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Posts posted by CoolColJ

  1. Hi all

    Well NBA live 2000 just came out and I've been playing it to death! Well the demo anyway! smile.gif ANd Gran Turismo 2 is about to be released for my PlayStation.

    So I'm pretty occupied now, so unlike the rest of you, I'm not a quivering mess waiting for the Cm demo - I've just earned my 10 th level of patience mastery! wink.gif

    So BTS you can release the demo in December, and make it perfect! While I save for 733 mhtz Coppermine and my Nvidia Geforce 256 video card! smile.gifwink.gif ;D

    Learn from a genuine 10th Level Patience Master - only $50 a lesson. Apply in writing.



    aka BLITZ_Force

    My Homepage -


    [This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 10-28-99).]

  2. I was reading about Team Fortress 2 for Half-life, and it has something like this!

    You have players playing FPS as grunts and you have one player as the commander playing the game with an interface like aRTS game!

    I envision one day a game like CM going that way - for online games anyway, some players driving tanks sims, some runnning around with bots as infantry etc - with several players playing the commanders with a RTS interface- that's whaat I call realism! Will you troops obey your commands? You'll have to know which players under your command are green or elite smile.gif etc

    SOunds like fun to me!



    My Homepage -


  3. SCarr

    Your right! BEOS is much better than Win 98 - haven't seen win 2000, for games and audio, the code bloat is wasting cpu cycles - my 600mhtz'ed p3 500, should absolutley roast, but it sure doesn't feel that way sometimes frown.gif

    To tell you the truth, if I were to run AmigaDos 3.1 on my Pc (I still own and use an Amiga 1200 with a motorola 030 40 mhtz!) it would roast!! I reckon wink.gif And it fits on one 800k floppy -ok some of it is in a 1meg rom! But still! It does most of what WIndows does anyway, plus it multitasks properly, which I believe even Mac OS can't still do properly wink.gif

    Oh well - they do make Power Pc for AMigas you know - but no CM frown.gif LOL


  4. ha!

    When the demo gets released - the bandwidth here will be awful! wink.gif People reading chats, 50 odd people trying to download at once! wink.gif ----> I'll try and sneak in at odd hours

    30 fps is the bare minimum for me, I want total immersion, smoothness will help wink.gif

    But I want big cpu power mainly for the crunching part of the game - The less wait between turns the better wink.gif I remember playing UMS 2 on my AMiga 500 - ten years ago, must have waited 10 mins each turn! But it was a cool game - allowing you to create srategic battles/campaigns in any era of history. I think its time for UMS 3 - cpu power has caught up now smile.gif


  5. hehe

    Well I've managed to get my Pentium 3 500 - running at 600 mhtz today! Rock solid stable - I must have a lucky batch of chips! wink.gif Temperature probe from Abit BE6 motherboard read no higher than 40 deg on the heatsink! I'm at the pointy end now! and saved myself some $1000Aust!!! I compared benchmarks to some geniune P3 600 - any my machine is actually slightly faster! LOl smile.gif

    I can now crank all the options on in CM without hesistation - but yeah a G4 and Athlon are much better



  6. Hey Steve

    Even though I want the AI to be super tough, I do get angry when it beats my butt smile.gif I do enjoy totally trouncing some one - something I've done occasionally in CC3 on the MSN ZONE.

    I think, not knowing what the AI has and where he is attacking from, would make you a bit more cautious, don't you think Steve wink.gif I know when I'm playing against a human, I tend to inch my units around the map - death comes quickly when playing against a human ....looks like it'll be the same with CM.

    There are difficulty levels right? Will this tweak the AI or other things?


  7. Steve

    This sound great - it looks like the AI is quite varied! wink.gif

    I know when I play CC3 - I always want the computer to be better and beat my butt up - but when it does, I get really pissed (and even try to cheat!) - when a human beats me, they get my respect. Its funny about the differing attitudes wink.gif


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