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Posts posted by Speedy

  1. Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

    A note to Joe Shaw I am Mace's squire but I'm not Australian , look in an Atlas , find the lovely Caribbean Island of Trinidad , thats where I come from . Its true my Liege is trying to have me Kannigeted , but so far he has failed and I continue to guard the flock .

    I have heard of an aeroplane called a Trinidad but I have never heard of a place called a Trinidad. Are you sure you live there?
  2. Originally posted by Stuka:

    Speeeeedy! The cricket ticket?

    I'm waiting..........

    Bloody netballers. So shy until you get 2 vodka cruisers into 'em then its "belts off, trousers down and last one to the bars a poof"

    I've been busy, it's me day off and I had some drinking to do.

    As for the cricket as far as I know we just plan on turning up at the Gabba someday during the test and gatecrashing.

    {edit-too many fars}

    [ October 16, 2002, 08:07 AM: Message edited by: Speedy ]

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