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Posts posted by Speedy

  1. Speedy has won our battle with a tactical victory. I consider it a total victory for myself considering how much the game was stacked in his favor.

    Stacked in my favour!!!!!

    It was Buying the Farm and I was the Germans you had like millions more infantry and Tanks!!!

    All I had was a bunch of useless green peasants and one awesome panzershreck team.

  2. Doesn't much matter if you have plenty of artillery to use harassing fire as your registration process and plenty of aircraft to report fall of shot. The position of the defender isn't what is important, it is the attack plan and how the supporting fires are integrated. So for example I know I am going in a particular direction and any attempt by the defender to maneuver reserves is going to take X route. It is perfectly logical to pre register to interdict that route and isolate the battlefield. The point of the TRP isn't that it targets your existing locations, it targets your LIKELY locations or supports an attack plan.

    The problem here though is that in real life the defender knows where the attacker has dropped artillery and therefore likely preregistered the location and can take countermeasures for that.

    Whereas in the game the defender has absolutely no knowledge of where the attacker has pre-registered artillery.

    Anyway my understanding was that the pre-registered artillery bombardments of attackers where modelled through the setup phase registering of timed artillery strikes.

  3. I have recently been playing around with the QB generator and noticed that in any engagement type both attacker and defender are able to purchase TRP's and deploy them anywhere on the map.

    This to me seems illogical and open to exploitation, especially as they are very cheap and it is easy for either side to cover the main areas of a map with them allowing quick response, no warning (no spotting rounds) accurate artillery fire without a spotter needing LOS.

    Surely only the defender in attack and assault battles should have access to TRP's.

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