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Posts posted by bauhaus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shandorf:


    I can see his scrawny behind give way to my powerful strokes! (Not THOSE kind of strokes, Bauhaus!).


    What is this board coming to? When mere simps begin to use thy name of bauhaus in vain (I did like the Bauhausian thingy though Penileitch). From now on, my pat response will be, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM™. I have now placed a gag order on my toilet bowl humor. Now, given I'm weak and without restraint, I give me a day to break my order of gageth. Can you tell I haven't read the board in about a week?

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    I realize that I'll receive a tongue-lashing for this post (please be seated, Mr. Bauhaus) but I need to aplogize for my glaring ineptitude in my PBEM's. I'm being soundly spanked (setzen sie sich Herr Bauhaus) by my opponents and I'm thinking that this might be boring for many of you. So, I shall endevour to lose faster so you might be able to pad your scores on Loraks hall of Kannigitery. I dare say that the only thing more boring than my game play would be (yes, you guessed it) -->my posts. You should set an alarm before reading one of these things.


    If you're not careful Mr. Hirem Scrotum, I will have Mr. Berlickedabigone grab said product and twist till it falls off.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

    That is not an easy question to answer. You see, it necessitates delving deep into the inner mind of the subject to truly give the answer, but here is the bottom line. We in the business of judging others and blatantly overexagerating their most trfling flaws, also take the time to name any and all afflictions that could ever possibly be remotely true. I have ravaged the files of the Pool psycho-analyst (me) and whittled those down to what are absolute truths, and hereby publish them for the world:

    Bauhaus: A sexual deviant who rarely posts due to spending far too much time over at Thumbzilla.


    actually, I don't post much because I'm actually working, way too much. Shut up Berli and Snoriarty. Thumbzilla? Never been there, never will. Newsgroups, now that's the way to go.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

    See, this is what I'm talking about Croda, you pustulent genetic throwback. I cannot stand, nor will I condone the continuation of these stupid, monosyllabic, single line posts. They are not entertaining, they are not interesting, they are filler and serve only to increase the size of the Pool. I'm all for size, as YK2 told it matters, though she quickly said your personality made up for it Pawbroon, but these 27 IQ one-liners were what killed the Old Pool before it's time. So shape up you little chimp, I've heard your vitriol and bile and it's some of the best. I demand if you have little to say, to put it in a notepad until that notepad is so covered in filth and depravity that when you post small children run away screaming in a foreign language while squirrels nearby weep and dogs begin to use rolling as their sole form of locomotion.

    And no more of these bloody tea parties where two of you idiots go back and forth like you're on some kind of AOL chat room. I see three new posts and they end up being. "I wear socks" -PeterNZer, "They Smell!" - Foobar, "No they don't" - PeterNZer, et cetera, et cetera. Go rent a motel room in the squallid part of town if you want to do things like that (Yes, Bauhaus, things exactly like that, now SIT DOWN YOU LITTLE FREAK OR I'LL TEAR YOUR NIPPLES OFF AND SHOVE THEM IN YOUR EARS!)


    This is about the most lucid post I've seen from you in quite some time Herr Sqeeks. And keep your hands off my nipples. Nipples in my ears?

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Shandorf, my beady-eyed victim in training, your turn will be out to you this evening, as soon as you crawl out of Plymouth (doubtless with a relieved shudder) and crawl home to BP (with a distressed shudder), it will be there. Also Chrisl and Morse, I have turns for you, as well. Turns for all! American turns, French turns, German turns, Turns done to a turn, Ahhahahhaha! Even turns for the vile ianc and Moriarity! Generosity and gentility runs off me like foam from the mouth of a mad dog! There, now I'm thinking of Meeks again! He should at least show up to do AARs, don't you think? Now, everyone sit tight, and your turns will reach you this very evening.


    ummm, you forgetting somebody here? what about mine?!!!

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hamsters:

    Bauhaus. I am happy to say I know nothing of him but that which Seanachai, through his ingenious propaganda campaign, has made me believe. The amount of filth attributed to this sick bastard is such that every time I think of him I feel I’m going to turn into an S & M freak. You make me sick, sir, though I’d love to see some of the tricks you’re purported to be skilled at. Mmmm, in some patent leather with a corset… Gah! See, see how well your little game has worked, Seanachai!!!


    Anybody ever realize that Meeks rhymes with Reeks. From what I understand that closely resembles his gameplay.

    And how dare you believe anything from a man, and in reference to Penileitch I use that term loosely, who can only manage to produce .5 of a child, as ingenious as that child may be.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

    Hey! What Cesspooligans other than Seanachai and myself are from the Twin Cities in Minnesota?

    I was thinking we could swap insults and looks of boredom over a few cheap beers somewhere.

    Speak if you dare!


    Or you could become a couple, have 1.5 children, live in a suburb, drive a blazer and live happily ever after. Love is in the air.

  8. Don't check the board for a few days and what happens? Somebody kills the pool. Well, I for one am glad. It was out of control and had grown to a size just slightly smaller than Berlickedabigone's massive ego. That being said, a few moments of silence.................and now for

    The Cesspool 2-Revenge of the Turds (the sequel)

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Man:

    If this is all about PBEMing then I WHOLE HEARTEDLY APOLOGIZE!. Unfortunately whenever I tuned into your station I truly didn't understand your language and felt it was inappropriate to this games discussion.Since the thread is 10 times larger than the actual games chat I thought it was wrong to be here,.But since I see you all enjoy this banter so much and since it has something to do with the game (although I dont see it)I certainly cannot delete this very powerful lobby.I will simply ignore it and go on enjoying the game.Sorry for the BS..PS,

    Heads Up, a Panzerfaust might be right around the corner.And no, I'm not German!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Panzer, the banter we speak is a cross between jibberish and broken english. I like to call it, jibberlish. We will soon begin our own, ni ni, country of Jibberland. Peng will be our mascot, no matter how ugly he actually is.

    Panzer most of us are playing PBEMS against a large majority of people in that thread. I have 15 games going against most of the slough that frequents the thread. I believe I'm on the low side. I know Berli is playing 400-500 pbems. Most of them by himself (multiple personality syndrome).

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by lucero1148:

    I D/L both Mac mod converters and read and reread the read me notes but can't open the files to convert.

    E.G. I'll have MCMMM open, I click on "Open Mod Folder" which opens a dialog box and make my way down to fieldgrau mod folder when I open that folder nothing shows up (when there are several files in there). I'll click on a file but cannot get it to open up in either mod converter. What am I doing wrong?



    are you sure you unzipped the files?

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng:

    If Elvis is the diet coke of evil, then I must be the diet Dr Pepper of evil. I taste more like regular Dr Pepper...or soemthing...



    shutting up


    I would say you're more like the Squirt of evil.

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Havermeyer:

    Starting a coffee klatsch at the office. I’ve made a 3 in. x 2 in. clipart tank emblazoned with the letters CM, that is awarded to a PBEM winner. I tape mine at the entrance to the office to generate conversation and tweak the local player(soon to be: players). So far it is only myself and Juardis... but just wait... (BTW I’m 1-1 so far).

    I’ve also burned the Demo to facilitate conversion to the cult. (Have sworn no one gets the game without forking the dough over to BTS for a bonafide copy (have 1 near convert, and 2 more on the burner)) Play the Demo, read the reviews, talk some trash at the office—we should get some more players soon.

    Anyone else have some friendly rivalry going on in their places of work/play?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yep, we have 4 so far. Hoping to go up a couple more soon. So far it's myself, Berli, Moriarty and someone we refer to as the Weeble.

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Zaffod:

    Hey all.. Quick question, I know how the basic format of PBEM goes... But how long does it take most people to play a full game?? Are you expected to dload your turn like every so many hours or does it go 1 turn a day??? man.. a simple 20 turn game could take an eternity.... I am definatly interested in PBEM... If someone wants to gimme a try, my email is


    I can garuntee you it wont be an easy fight... biggrin.gif


    Here's a suggestion......play alot of PBEM's all at once, then you won't mind how slow it seems to take. I've got 10 going and that keeps me incredibly busy. Berli, on the other hand has something like 32 games going.

    I usually get anywhere from 5-10 turns to play each day, depending on how much time I have.

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