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  1. Great mods man Thx ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  2. I find flamethrower teams quite useful in certain scenarios.. try using htem in a wooded area on hide/ambush that you expect to be traveled adn give them a little support... You will be suprised how effective the little bastards can be ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  3. Good deal guys thanks... especially for opening up the QB's ... that will add some extra flavor for sure ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  4. "Given the scale of CM and that the 150 is primarly an indirect fire weapon, I'd say it's prob. unrealistic to typically purch. them for Quick Battles." QB's are unrealistic anyhow But they are the most fun to play and the best gauge of of skill on a competitive level ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  5. Well to utilize the same kind of argument in return.. isn't it gamey that you can't use patrols to warn you of an impendiing attack? Honestly I detest this idea of "gaminess" this IS a game There are so many things that just simply cannot be modelled no matter HOW GOOD the game. Every concievable possibililty cannot be taken into account when ya play. If you choose to use your arty that way its up to you IMO... I personally wouldn't do that as arty is too inaccurate ... That is why I rarely use it I can understand some things being frowned upon especially if it is a major grey area in a game, but there is a point that things become abit rediculous. Have him think about it this way.. if you bought mines and placed them in suspected lanes of attack is that gamey?... I mean when did ya know to put the mines there? Isnt it gamey that the defender will never have to use these routes of attack? Isnt it gamey that we dont know the exact places that these roads go and that we don't need them to move our supplies? The "gaminess" mentality never ends IMO, when ya solve one issue another is brought up, and the board shows that this is true. Hehe off my soapbox Just have fun with the game, whats good for the goose as they say ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 02-05-2001).]
  6. This is far from an "Uber" weapon, as it is as vulnerable as any gun under fire. Basically a gun is only as good as the opponent who utilizes it. With that in mind can 150mm gun be a formidable advisary?... damn straight BUT it must be placed well and timing is critical. If a player thinks that this weapon will control the game he is reliant on one or more of several factors and probably deluding himself. For the gun to reign supreme this situation must occur: 1. Alot of Luck 2. The gun is in awesome position with total LOS 3. The gun is heavily supported if challenged with direct fire 4. That enemy Arty is blind 5. The gun is protected from an infantry assault 6. The player really knows how to use the weapon The more likely optimal condition : 1. The gun is in a good loc with limited but HIGHLY effective LOS 2. The gun's position is revealed only in necessity... 3. the gun is unchallenged when utilized 4. the gun is protected I have found the 150mm to be an effective weapon when conditions are right, as with any gun. But rather than get them wasted I would rather not use it at all especially if I cant bring it to bear successfully . ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  7. Well I'm not sure where I fit in here, I enjoy the realism of the game yet don't feel it necesary to go to the extreme of researching every detailed account of armor penetration ever written just so so I can challenge BTS and try and get things done "my way" . I also dont think playing every match as it "would've" been represented then is really a protrayal of accuracy because it is the past, and history has a tendency to become obscured with time. Therefore we can only gain a certain extent of realism before things become subjective, it seems that some do forget this is a game and not a total recreation of history which is impossible. I do enjoy a well written researched battle now and then so don't get me wrong, and I do apprecitate the time spent by those that have done so. Yet my first love is competition on an even scale, so I don't enjoy a realistic style OOB as it is definitley unbalanced as most battles were. Yet the time and effort it took BTS to research the performance of the equipment is very important to me and my style of play. I personally hope that the focus is now shifting to CM2 as the customer support and additions provided by BTS has been excellent. I dont really think they should worry to much about anything but support issues or the next in the series JMO ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  8. T_HOuse is the place to be ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  9. I am hoping to see some eye cany in the next edition of CM along with whatever goodies is on the slate. I like to be immersed in the game enviornment Im playing in.. I dont see how having some quality destruction effects can be abd thing as some are suggesting. ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  10. I would have to concur with Maximus here that a 10X10 tile would provide a significant enhancement to the game ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  11. Well I must say that as an avid competitive player I can find little wrong if anything with CM. Never before have I had a game that has prevented me from buying others.. the last one I bought was Rune... soley for the reason to start learning 3D editing... yet I still only play CM I also have never had a case when I couldn't get a game to work, that I felt the need to devote hours of my time to figure it out... I simply moved on. Recently as many are aware I had a compatiility issue with a combination of devices /software and it was very tough to nail down... fortunately I did, and will be back inthe arena again in a few days (tuns of programming homework and tests this week ) I also must add that I have NEVER been interested in the Russian front in WW2 ...nor the Pacific Theatre.. I now find myself highly anticipating CM2 and learning more about the fight in that end of the world --- that tells me BTS couldnt have done much to improve this game. Well done guys ... this game is awesome.. I like it when I lose and I have no one but me to blame ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  12. Ok Arien and I have it figured out. windows was showing no conflict on a shared IRQ.. but apparently with CM and the IRQ combo = trouble. At any rate after manipulating the IRq's in the Bios I was able to connect unfortunatly I still cant get it to maintain a solid connection. So I am going to get a new USB modem and Hope that I can manipulate the IRq's to amore favorable situation with regards to CM... Thx for the help to those who contributed ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  13. Well I jsut installed a modem on my sons sys, and booted it up .. connected to cm fine and found an opponent fast. The problem is definitely with something on the other PC .... PLEASE HELP guys I cant take this PC back from my son taht wouldnt be right and I spent $$ on the otehr ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 01-24-2001).]
  14. Schrullenhaft, I still ahve the PC i gave my son, But it has no modem now.. it is in here. I can take it out and attempt to connect on that PC top see what happens. Other than that I have reloaded/reinstalled CM and the patch so everythign is where it should be . I even redownloaded the patch to makesure I got a clean download. I'm stumped ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
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