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Everything posted by cannon

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jarmo: Yes, but the ammo loadout of s.shooter is so low, he'd get it full if he'd get even nearly the same amount as other riflemen. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, I agree with your point here. I should have made a more careful reading of your post. Since the marksmen used the same ammo as the regular riflemen supply should not be a problem.
  2. From the manual the supply level is set by the designer of the operation. If your american troops are not recieving full supply that is because the scenario designer chose a lower supply level.
  3. "It's true, though, that until you can remove the AT guns, they're pretty useless." Jadayne Don't forget the deadly .50 cal too. They make very short work of any halftrack based weapons platform and its not uncommon for the Americans to have a few of these. Also there are other circumstances that can negate halftrack mounted mortars or any onboard mortar for that matter. I had a QB under heavy fog at night. Since the LOS was limited to 28 meters and the 81 has a minimum range of 100 meters, I just drove my mortar carrier off the board on the first turn. Robert
  4. I have to agree that these vehicles need some tweaking. By these vehicles I mean all of the vehicles in CM that have rear facing guns. The hunt command is not just a command used to engage the enemy. It is also a way to tell your vehicles to reposition cautiously. In other words, move over there but if you see a threat stop and eliminate it or run away. Having to reverse these vehicles means that they tend to ignore these threat. Not something I think would really happen.
  5. I don't think it would necessarily double the LOS calculations. First you check LOS for the TC and then you check that subset that he can see for LOS to the gun. The gun LOS should be a subset of the TC LOS. It would certainly make the TC an even more important aspect of gameplay.
  6. I cut this out of the thread on Hull Down because I think it deserves a seperate topic. "In reality, a TC would not 'see' through terrain. He would be very aware that terrain to his front is blocking his LOS. Lets take an example of relatively flat terrain where there is a small hill in front of our real life TC. What he would do is slowly approach the hill on as gentle a slope as he can see and manuver so that HE, the TC, can JUST see over the terrain. This 'turret down' position would allow the TC to see targets and have his vehicle protected. He would then advise the gunner of targets range, position, etc ("T34, 1 o'clock, 400 meters!) and tell the driver to advance slowly. The gunner would depress his gun as much as he dares (dont wanna scoop up dirt..another good thing about the muzzle brake is that it can keep out dirt!) and hopes to have the target 'rise' off the terrain at which point he yells 'halt'. A TC will intervene if its obvious they are going over and the gun barrel is clearly 'tilted up'. A driver will immediately reverse if he starts to see a target. So the way the game is now, the cart is in front of the horse. I believe the game does NOT model TC LOS different from Gunner LOS/LOF so that is a major part of the problem. Example: There should be cases where the 'Unit' can see places he cant target.." Lewis I think Lewis brings up an important point here and that is that the TC should have LOS over a ridge before the vehicle is exposed to fire. This would have a tremendous impact on the survivability and utility of several vehicles in the game such as the light tanks, open topped tank destroyers, recce vehicles, and halftracks. My personal feeling is that the ability for the TC to spot before the vehicle is fully exposed would have a large enough impact on gameplay and modeling "reality" that it should be seriously considered. Naturally I can't speak for the programming requirements, but I invite comment from other players on the gameplay issues involved. It seems to me to be a concept that would have been used in WWII and would have a wide impact on gameplay. Robert
  7. I just wanted to add that I think we are going to start seeing more and more of this model in several industries. Ones that come to mind are book publishing and music. These two are good examples since they also take the lions share of the profit and tend to supress good products in a search for "best sellers." I don't know of any examples in the music industry, but Stephen King published his latest novel through the web using ebooks and made a lot more money than he ever would have using a publisher. I believe the web will revolutionize these industries. I can hardly wait until I will be able to buy books from my favorite authors online for less than $1.00, and they never go out of print.
  8. "My Company HQ got caught in an artillery barrage and was wiped out but there did not seem to be any effect its platoons." I think you will find that this has a larger impact on your overall moral. Every loss has an impact on your moral, but some units like leaders and tanks have a higher impact. These moral hits add up until you no longer have an effective fighting force.
  9. Just wanted to lend some moral support. I'm running an old pentium 200mmx. There's nothing wrong with trying to get some more life out of your machine. $150 may be a great deal on a 3d card, but it's still $150 dollars that can go for more games, parts for your bike, or a fun weekend with the wife. You might try overclocking to get a little more life out of your system. Mine is overclocked to 225mhz right now. It seems like just enough to get under the minimum requirements for many games, when used in combination with a 3d card. You could try asking around about a card. You might come up with one for free. My card is a Stealth II by Diamond. It has 4mb of RAM and is going for about $30 retail right now. I wouldn't be surprised if someone wouldn't give you one of these for nothing.
  10. The topo lines are pretty much what I expected. Too difficult to implement. Although, I still think they would be very nice to have. I am still pressing for some sort of alternative pallette that does not really so heavily on shades of red and green for the terrain. I find the 1st person views difficult to use too because of this issue. It's definitly not a show stopper, but would in my opinion make things a lot nicer for a significant number of us with some degree of color blindness.
  11. Yes, we all agree that camera view 1 is a very important view. The problem is that the overhead view is also a very important view. Unfortunately, there are some of us who cannot see any topographical information from the overhead view due to color blindness. I find vot easier to play because it's elevation changes are so extreme that the differences in shades are discernable from the overhead view. I would like to be able to see this on all of the maps. When the game is issued there are going to be a whole hell of a lot more maps to play and I would like to be able to make use of the overhead view. I know that a new color palette was issued for Alpha Centauri after it came out because of a similar issue. I think when this game is distributed and there are more maps available it is going to be a bigger problem with CM. Frankly, I don't think topographic lines are going to be the answer. I think coding them in would be to hard. I do think they would be very nice to have from a map readers standpoint. I think an alternate palette might be more doable. The one used for SMAC was atrocious, but I happily used it since it did make such a great difference in playability. I think that there are going to be a significant number of people frustrated by this game and they are not going to know why. My experience with SMAC has made me much more aware of how much more enjoyable a game can be when this is taken in to consideration. I liken it to going to a play or movie and not being able to hear the dialogue.
  12. I agree with bullethead also. If you need to check LOS it is best done from the ground. However, when I am trying to manouver my troops, if you can call what I do manouvering. I like to use the overhead view. Especially during the early stages of the game. This does not work as well for me as it does for others because I have trouble differentiating the shades on the map. The VOT scenario is the only one in which I can actually see changes in elevation. It would be nice to be able to see changes in elevation on maps that aren't as extreme in their elevation changes. Changing the coloring or adding topography lines would accomplish this. I would expect that their are a lot of other people having the same difficulty since color blindness is pretty common among men.
  13. I think what you are describing are topographic lines like on a topographic map. I think this would be a good idea too. I'm pretty color blind myself and have great difficulty telling elevations from the overhead view. Some sort of topographic lines would be nice. I would even settle for a color scheme that is not concentrated in the color blind region. These are the red/green colors for the majority of us. A different palette was made available for Alpha Centauri to help those of us who are color blind and it worked really well for me. It made the game play so much easier. Of course the new colors were atrocious, but I could tell the difference between the new shades so much easier. I'm sure people without color blindness have no idea what I'm talking about. This link will give some indication: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/8833/coloreye.html Most of you will have no difficulty seeing the numbers. Myself, I can only makeout two of the numbers in the set. If your having trouble with elevations in CM, you probably cannot see all the numbers either. Robert
  14. This meta campaign stuff sounds really cool. How do I sign up? Keep in mind that I really stink at this game, but I make good cannonfodder. Robert
  15. RE: Hiding Well there are place holder graphics for when you lose LOS to units. This is the type of information that you would have to track yourself if the game interface didn't do such a great job of tracking it for you. I could see a need for a similar indication of how hidden you are. Maybe it could be the text indication "hiding in trees" going to "hidden in trees" when you've been there undiscovered awhile. Hiding units for ambush has always been a sore spot with me. With simultaneous turns and unit AI it may not be an issue. Playing other games there have been situations where I felt that a unit should have some indication as to whether it has been discovered, and that information would certainly change my strategy. I would think in a forest example the enemy would start yelling "Over here!" and pointing, or start shooting and take cover. Maybe a veteran unit would handle it better than a green unit. In the situation where they start taking pot shots, you would know that is happening if you watch that unit during playback, but some text like "discovered in trees" would help to make sure you didn't miss it. Again given the difference between this game engine and all the others, this may be totally irrelevent. It's just a pet peeve of mine from other games. Robert
  16. Would the play back files be useful over in the AAR thread. I'm wondering if it would be possible to post a turn for playback with an AAR. It would certainly be better than a couple of static screen shots and over all the size would be much smaller. Robert
  17. Maybe some type of form to fill out would be appropriate. I would think the military types around here would know of a good example. Robert
  18. I wouldn't think AP would be something a tank would be inclined to fire at infantry positions. I could see using it on fortifications or structures at close range, but it does seem a little bit like sniping with a cannon. Also AP is not something you would want to run the risk of running out of if you are an anti-tank asset. It seems to me that it should be pretty easy to tell when you are being shelled with AP vs HE. I don't know of any references for this one off hand. What does everyone else think? Robert
  19. A big problem I always had with recon was not being able to take the crew out of a recon vehicle and sneak them over a hill. It seems to me this would be a pretty common thing to do. Walk to the top of a ridge and check out the area as opposed to driving up and exposing a big easily spotted vehicle. Any chance of something like this in CM? Does it make sense at this level? Robert
  20. Ok,I stand corrected. My confusion came from the reference in "Death Traps" to a Super Pershing M26A1E2. Only one was issued for combat trials. From what I can make out from the book, it had an experimental 90mm T15E1 high-velocity gun, 70 calibers long. Along with special ammunition it produced a muzzle velocity of 3,850 feet per second. It was also field modified with extra armor before being used in battle. Coopers book also references the use of M26's at the Remagen Bridgehead, but does not indicate how many were involved. Thanks for clearing this up for me. I learn more and more about WWII armor every day reading this board. Robert
  21. I was under the impression that the Pershing never made it into combat. In "Death Traps", Cooper talks about only 1 Super Pershing M26A1E2 being isssued for experimental combat trials towards the end of the war. Given this I am a bit confused about its inclusion in Combat Mission. Robert
  22. Well, I'm certainly no Grog. Nor am I that well informed about WWII combat, but I am going to throw in some suggestions I think might be useful to the current discussion. I think talking about these issues in general terms is not very productive. I believe it would be more useful to actually diagram out a historical campaign and see what kind of reinforcement system you would need to support it. In the current scenario, the existing reinforcement system seems to work very well. Maybe you can come up with an historical example where something different might be more appropriate. It does occur to me though, that for a quick 1 hour battle the local commander would have 0 influence over the reserve situation. However, discussing a historical CAMPAIGN might show the need for something different. I think the discussions up till now have been too "gamey" I need to see the proposed system in relation to a historical battle. Also, I believe that the details of the campaign system have not been completely worked out. Maybe trying to set up some historical battles now will aid that process too by pointing out things needed to support the battles that people are going to design. Robert
  23. I started this thread in Martin's, but I thought I should move it over here to maintain FOW. About that 50 cal. vs halftracks, neither Martin nor Fion have mentioned any halftracks taken out by one. Martin has had a couple of 50's blazing away on his southern flank with lot's of halftrack targets in view. Based on the chart that Pat referenced it looks like he would have a damn good chance of taking out several halftracks. I would think he would make them high priority targets with his 50's. However, Fion doesn't seem very concerned about 50 cal fire stopping his halftrack advances either. My question is whats going on down there. I know we're just getting a slice of the action. Have any of his halftracks been destroyed by MG fire? Are they too suppressed to be effective? Does MG fire just kill the crew and leave the vehicle ok? Inquiring minds want to know. Robert
  24. Boy I'm sure glad you guys caught the blame on that one. I thought I had given it away with my "What is a Jumbo?" question, but I was afraid to apologize and confirm anyones suspicions. I would hate to have to wait on my copy of CM. Robert
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