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Posts posted by pad152

  1. I would like to see a 3D Tacops or 3D modern Steel Panthers, something SF is not and never will be, that said, I don't think Modern warfare works as well as WWII at the tactical level, how many times in SF have you seen your units fire and something goes boom before the player has seen what your units are even shooting at! The enemy is dead yet you didn't even see them, this doesn't make for good game play!

    I think Battlefront has a big challenge as it moves back to WWII. First I think we've been so spoiled by the earlier CM games, what if Shock Force had been a WWII game released with only 1 or 2 US, Germany, Russian tanks? Everyone would still be screaming (including me! :D )

    How many are willing to buy 4,5 or more expansion packs to get the same amount of content (unit wise) we got in just one of the CM1 games? Do we really want to go the John Tiller route Eastfront 42, Eastfront 43, Westfront 43, Eastfront 44, Westfront 44, etc, etc, etc?

  2. Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

    I played Chance Encounter as the Red in v1.05 and had one Victory (fairly easy) and then got mauled by the Blue AI the second time around. The Red units are for sure more brittle and if the situation starts to turn bad for them they all seem to cascade down into shaken, routed or just plain useless in no time at all when the going gets tough then you can't really recover, in Elite FOW they don't really ever come back from routed, their just done for the duration. (Just an observation, I don't thinks its bad or wrong, but its hard to win in a fair fight with Red infantry units if they get scared).

    This is one of the main issues with Shock Force, it's unbalanced (realistic - yes) but, still unbalanced! A true Red vs Blue game starting with US and Russian forces would have be better!

    1.5 is a step up, but I still can't give it a thumbs up yet,the game still needs the following.

    1. Something a lot closer to CM in Quick Battles w/purhase of units.

    2. An AI vs AI mode (watch mode) so you can see how the AI carries out it's plan when using the editor. You need to see how the AI plans are going to work to create real good scenarios. Having to place spies is just dumb!

    3. A better campaign, something more than just a bunch of linked battles, something closer to Close Combat campaigns where units carry over would be great with points to repair/rearm/purchase forces in between battles.

    4. More variety of unit types once 1,2, & 3 are addressed!

    [ December 16, 2007, 12:35 PM: Message edited by: pad152 ]

  3. The option to turn off fog of war. On top of my list!!!

    I don’t have a clue how other mission designers do it (apart from MarkEzra). I think having to place high buildings with spy units on top to look at the enemy to see what the AI is doing is a very clumsy way to solve this problem. Pressing surrender or cease fire also is not exactly a solution since then you have to restart the mission. Not very efficient and very time consuming.

    How about an AI vs AI so you can watch how the AI carries out it's orders! Even with spy units can't always see what's really going on!
  4. Where is SF after 3-1/2 months, sadly still unfinished! :(

    I think the game still needs another 3-6 months!

    I sometimes think it would be better to move on to the WWII game but, if the SF engine (CMX2) is still unfinished I guess it doesn't matter if they finish SF first.

    I still not sure even a completly finished SF will be much better, when most of the issues I have with SF is the whole Syria vs the West. The balance and fun just don't seem to be there.!

    Two things are needed to help make it a better game.

    1. Working Quick Battles w/purchase of units.

    2. A real campaign, something more then just a bunch of linked battles.

  5. Some More Questions

    1. So there are no tool tips for Area's of Research correct?

    2. In the Battle of Bulge mission when playing Axis, I can't figure out how the use the German Fighters that appear as reinforments! I tried to place them on the map, doesn't work or have them target a enemy unit.


    Movement range of units is very hard to see when there is snow, white highlight on white hexes!

  6. Originally posted by aesopo:

    I think under advance options in the menu would answer #3. Do not expect much from a demo as it is a "demo" and be thankful that there is even one. Don't expect full technical support from just a demo.

    There is no option for tool tips under advanced duh! The Button tips under setting don't work!

    If the developer can't even support a demo, why make one?

  7. SC2 Exp Demo Questions & Issues


    1. Why is purchase & production disabled in the demo?

    2. Why don't ships repair(regain strenght) when in ports?

    3. No tool tips?

    4. A read me on what does/doesn't work in the demo would have been nice!


    1. Can't see date on screen when playing at 1280x1024 the text is way way too small.

    2. No mouse scrolling in list boxes, come on!

    3. Sure would be nice to see the range when I select a airgroup

    4. Would be nice to be able to select and cycle through just Naval, Air, Ground units. The Next just cycles though each and every unit type.

  8. Three things

    1. Random battle generator - with random map & ability to select units.

    2. Consistent campaign - where the same units carry over from battle to battle.

    3. Supply/ammo trucks - I hate hunting all over the map for a bazooka or rifle ammo.


    Infantry in buildings

    On map morters

    more units types and vehciles

  9. The only thing that would maybe make me buy any expansion pack is a fully working Quick Battles (allowing the player to purchase forces, and point totals like the early CM games) and more maps.

    I hope expansion packs include more that just some new models but also new map objects like ports, airfields, radar/radio/comm centers, power stations, etc. It seems already every other map in SF looks the same!

  10. I think the main issues are.

    1. CM:SF should have been more of a middle east wargame with (Iran, Iraq, Israel, etc.), and let the player pick who fights who.

    USA vs Syria, yawn!

    Nato vs Syria just more of the same, what's the point?

    2. The campaign in SF sucks. I wish BF would get the idea out of their head, that all it takes is a a bunch of missions to some how make up a campaign! How about giving the player a map of Syria and have the player take hold real places on the map, then maybe the missions would mean something or maybe SF would have been better as a company only size game where you control each and every guy.

    3. Broken and incomplete QB's that just makes the campaign seem even more lacking.

    4. Limited and incomplete TO&E.

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