers and close combat,the wait is worth a truly perfect game. to the guy who started this all on the industry about to go into a black hole, its worth more than hollywood now, do you think youll wake up tomorrow turn on the tv to a blank screen? Maybe, but you should try to plug the thing in dumbass!! ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas..... [This message has been edited by spider (edited 03-15-2000).]
  23. that make sonic the hedgehog a ford ka, ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
  24. the engine history to the sherman: M4 andm4a1 had the 400hp wright continental radials (r-975) the A2 had 2 gm 6-71 diesels the A3 had the ford v8 the A4 had the multibank inlines you spoke of, it had a longer hull because of that. the A6 had the cat radial diesel engine ------------------ This is my rifle, this is my gun. This ones for killing, this ones a tasty alternative to turkey at christmas.....
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