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Wild Bill Wilder

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Posts posted by Wild Bill Wilder

  1. Just in case you might be interested in yet another scenario, this is my newest and it can be found at the "Boots N' Tracks" Combat Mision site.

    I think you'll find it challenging and fun.

    It is "The Fiery French."



    Title: The Fiery French!

    Type: French Attack vs German Defend

    Date: Aug.12th, 1945

    Location: South of Argentan

    Weather: Clear

    Terrain: Dry

    Turns: 25

    Scenario Author: Wild Bill Wilder

    Scenario Description:

    This battle can be fought from either side. It will also work well as a two player game.

    As the French you are to break through German resistance between Sees and Ecouves to move on to Argentan. By capturing and holding the flags, you will win.

    As the Germans, your task is to stop the French in their fiery advance to Argentan.

    Historical Background:

    The German failure to cut the supply lines of Patton's 3rd Army had left nearly all of Germany's remaining armor over-extended and in danger of being cut off.

    If the German army in France were trapped in a giant encircling movement of the British 2nd Army and the American 1st and 3rd Armies,

    the war might be brought to a much quicker conclusion.

    The two armored divisions of General Haislip's XV Corps were to spearhead the drive northward through France to Argentan and Falaise. It was hoped that the Canadians and Poles pushing south would link up with the American and French tanks.

    Lt. General Philippe LeClerc (actually a pseudonym of Captain Viscount Philippe de Hauteclocque) had been placed at the head of the newly formed French 2nd Armored Division ("2eme Division Blindee").

    LeClerc went into battle as a part of Patton's recently arrived 3rd Army. When ordered by the Corps Commander to lead the way to Argentan, LeClerc determined he would arrive first, beating the US 5th Armored Division, at any cost.

    Facing the French tanks were elements of the 116th, 2nd and 2nd SS Panzer Divisions moving east. A German defensive buffer zone had been hurriedly setup to avoid the trap closing on the Wehrmacht.

    Dividing his force into three separate columns, the French general skirted the huge Forest d'Ecouves, even holding up fuel destined for the tanks of the US 5th.

    It would not be long until they would have their hands full with a tough German defense from the 2nd Panzer Division just north near Ecouves.

  2. There are two in the making that deal with the 3rd Armored Division and its push to Paderborn to close the Allied circle around the Rhine in March, 1945.

    (General Rose, commander of the 3rd Armored, was killed during this time by a commander of a German Tiger Tank).

    They are very close to publication. I'll post where you can find them within a week.

    Hamminkeln, "We Start Here," is a good one and it is in your CM scenario list already. It came with the game.

    Wild Bill

  3. All of these are great, my friend.

    I'm going to recommend one that I think is the best one volume (900 pages +) you can buy on WW2.

    It is by a man who was a US Marine in WW2, a machine gunner. He has written dozens of books, all great material.

    His writing style is just what you are looking for.

    It is Robert Leckie. His book is "Delivered From Evil."

    It is the finest single work on WW2 that I have read to date and I have read all of the mentioned above.

    It sells for about $15 (US).

    Mr Leckie is (or was) an avid historian with a style that is captivating and personal. He feels what he writes. He does not deal just with cold hard facts.

    One of the bonuses of the book are the particular insights into people (Hitler, Eisenhower, Patton, etc), events, and units.

    If I could only have one, without a doubt this would be it.

    I see if often in bookstores here, but never for too long.

    It is published by Harper Press and is a Harper's Perennial.

    Well worth it, Stacheldrat!

    Wild Bill

  4. Hey Detroit Guy,

    One of my most fascinating hobbies has been over the years the collection of video tapes.

    I have collected two basic types:



    Referring to the former category, there are literally thousands of them. May I (hopefully not) bore you with a list of some of the good ones?

    Before I begin (long), let me say the "Battlefield" WW2 collection is without a doubt the best for viewing an overall view of World War II. Here are some of the others that are very good.

    BATTLELINE (old Series - done in the 60s, Ithink)There must be some 30+ of these, with a veteran from either side relating what went on in a particular battle. Nothing in depth, but interesting from a personal perspective. 30 minutes each episode

    WEAPONS OF WAR - An ongoing series mainly on the history channel. These began with technical insights into weaponry from WW2 to modern day stuff.

    It has since evolved into a whole new series of general info on themes such as the USMC, Paratroopers, German Elite, Rangers, History of the Tank, etc. etc.

    I can't even imagine just how many there are out there. I have collected over 3 dozen and don't have one-half of them.


    So far there are a series of 12, based on pivotal battles of WW2. Each episode actually recreates everything leading up to the battle, includings troops, weapons, leaders, etc. Fantastic information. These can be ordered, but I got most of mine taped off the PBS channels here in Atlanta. They are a treasure!

    BATTLEFIELD-VIETNAM. 12 tapes published by Time-Life. Very similar to the above series. I bought month by month but they were also on PBS. A GREAT, GREAT series to give a keen understanding to what the War in Nam was like.

    WORLD AT WAR - Yes, a great series for an overall worldwide view of the greatest war in history. A look from the military and civilian side of the war. I think there must be some 30+ episodes. I have them all but never counted them.

    VICTORY AT SEA - What can I say about this magnificent collection! The music alone makes you put on a warface. Done in the 50s, it is a visual portrayl of the great S E Morrison's book collection, History of United States Naval Operations in WW2. Each episode is 30 minutes long. You can get this set at a very reduced rate now. I've seen it as low as $60 for all six video tapes.

    THE GREAT CRUSADE - A televised version of Eisenhower's book on the same theme. Another great presentation of the War in Europe. Each episode is 1 hour long.

    VIETNAM - THE SOLDIER'S STORY - ABC News. 3 Videos done recently with stunning maps, information and other highlights of the key battles of Vietnam. A must have set!

    Ambush: The Battle of the Ia Drang

    Under Seige!: Khe Sanh

    Tet: The Battle for Hearts and Minds

    Rolling Thunder: War in the Skies

    Secret Wars; Secret Men

    Last Chopper Out: The fall of Saigon

    CRUSADE IN THE PACIFIC - A detailed look at the War against Japan in some 16 episodes. Some great info here for historical scenarios. Each episode is one hour long.

    CENTURY OF WARFARE - SOme 25 episodes that take you from the beginning of the 20th Century, through WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War and a look into the future. This one is really great.

    D-DAY! THE TOTAL STORY - A 3 Tape set from the history channel. You'll understand D-Day as never before. Each episode is one hour long.




    MASTERS OF WAR - This one approaches great battles or campaigns from the point of view of the opposing leaders. A very unique approach to many familiar and some unfamiliar battles of the 20th Century, WWI, WW2, Vietnam.

    GI DIARY - I have not seen this one around in a while. I think there are some 20+ episodes, personalized by the narrative of one who was there. 30 Minutes each episode.

    WINSTON CHURCHILL - THE VALIANT YEARS I think there are about 12 chapters (programs) in this one. A visual resume of Churchill's writings on the war.

    BATTLE FOR THE PACIFIC - A series of 8 programs that cover the entire Pacific War in a very unique and informative approach. This one is now very hard to find.


    Single episodes abound! Airmobility. History of the ACav, Tarawa, Peleliu, Iwo Jima, Battle of the Bulge, Market Garden...all present the battles or campaigns in great detail. I have dozens of these.

    Here are a few that I think are really collectors items for those so inclined.











    And on and on, but I've written a book here already. I hope it helps you.

    Wild Bill

    [ 06-26-2001: Message edited by: Wild Bill Wilder ]

  5. Hey WWB!

    I recently did one on the Mace and the Polish fighting there, called "Rock in a Flood."

    This is a real meless with all sorts of German armor and intantry headed east.

    The Poles have just arrived and will have their hands full trying to stop the onrushing Germans.

    I have not posted it as yet. It is complete and should be going up any day now.

    I took my version of the Mace from the book and map in the John Keenan's book, "Six Armies in Normandy." That may help you.

    For those who are interested, I should have this one up somewhere by tomorrow.

    Anybody want it now, drop me a note. I'll be happy to e-mail it to you.

    Good luck to you on your map, WWB!

    Wild Bill

  6. Hey Tinman,

    Looks like you have enough suggestions to last you for a year, and I am sure they are all top-notch.

    You might want to take a peek at what we have at the Boots N'Tracks CM Raider site.

    We work long and hard on these battles and they have all been thoroughly tested by very qualified gamers.

    So if you have a moment, go here and check out some of our handiwork!


    We'd be delighted to have you visit us.

    Wild Bill

  7. Good luck with it, Enoch! Glad to hear that the creative juices are flowing.

    It depends. First of all, it depends on how detailed the maps are that you have. Secondly, how the scenario is to develop will determine how you make your map.

    I like to try to balance out accuracy with playability. It is always a challenge and you learn by doing. Good luck with it.

  8. The BIG limitation here is the fact that you cannot link up battles using more than one map.

    This means that you could not take units that survived one operation and move them to the next.

    What could be done is a series following the same unit as it fights across Europe. That could be ... and should be done. But it would be a SERIES...a campaign as I envision one... a number of battles following the history of a particular unit through the war.

    I would love to do something like that. Those campaigns sound interesting. I'll have to see how Patrick did his. It does sound inviting. Send me some time guys! :D


  9. From all the pics I've seen (never been there), the fields are of varying size, very irregular.

    If I were going to describe it (besides "deadly," it would be just that: irregular.

    Some large, others small, scattered here and there, hooked up by hedgerows, all different sizes and shapes.

    If you can find some history books with pics of hedgerows, it will help you a lot!


  10. Your question is well taken, Jack, and I understand your frustration.

    Here is what happened. The first version was based on keeping the Germans from advancing off the map.

    Most players could not grasp the fact that the Germans were flanking the town and reaching the map edge either on the right or left.

    Some cried "Foul." So I redesigned it so that the Germans would be intent on killing Team Desobry. Hence it became a destroy mission.

    And there is the problem. You did defend the town. You kept the Germans from taking it.

    In that sense historically you have a major victory. The orders were to hold at all costs.

    So tactically you did not do well. Strategically, you did magnificently. Even if the game won't do it, just pat yourself on the back for a job well done.

    I wish the automated scorekeeper would do the aame.

    If you ever want to try the older version, I'll send it to you. E-Mail me.

    Wild Bill

  11. Fellow Warriors, I thank you! Delighted to know that the war is fierce...just like we like 'em!


    Recently Published:

    Blood and Bocage

    Death of the Titans

    Painful Progress (More bocage!)

    Melee at Marvie


    Coming up soon:

    Rock in a Flood

    Grief of the Guards

    Fiery French

    Duel at Dompaire

    Armored Ambush

    A Tiger Hunt

    A Canadian Confrontation

    Sounds in the Night

    And hopefully, an operation (about time for a new one) on the Hurtgen..."The Hated Hurtgen!"

    We're not through yet, gentlemen and the encouragement is very much appreciated.

  12. Gotta love that design work, Panzer Leader! You are quite the artist!

    Thank you for the kind words. I love the game as you all do and enjoy immensely the challenge of creating battles that all of us can enjoy.

    A good mega campaign will have to be done by one of us, my friend.

    BTS is strictly the gaming part. Now if some of the designers will take it on, it could be done.

    The biggest problem of a Mega Campaign or Operation is the size vs the time frame and the map.

    When you say Mega campaign, are you suggesting the idea of a series of maps and battles linked together?

    As you well know, currently an operation (aka Campaign) is all done on one map. We at present do not have the luxury in CM of making a series of linked battles over an extended period of time.

    It is something I would love to see, and of course, not all CM'ers would take it on.

    A lot of folks play the shorter, fast fight scenarios due to a limited time frame. I think in fact that this would form the majority of those who have purchased the game.

    The rest of us are devoted die-hards and an occasional mammoth fight that last for weeks of play would be fascinating.

    What about taking the Big Red One from Omaha to the Rhine in one campaign? Take a rifle company, move it inland through France and to the Siegfried Line.

    Better still :D, what about the 70th Tank Battalion, that began it's career in North Africa and fought all the way to the heart of Germany, including Tunisia, Sicily, etc.?

    It would be a challenge and a lot of fun for those who could "hang"

    Wild Bill

  13. What a pleasant surprise, Bil!

    Good to get this note from you. I'm looking forward to this next CM as much as I did this one.

    I hope you'll be donig some more of your top notch scenarios too.

    Yeah, the old Germans will be thete. They are always there...by default.

    I'm surprised they don't have a complex about being picked on...well, maybe they do :D

    Wild Bill

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