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Wild Bill Wilder

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Posts posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. Wow! What a bloodbath, John! To the Last Man is really just that! In reading about the German defenses, I was impressed at how long they held out even as the Allies advanced, flowing all around them.

    I'm glad you are enjoying it. I love this one.

    And to Dean and so many others, I am greatful. I feel like I am back in family :D

    I'm working on a new one for you and there is more to come!

    Wild Bill

  2. Well, I am delighted to see so many great friends still hanging out here! Thank you!

    Oh yes, I'm going back with a vengeance! I've got one I intend to begin working on today, "Doom of the Titans," with some good old Tiger tanks, outnumbered as usual :D

    I'll be posting more scenarios and hope to get you a new campaign going soon.

    I really appreciate the support and encuouragement. You fellas are a very special sort of gaming community, and it is great to share with all of you.

    Not sure yet where I'll be posting these but I will keep you advised.

    Wild Bill

  3. Gentlemen, I haven't had much opportunity to visit lately. I've actually been with Rommel and the Afrika Korps for a couple of months (seems like years) working on a new project for SPWAW.

    Since my CM roots are very deep, I had to come back and pay a visit. I see things are lively as usual and the fine scenarios keep coming.

    I've got a lot of catching up to do.

    Wild Bill

  4. Sorry I'm late fellas. Did you get the scenario? It's rather small so I'll send it just in case. Thanks for asking...If you need more, let me know!

    I didn't do Omaha, Silvio. Thought about it, but no time. Got a big new project that is eating me alive. Enjoy!

    Wild Bill

  5. Sorry I'm late fellas. Did you get the scenario? It's rather small so I'll send it just in case. Thanks for asking...If you need more, let me know!

    I didn't do Omaha, Silvio. Thought about it, but no time. Got a big new project that is eating me alive. Enjoy!

    Wild Bill

  6. Hey Steve!

    Man, I have so much going on I don't even have time to hang out anymore. Seems like I'm running so hard that I meet myself coming the other way!

    In addition to CM design, I have the web pages, plus two new games from Matrix that I am working on, plus a wife I see occasionally (come to think of it, when is the last time I saw her? biggrin.gif ), but I'll stop. You hate to see a grown man cry! wink.gif

    Nice to be missed. Thanks, my friend.

  7. If you are out there trying to find all the scenarios being put out for CM, I recommend you download Craig Harvey's marvelous database of scenarios/operations.

    Craig has worked long and hard, searching everywhere for all CM scenarios and operations and then listing them in detail.

    You'll really want this very handy document.

    You can find it at


    (Then click on Boots N' Tracks on the left and scroll down till you find it).

    This is part of the Raider site and the team leader is Kevin "Kinch" Kinscherf.

    If you want to be sure you have them all, you really NEED this list. Good job, Craig!

    Wild Bill

  8. If you are out there trying to find all the scenarios being put out for CM, I recommend you download Craig Harvey's marvelous database of scenarios/operations.

    Craig has worked long and hard, searching everywhere for all CM scenarios and operations and then listing them in detail.

    You'll really want this very handy document.

    You can find it at


    (Then click on Boots N' Tracks on the left and scroll down till you find it).

    This is part of the Raider site and the team leader is Kevin "Kinch" Kinscherf.

    If you want to be sure you have them all, you really NEED this list. Good job, Craig!

    Wild Bill

  9. If you are out there trying to find all the scenarios being put out for CM, I recommend you download Craig Harvey's marvelous database of scenarios/operations.

    Craig has worked long and hard, searching everywhere for all CM scenarios and operations and then listing them in detail.

    You'll really want this very handy document.

    You can find it at


    (Then click on Boots N' Tracks on the left and scroll down till you find it).

    This is part of the Raider site and the team leader is Kevin "Kinch" Kinscherf.

    If you want to be sure you have them all, you really NEED this list. Good job, Craig!

    Wild Bill

  10. Craig Harvey has done a superb job of creating a scenario database that includes just about every known scenario/operation done for CM.

    He has done exhaustive work on this, listing names, dates, locations, authors, etc.

    This is a fine piece of work. You can get it at the Boots N' Tracks site on the Wild Bill's Raiders page.


    (Click on the Boots N'Tracks name in the menu to the left and scroll down to the download)

    I encourage all of you to get it. His latest 1.4 will be posted shortly.

    It's worth the time to get it. You should find your answer there, Fan.

    If it hasn't been done, it should be biggrin.gif

    Wild Bill

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