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Black Sabot

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Posts posted by Black Sabot

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SheWolf:

    Those couples need to incorporate wargames into the rest of their lives. For example, my s/o likes to play "Prisoner of War". I get to blindfold him, bind him hand and foot and torture his body till he cries for mercy. If I choose to let him loose, he has to demonstrate his gratitude in a multitude of ways.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Exactly what do you mean by 'torture' wink.gif

    Please elaborate in detail

    [This message has been edited by Black Sabot (edited 04-20-2000).]

  2. I think you're right.

    I did a search on both 'Elite units' (couldn't find the post) and 'Fionn' (2556 posts-you talk too much wink.gif).

    Nevertheless, i swear i read a post( maybe not by you) which stated a units familiarity with the terrain contributes to their overall quality on the battlefield.

    It would seem to make sense, don't you agree?

    Damm, i wish i could find it, oh well... smile.gif

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scott C:


    Since your global morale is determined by how many casualties you have taken, getting your global morale down requires killing off most of your troops. So, if someone were to try to "exploit" this, they would basically just have to set it up so you lost most of your troops very fast...


    Hmmm, Very interesting...

    Tell me, does the possesion of objectives at the end of the game dictate the winner? Or is it the casulaties caused to the enemy?

    My follow-up question depends on the answer.

  4. Ok,

    I once played Warcraft so i'm familiar with what you suggested. However, If the map reverts to grey upon the units demise and the last known information is "frozen", then that implies (to me at least) that the unit relayed some information about terrain to someone else (a HQ perhaps). So that means as a unit advances it is constantly feeding info up the chain of command.

    This raises another issue, for instance...

    Assume a platoon (3 squads + HQ) are scouting terrain. The squads report back to the HQ which in turn report back to a higher HQ. Now assume the platoon HQ is blown away, what happens now? My understanding is squad radios do not have the range to contact units far away, therefore any info about terrain cannot be passed on.

  5. I remember reading a post I believe was written by Fionn (i could be wrong on this) which stated one of the factors which made a unit Elite (in addition to training, experience, morale, etc...) was familiarity with the terrain of the battlefield.

    IMO, this would mean the Germans had an edge due to the fact they are (for the most part) the defending force in most scenarios, thus having the opportunity to scout and prepare the defenses.

  6. Good evening to all,

    Could someone be so kind as to post (or e-mail me) the turn by turn sequence to a PBEM game. I did a search and found a post from Steve of BTS which had the sequence. The trouble is it doesn't match what is actually transpiring in my current PBEM games.

    For instance the sequence reads:

    Step 4) Player B watches execution, plans, sends to player A.

    Now i am player B and i just got done watching a turns execution but the game did not allow me to plan as stated in step 4. It just kicked me out to the "e-mail player" screen. Am i doing something wrong? My opponents are kind enough to play thru this but i'm still curious smile.gif

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    Hehe... and the people most surprised about all the play time the Beta Demo got is...

    Us wink.gif



    Considering the amount of play time for the beta, The Enthusiasm for the soon to be released Demo/game and your experience in computer games in general, do you have any predictions on the success of CM1?

  8. Ok,

    I can see where the forced surrender would be warranted, but i still have to agree with SS.

    If i understand this correctly, your losses dictate your global morale. And your global morale then is the deciding factor when the AI chooses to surrender. Well, this brings up my earlier question. Does the AI consider the remaining units 'quality' when it makes its surrender decision.

    Consider this...

    If SS had 25 ELITE men and a Tiger left, and his opponent had 2 platoons of green troops and 4 HTs, then SS has a more than reasonable chance of turning the situation around.

    However, if the AI simply views his losses without taking into consideration all other factors, then he will be penalized unfairly.

    I would like to hear your opinions on this smile.gif

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Agrow:

    I just want to take a poll on how many of you men/ or women if any... maybe not for CM only, but for any wargame that is the latest craze.. end up having serious issues with their wives / girlfriends because they spend more time with the game then they do with their spouse.

    ***Agrow, i'm sure you're smart enough to figure out the problem is in the relationship, not the game.

    And if so why do you invest so much of your time in games and WWII history? What do you get in return?

    *** Sanctuary biggrin.gif, Seriously, you mean to tell me you have no other interests other than your Hub?

    Should Wargaming have its own group meetings like Alcoholic's Anonymous?

    *** No, because wargamers don't have problems with wargames. Most of us view it as a hobby, an interest, nothing more. Those that don't need professional help wink.gif

    If you don't want to post your responses on here, write to my email agrow@hotmail.com.

    I am trying to figure out what the big deal is. I could understand if CM had Double D breasts, was 6 foot and blonde, but let's face it.. it seems pretty dull to me to ruin a relationship over.

    ***If CM was a 6 foot blonde with Double d's then she would be fun to play but would have no AI wink.gif

    Now some couples have problems period, but I am just referring to those of u whose major problems revolve around an addiction to Wargaming.

    ***Again, you blame the game for the problem. It's only a game.

    What do u think causes it?

    What are u willing to give up to play ur Wargames?

    ***$45 + $8 S/H smile.gif


  10. Hmmm,

    This brings up a another point.

    Does the AI consider the quality of the troops when it makes its surrender decision? IMO, a platoon of elite troops that suffered 70% casulties is far superior to a like platoon of green troops even though, man for man, they lost the same.

    [This message has been edited by Black Sabot (edited 04-18-2000).]

  11. Does your morale go up with the arrival of reinforcements? I've always been too involved in the battle by the time they arrived, so i've never noticed. If not, then SS has a point.

    If you're a couple of casulites away from forced surrender (by the AI) and reinforcments arrive (or you launch a successful counterattack) which turns the tide, then the AI should not intervene just because you had a few more guys killed.

    Your thoughts on this?

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    After we go Gold I am planning on updating our site. I should have some time then wink.gif


    [This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 04-17-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    What do you mean you're going to have some time? After the game is released you're going to jump right into CM2...right? wink.gif

  13. With the release of the Gold Demo weeks away, and the game right behind, i feel it's time to learn PBEM.

    What i need is someone to walk me thru the PBEM procedure. I'm sure i could get in a turn a day, possibly 2 or 3. I just need help getting started.

    Anyone interested? Please e-mail me, i'll check my messages tommorow morning (5am -ish ET)

    Thanx, guys smile.gif

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