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Allan Wotherspoon

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Posts posted by Allan Wotherspoon

  1. I know where you're coming from. Another thing I'm thinking of doing is putting notification of new turn on the tab.

    I don't have a good feel for whether it's easy or hard to de-tab-ify... I'll think about it.

    (Once I untangle the whole "executable is in a different place to Game Files" thing).


    I'd rather have the tab title highlighted when there are new turns to be played if possible.

  2. I'm playing CMFI using h2hh 1.5.3, and it works fine - however, it doesn't seem to be auto-updating. Not too big a deal, but I thought I'd let you know - unless of course it works fine in version 1.6.

    EDIT: Oh wait.. It just autoupdated lol. It didn't before though, I swear. :D

    EDIT 2: O.k., it looks like it doesn't autoupdate when I finish my turn, but it automatically updates when my opponent copies his turn into the dropbox. Normally, as soon as I hit "ok" to save the file, it does it's thing - but now I have to hit refresh to get it to go. Not like it's so hard to press the refresh button, though..

    I noticed that same behaviour too, then all of a sudden it started autoupdating when I saved my turn as well. I have no idea what caused it to fix itself.

  3. Doesn't work for me. I get the following error message:

    Checking install at C:\Users\User\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy\Game Files

    Couldn't find the Incoming/Outgoing directories at: C:\Users\User\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy\Game Files\Game Files\Incoming Email, C:\Users\User\Documents\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Fortress Italy\Game Files\Game Files\Outgoing Email

  4. When playing PBEM it would be nice if I could send one message to my opponent per turn. Just like in RT mode you can use chat. The same kind of message, but it would be included in the turn file.

    You can do that if you use H2HH to exchange turns. It has a built-in messaging feature.

  5. Too big, too heavy, too slow. It's not just the 88 that is affected.

    The British 17-pr, for example, apparently took approximately 12-hrs to set up and dig in. These are not toys you zoom around from place to place. Set them up in good positions initially, then expect to lose them anyway. Because ... that's exactly what happened. Which is why A-Tk guns progressively became more SP and more armoured as the war advanced.

    12 hours to set up a 17pdr? I don't think so...

    If you are talking about a fully developed AT position with overhead cover and trenches for the guncrew, I could believe it, but just to unlimber the gun and set it up was closer to 12 minutes than 12 hours.

  6. I love CMA. In fact it might be my favorite of all. So, yes, I'm still playing.

    What kind of battle are you looking to play? QB? There aren't a ton of scenarios out there for H2H in this theater.

    I'm easy either way. Pick a scenario or set up a QB and send me the first turn at radamanthineATgmailDOTcom


  7. When I start H2HH, the following pops up in the log window:

    Logging started...

    (this log also stored at: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\GreenAsJade\H2HHelper\h2hh_log.txt )

    (FYI: your ID is 165408152384)

    (FYI, your locale appears to be en_CA)

    This is 1.4.0

    Checking things out...

    Looking for CMBN installation: CMBN

    Checking install at C:\Program Files (x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Battle for Normandy

    ... with drop box at C:\Users\User\Dropbox

    Checking folders for Tom vs Allen QB

    (no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

    looking: is there's a single game file folder C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Tom vs Allen QB


    ... ok, is there's a game file folder pair?


    Checking folders for Géfosse-Fontenay

    (no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

    looking: is there's a single game file folder C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Géfosse-Fontenay


    Checking folders for Bois de Baugin

    (no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

    looking: is there's a single game file folder C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Bois de Baugin


    Checking folders for Deville

    (no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

    looking: is there's a single game file folder C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Deville


    Checking folders for Bloody St. Omer Capelle#2

    (no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

    looking: is there's a single game file folder C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Bloody St. Omer Capelle#2


    Checking folders for Bloody St. Omer Capelle#1

    (no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

    looking: is there's a single game file folder C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Bloody St. Omer Capelle#1


    Checking folders for Flooded Fields Forever

    (no custom game file folder specified... looking to see what you have...

    looking: is there's a single game file folder C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Flooded Fields Forever


    Looking for CMBN installation: CMBN Demo

    You don't seem to have CMBN Demo

    --- Checking game status for Tom vs Allen QB

    most recent incoming: 17, most recent outgoing: 18

    Tidying up CMBN email folders...


    --- Checking game status for Géfosse-Fontenay

    most recent incoming: 5, most recent outgoing: 6

    Checking game file folder for Géfosse-Fontenay...

    checking for messages...

    I couldn't open the message info file (C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Géfosse-Fontenay\chat_165408152384.h2hh)!

    (I got need 'c' or 'n' flag to open new db)

    Will attempt to initialise...

    Ooops, I couldn't open the message info file (C:\Users\User\Dropbox\Géfosse-Fontenay\chat_165408152384.h2hh)!

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "wx/_core.py", line 14660, in <lambda>

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publisher.py", line 38, in sendMessage

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 24, in publish

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/topicobj.py", line 340, in _publish

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/topicobj.py", line 359, in __sendMessage

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 64, in _mix_callListener

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/listenerimpl.py", line 27, in __call__

    File "controller.py", line 260, in OnAppEvent

    File "controller.py", line 142, in _Go

    File "view.py", line 276, in AddInstallation

    File "view.py", line 546, in __init__

    File "view.py", line 555, in RefreshGames

    File "installations.py", line 96, in GetGames

    File "game.py", line 113, in Process

    File "game.py", line 181, in ProcessDropbox

    File "game.py", line 369, in _DoMessageBoxChecks

    File "mbox.py", line 112, in CheckMessageBox

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publisher.py", line 38, in sendMessage

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 24, in publish

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/topicobj.py", line 339, in _publish

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 49, in _mix_prePublish

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 34, in checkMsgArgs

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/topicargspecimpl.py", line 118, in check

    SenderMissingReqdArgs: Some required args missing in call to sendMessage('('WARNING MESSAGE',)', msf): msg

  8. I was using 1.4.0 Beta when it started having problems. First it would not copy a file into the dropbox. I shut down and restarted and H2HH came up blank. Deleted the old installation and installed 1.4.0 release. Still comes up blank. When I try to add an install, I get the following in the log:

    File "game.py", line 181, in ProcessDropbox

    File "game.py", line 369, in _DoMessageBoxChecks

    File "mbox.py", line 112, in CheckMessageBox

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publisher.py", line 38, in sendMessage

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 24, in publish

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/topicobj.py", line 339, in _publish

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 49, in _mix_prePublish

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/publishermixin.py", line 34, in checkMsgArgs

    File "wx/lib/pubsub/core/kwargs/topicargspecimpl.py", line 118, in check

    SenderMissingReqdArgs: Some required args missing in call to sendMessage('('WARNING MESSAGE',)', msf): msg


  9. H2HH is a great program, but I do have a couple of suggestions.

    Intuitively, it would make more sense for double clicking on the game file in the H2HH window to start the application rather than bring up the chat window.

    Would it be possible to have it play a selected WAV file rather than the generic ding sound when a new file arrives?

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