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Posts posted by bauhaus

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Anyone else notice that Berli likes to lie back out of sight, then dart forward like a rabid mink, then disappear into hiding again?


    Try working with him. One minute you're sitting minding your own business, the next you feel something gnawing at your leg. By the time you look down to see what it is, he's gone. Pesty little pecker.

  2. Now, not to start this into a platform flame war. Keep in mind, if not for the almighty and far superior mac, there would be no Combat Mission game that you all love so much. Now.....really slow now, repeat until your eyes gloss over....CM was developed on a Mac and ported to a PC. smile.gif Don't we feel better now?

    So instead of eating that Mac for lunch, how about some crow instead?

    This was meant in jest, send all complaints to Bill Gates, King of the Evil Empire.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

    Dump the girlfriend and marry the game!

    - not only will you have more fun, you'll also save a fortune. Either way you'll lose sleep though! wink.gif



    Just don't try to have sex with the game. You'll look a little funny trying to mount your computer, not to mention you'll probably ruin your monitor.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jpinard:

    Can you please release the patch and update mods by Friday so we can have them for the weekend?

    Thank you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    We?????You have a mouse in your pocket?

    Relax.....chant......chill, but please stop whining. It's really not that becoming. It will be released when it's released, until then enjoy the game.

  5. §????ginally posted by Madmatt:

    For the record, I have just received confirmation from the Department of Redundancy Department Trademark/Patents/Copyright Division that my request to trademark "" has gone through.

    Thank you,(pending )


    p.s. Pending trademark on Bela Lugosi is awaiting confirmation that he is in fact dead..


    ® © @

    I hereby claim these symbols. So send your $ to me.......ooooo, I'll take the $ thingy too.

    I'll be rich, a zillionaire.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

    So you why don't you just BITE ME


    Madmatt, when did you trade mark BITE ME phrase? Does that mean that every time I want to use that phrase, and I use it alot, I have to get your permission? What am I to do? Please help me, cause I don't think I can make it with out using that phrase. biggrin.gif

    BITE ME ,


  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

    Fog of War?


    Possible, but I've never seen FOW give a false report. It was such an amazing shot though that I locked on the tiger's point of view and watched it. When the hit happened the gun on the tank reacted like it was damaged. It gave me every indication that it was damaged. Plus I had other squads that could see the tank so I doubt it was FOW.










    I was playing Elsdorf as the Allies and when the German's reenforcements came in. During that turn or the next turn, can't quite remember, I had a Pershing target a King Tiger and knock it out. I know this for the fact because it was a pretty amazing shot. So after the movie, I had my order phase come up and the Tiger was back and operational, though my opponent says it's not 100%. But why would the Tiger come up as knocked out and then come back to life? Fluke or bug?

    I do have the file saved from my PBEM if that helps.

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    what happened to that Brag&Taunt page of yours?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Brag&Taunt page? That sounds like a lovely idea smile.gif

    Great, yet another avenue for Berli to belittle my knowledge of military strategy. It's not enough I have to hear it everyday in the office, and emails.....now the board. Death to the evil empire. biggrin.gif

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    Just recieved this message from Doghouse about the QB we are playing...

    I can't understand a word they are saying, it's all in polish.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Just thought I'd help you out and translate for you. What they are saying (and there are a few variations, but all on the same theme) is: "Argh! we are being led by Col. Doghouseski! We are all going to die!"

    I hope that clears it up for you.

    You know, that's about what I thought they were saying. I must commend BTS on the graphics though. When you zoom in to my squads and look at them up close, you can actually see the panic in their eyes. I think a few have actually been seen giving the sign of the cross before heading off to die.....umm, err, I mean fight.

    And BTS, I'm especially impressed at the fact that you've include soiled pants in my version of the game. Did you do that just for me?

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    May 1945,

    Colonel Doghouse led (ok, he probably didn't lead given the complete lack of coordination) his gallant Paras in an attack on the Adlershorst. It was a slaughter... with few Paras left to march into captivity. With commanders like Col. Doghouse on the Allied side, we may yet win the war!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    That's Private Doghouse after my game with you. My defense? I was drinking with Elvis. Plus, I've got 240mm spotters that were using seeing-eye dogs, who needed seeing-eye dogs.

    Besides, I thought the idea of the game was to have as many casualties inflicted against you as possible.

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