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von shrad

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Everything posted by von shrad

  1. Im sorry BTS for this OT thread. Please fogive me but I cant find answers to this anywhere. What IS sp? A hex-based game? Tactical? Strategic? Grand strategy?...could someone take the time to explain what kind of game this is? Thanks in advance VS
  2. What IS sp? A hex-based game?..could someone take the time to explain what kind of game this is? Thanks in advance VS
  3. SS, I have been oh-so-busy lately. Please forgive me. We will have our game. How bout a blind Gold demo scenario. We'll agree on leaving one of the new battles alone to play sight unseen.
  4. If theres one thing i know thats how to make a woman feel like shes #1....Just ask my 3rd wife, she'll tell you. (J/K)
  5. Not that it helps you much SS, but I recall reading a post from BTS stating that the game will be allowed to continue even after the battle has already been decided. It has been several months since I've heard anything about this feature so I dont know if its IN. SS, I seem to recall you bouncing back from what I thought was a total defeat for you in CE. PS...you and OBG behave...you are both members after all. Its ok to disagree, but I know you are both better than flame wars. K
  6. Do you have a link to a site with any info? I,m in the market for a new card. Is it agp or pci?
  7. The van is currently unavailable at this time. Please refer to it as States Exibit #7. It WILL be back! Coming to a sidewalk near you. 'Who owns that van with the peace sign,mag wheels, and 4-on-the floor?' Seriously, we do have to act with respect towards others opinions. When we speak of this game we represent BTS in a small way, wheather we realise it or not. Lets promote this game to the fullest through well mannered discussions. We will attract alot more people than just bashing their fav. game. I remember not long ago being skeptical about CM. I asked many questions from a well known board member, at a differant games site, and he was kind enough to take the time to explain some things. It was only after that did I check out CM. Because of that, there will be several more sales for BTS........and what does that mean....yes, more fresh blood. 'and thats all I gotta say 'bout that'
  8. 'I'm afraid I cant do that Dave.' Signed Your friend, HAL
  9. It is a format for playing ASL online. You still need to own the rules and boxed sets to play though. It is a decent program that contains a chat room to allow people with a simular intrest find opponents. For those of you that dont know, ASL is a squad level hex-based board game of intricate complexity. Nothing to be taken lightly. It is a fantastic system, not without its flaws though. OBG, can I intrest you in a nice game of Go-Fish?
  10. Thanks guys. You are doing a great job showcasing CM. It is a daily ritual of mine to visit your site and get my CM fixx.
  11. AWESOME!!! Great shot Matt!!!!! *exclamation points are a trademark of Madmatt Enterprise and are used with permission* Did I just become a sycophant? [This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 04-03-2000).]
  12. Jeff, If you are intrested in getting this fantastic book I have a good lead for you. It is a first edition 1973 in very good + dust jacket. Hinges are a little loose, but they are not cracked. The price is $55 US. Here is some info. Enemy At The Gates, by William Craig The First Edition Book Shop 1502 East 15th street Tulsa,Oklahoma 74120 (918) 582-1967 Della Kay McCulloch *proprieter* Also, I read this book after finding it at the local library. Hope this helps. Good luck. It is really worth the trouble.
  13. Hello everybody. I am currently enjoying TAO2. I think it is a decent op. game with a great interface. If only they would make a computer version of Advanced Third Reich. Now thats a game of grand strategy. *GO BLUES* This is the year that we bring home Sir Stanely's cup! After all, you remember my Rams prediction dont you? von shrad
  14. I think it is a MUST that it be with fow on. That way we can see the games spotting and have all the suprises of a personal game. Then after its over maybe it can be posted with fow off, just to see the full scope. Just my opinion though. von shrad
  15. Welcome, Miyamoto. How were you able to refrain this long?
  16. Lewis, The reason people act nice and decent to each other is not for reward, it is how you earn respect. If you wonder why people come to the defence of the game and other posters, it is because this really is a community. And with every community, there is always one BIG-MOUTH HOOSIER who enjoys stirring up trouble. We are all just passengers on this project. How BTS chooses to reach their goals is up to them alone. Period. They have been kind enough to let us collaborate on many of the features. It will be a great game, much worth the wait. You know, if you would just act civil when you protest things, people would regard your post as other than a nuisance. So Lewis, be a good neighbor or else this community might just run your ass out of town. P.S. I think you will be happy with the things that are still being added. I know i will.
  17. Since I cant touch you Ned, I'll settle by posting to this thread. Ill never wash my monitor again.
  18. lol...I had to watch one of the most exciting turns without sound. Im talking about multiple schrecks shooting at the last enemy tank that was itself immobilized. An Ambush in the woods, flanking attack on the right and left with a major push up the middle. It was so damn quiet! At least I was able to get the sound right later and watched it again....If only things would have gone better.
  19. *bowing head in shame* O.K. Ill be the next(notice I didnt say first) to say'Von,you are an idiot! I went through many things before taking the advice of SS-PL, who is not a Sloth after all, and pressed shift-s. Who would have thought? 'You have disgaced your famery and your countwy. KILL YOURSELF!!'
  20. I have been playing this demo since it was released and all was fine. Now for no apparent reason the sound does not work. I noticed it when I tried to play a PBEM file. It wont make any sounds, not in the intro screen or any of the scenario's either. Can anyone help. All other applications work fine. I have a great game going and need to get the sounds up and running again before I can finish. Any imput would be much appreciated. Thanks, Von Shrad
  21. Thanks Moon When you say ID tags do you mean give the unit a seperate name? VS
  22. Hello. I asked several months ago about unit bases and how much leeway we have in the editor but I cant find the answer anywhere. So I will ask again; 1) Will we be able to give units diffrent color bases on the same side? If so, will all units in a platoon use same color, or is it on a squad to squad basis? The reason I am asking this is because me and a friend like to play on the same side and this would help in keeping our forces seperate. 2) How many different deployment zones can you have on one side? I hope that this can be done. It will make it much easier to tell who's who. Thanks in advance, Von Shrad
  23. Still no word from SS-Gamequitter. I have deleted our game you yellow-bellied coward. Thanks for wasting my time up through 31 turns. You are not worthy!!! Advice to any who might play this person: DONT I am joining the ranks with Elvis and have taken this clown off my PBEM list. Peng, I am sure you love sloths, sheep, and other barnyard animals. Who am I to judge? FYI,I hear Pet-a-rama has a sale on gerbils so you can replace the..err..lost...ones. [This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 03-09-2000).]
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