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Black Sabot

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Posts posted by Black Sabot

  1. It is a shape charge, the primary AP round for these weapons.

    Because the 105 and 150 are essentially anti-infantry weapons they have low muzzle velocities, so they rely on the shape charge to punch thru enemy armor.

    AFVs like the Panther and the Hellcat can produce the high muzzle velocities necessary to punch thru armor with penetrators.


    "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"

  2. General,

    If you're worried about giving out your credit card over the 'net BTS allows you to pay by check. Contact Steve at Sales@Battlefront.com with the neccesary info to get the ball rolling.

    In regards to RB and LD working on the gold, it can't happen (they are coded differently). However, the game will have those 2 scenarios in the improved format.

    So, Hurry up and place your order, then run out and buy that bigger and faster computer ahead of time. Trust me, you don't want to be stuck with that dinky 133 and read post after post that say "AWESOME'. "WOW", "INCREDIBLE"

    etc, etc... wink.gif


    "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"

  3. Hello J,

    2 Things:

    Even at this late date, you should edit your post to include a spoiler warning. There are some who haven't played the game yet.

    In regards to your question, Yes the tanks performance (targeting, threat awareness) is affected if the CO is killed or even if the tank is buttoned up.

    Hope this helps smile.gif


    "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"

  4. Ohhh boy!

    That last thread is a guarantee that this thread will be locked up, so i better get my question in quick!

    ******SPOILER ALERT (FWIW)********

    I actually have two questions:

    1) If i move the CO but keep the Mortars in the default position, can i still use him to direct indirect fire (assuming he is in command range to the mortars)

    2) If i move the mortars in set-up, can they still target the arty marker without penalty?

    Thanx in advance smile.gif


    "I do like to see the arms and legs fly"

  5. Is there any way to flag a topic with a 'spoiler alert'?

    Granted, i know nothing about what it takes to run this board, and what i'm suggesting might not be feasible, but i'm sure it would be appreciated by alot of people here if it could be done. Highlighting the topic text in red, or a small symbol would be all you need.

    I'm sure you've seen spoiler info scattered about over the last 2 days. Some of it was buried deep inside otherwise 'safe' threads. With the vast majority of members wanting to start blind games, and the 50 brand new scenarios just around the corner, it would be a big help to have people forwarned of such posts.

    Does anyone else think this would be helpful? I know the best solution is to have everyone aware of what they're writing, but that unfortunately hasn't been the case. And this is with only one new scenario so far, imagine it with 50.

    Just my thoughts, FWIW smile.gif

  6. I have such a small problem that i didn't think it needed it's own thread, so i borrowed Jim's...Thanx Jim smile.gif

    When i hit the 'Hotkey' button all i get is a black screen (not blank, black).

    The same for the 'Re-inforcement have arrived' notice.

    I also cannot see thru houses when men are inside or smoke and it's my understanding that these would be transparant.

    Other than that the game D/L and worked fine. One lock-up around turn 18 in CE is all i had to deal with smile.gif

    Any suggestions on what i can do? I have not installed DirectX. Since my demo is working fine i choose to heed that old advice "If it aint broke, don't fix it" smile.gif

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