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Posts posted by Joachim

  1. Originally posted by Lord Harmes:

    Thanks for all the interesting replies... I'm pretty convinced that they would be very useful in attacking towns in the game. The link above has a good referance to them being used against buildings etc. So lets hope they can be included in the new engine eh? ;)

    Which cost do you suggest? Would you use a section of them if they came at 600pts each like a Sturmtiger in CMBB? Mobile, armored, fast response times, huge blast, good accuracy (compared to OBA).

    Would you like to defend vs them if they came at 150 pts? A regular German 105mm spotter with 60 rounds moves slower, reacts slower and has less blast..

    Edited to add that they are a cool toy... just like the Sturmtiger, which I tested once.



    [ April 02, 2004, 06:23 PM: Message edited by: Joachim ]

  2. Originally posted by Lord Harmes:

    Thanks for all the interesting replies... I'm pretty convinced that they would be very useful in attacking towns in the game. The link above has a good referance to them being used against buildings etc. So lets hope they can be included in the new engine eh? ;)

    Which cost do you suggest? Would you use a section of them if they came at 600pts each like a Sturmtiger in CMBB? Mobile, armored, fast response times, huge blast, good accuracy (compared to OBA).

    Would you like to defend vs them if they came at 150 pts? A regular German 105mm spotter with 60 rounds moves slower, reacts slower and has less blast..



  3. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joachim:

    I would not like to be in or near that tank with the enemy close. If you are in LOS you risk 60+ rockets exploding - with all their fuel.

    Interesting point. The fact is though that a fair number were used in combat in the last two or three months of the war. So far as I know, they were used in the direct fire mode. I haven't heard yet of any that were lost in the manner you describe, but something along those lines could still turn up.

    Michael </font>

  4. Originally posted by Hans:

    Thanks for the review and comments above. In most scenarios I design for HTH I usually recommend +25-50%, +1 experience if doing it vs the AI with an additional +25% if the player deems themselves to be experience.

    If you ever try it against a human I'd like to know the results!


    Remind me next year when my current PBEMs are over.



  5. Originally posted by Sergei:

    Maybe having a gun damage should cost some points (like 10% of AFV value) which would be given back if the AFV exited alive...

    AFVs exited in ops are gone forever, but without a points loss. If they remain on map, they might get some repair between battles - or get abandoned and you pay the points.

    They should get repaired and fielded again with a much higher probability if they exited the map (or got parked close to the map edge).



  6. Originally posted by Lord Harmes:

    Nice pics. Was there any practical reason for them not to be in the game? I'm guessing it has something to do with the 2 hours it took to load? Though I think they should still be in there... maybe as one shot wonders.

    Why were ammo compartments in tanks armored? Why not on the rooftop? Why did T34s drop the external fuel tanks before going into battle? What happens if tracers from a HMG or small HE rounds hit the rockets?

    I would not like to be in or near that tank with the enemy close. If you are in LOS you risk 60+ rockets exploding - with all their fuel.

    If you are out of LOS you can as well put the tanks off board and use a spotter.



  7. Originally posted by Hans:

    Glad you had fun - hey how about a review? Oh and I played it the wrong way too - and found it unbalanced - hence no recommendation to play it that way.

    Reviewed ath the depot. Recommendations for playing HTH or Allies vs AI based on general experience.

    Personally I do not care about force balance. I judge success by other factors than points.

    It was a cakewalk, but my losses were minimal and I used solid tactics. Noted my errors with the Nashorns (I forgot that superior German optics are not part of CM but gyrostabilizers are and Shermans kill Nashorns with one shot but not the other way), learned from them.



  8. Originally posted by Hans:

    Oh no trouble makers

    [slap] what playing the scenario NOT as the designer intended? [slap]. WHAT, you actually enjoyed playing the scenario the wrong way? [double slap]. EGADs! You've told OTHERS about this evil? [Great big slap].

    Glad you had fun - hey how about a review? Oh and I played it the wrong way too - and found it unbalanced - hence no recommendation to play it that way.

    Ouch! I admit I'm guilty! Ouch! I needed some fun! Ouch! Some cakewalk to beat the AI! Ouch! Did we mention the AI losses vs our own? Ouch! Does this seem balanced? Ouch! Did I mention that I'd replay it with a big bonus for the AI? Ouch! So I can kill even more AI tanks as I doubt it will be balanced then if the Panthers are used correctly.



  9. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    Okay, from your description, you have moved the 88 between battles. In that case, it ought not to be spotted at the beginning of the next battle providing that you are correct in that no enemy unit has LOS to it.

    Can you be sure that there is no enemy unit lurking hidden somewhere where it might have LOS? If there really is not, then something fishy is going on.


    I tested several locations. One is approx the board edge. It is a road with at least 2 tiles of woods on each side. You can not look thru 40m of woods (in this battle). LOS in woods is below 30m. I checked carefully if the road would allow LOS, but it is very long and has a bend blocking LOS.

    3 other places where tested before, all had no LOS to enemy setup zone. All were shelled.



    [ April 02, 2004, 04:26 AM: Message edited by: Joachim ]

  10. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    If I understand you correctly, you are saying that you have an 88 that unloads in one batle of an operation and cannot be moved in the next battle. You are asking if it has been legally spotted in the previous battle, does it begin spotted in the folowing battle, even if no enemy unit has LOS to it? I'd say yes.

    But the best way to check is to set it up as a hotseat game and see for yourself. If you can set up as the German player then switch to the other side and see it, there's your answer. If not, the AI is doing something a human player can't, and that sort of blows BFC's claim that the AI doesn't cheat. A serious matter.


    I get an 88 in battle. It shoots, killing one KV2. I guess its spotted, cause it shoots 5 times. OTOH it hides a few turns till the battle ends. Distance to nearest enemy troops: 400m.

    Next battle setup: I have two SdKfz 7. The 88 is locked in place. I embark the gun during setup. I can only place it on one of the SdKfz 7, and the SdKfz 7 currently towing the 88 is fixed, too. I can move the other SdKfz, so I can place the 88 all over my setup zone, but it is always loaded. I can not disembark during setup.

    Turn 1:

    It receives incoming - probably anything the AI has. Surprise. I thought it was out of LOS as I thought I had carefully checked this. Restart. Put embarked 88 on a clearing with definitely no LOS to the enemy. Guess what. Sent file to Andreas.

    Your idea is basically what I had in mind. As soon as I find some time I'll create a short operation and test it... With fortifications, an 88 and several artificial ridges to block LOS.



  11. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    BFC swears on a stack of Bibles that the AI does not cheat, and strictly speaking that is most likey true. But there have been indications that have popped up over the years that suggest that information may "leak" from one part of the program to places where it ought not to go. I think you guys may have found one for sure. This same kind of thing has been mentioned before IIRC.

    Sending a saved game file to Support would be a Good Thing. Even if for some reason it can't be fixed in the existing game engine, it wouldn't be a bad idea to alert BFC that this kind of thing can happen and they need to watch out for it in coding the new engine.


    I'll send mine to support or ask Andreas to do that after he checked it. I thought the special problem of the 88 is that it is locked in place like a bunker and can only be loaded to a truck. Bunkers etc are fixed and IIRC their spotting status remains between battles. so does the 88???

    Or maybe it is because there are too many units in this op (spoiler: as hinted in the intro - you have the whole division at your disposal). It would be interesting to look up the unit numer of the spotter - Team no and when using "+".



  12. Ops are long battles with supplies and a strange algorithm to decide the frontline. Supplies are good, the algorithm ain't.

    A 10 battles with 20+ turns each op and limited supplies is usually worse than a 5 battles at 40+ turns (or 6/33+) with average supplies.

    So I prefer longer battles. 30+ turns per battle allow for decent combat. Supplies might run low if you are trigger-happy, but you need to plan accordingly. Plus you are allowed some scouting/probing before committing your forces. It is no fun to discover an ATG in turn 18, bring along your mortars to deal with it in turn 21 and then it ends.

  13. Originally posted by Fredrock1957:

    Hey All

    Playing a great operation vs AI (Chris F - Battle Between Swift Rivers)( Here is the post I left) and on the third battle I receive reinforcements... one is a 76mm Arty Spotter with 240 rds.

    So I place him (within the setup guidelines of battle 3) and bang I get hit right there first turn of that battle with HE.... So I says to myself... since I saved last turn.. I will put him somewhere else... not moving anyone else.. they are still in the same place... hit go... Wham... HE right where the spotter is.... did the same thing again.. different spot for the Arty Spotter.... Wham.... same thing again... Whats up wit dat...

    All three times Spotter was out of LOS/LOF... now how did the AI know he was there... "Good Intelligence" I guess....

    Just wondering if anyone else has noticed this


    CMBB with an 88 (ghosts of Napoleon). I can move it where I want - it receives incoming like crazy with deadly accuracy. And there is still a KV2 in that op.

    Savegame available.



  14. Originally posted by yacinator:

    Michael Dorsh u said that with no fow u can plan out battles better. u probably can but there is no reason to becouse u can anihalate the whole enemy force in the first turn with an arty strike. and don't forget that ,as i said, it will disable snipers and ambushing. how the **** r u gonna take out a platoon of tanks with only some infantry if u can't ambush? what will the enemy ride into your ambush? no they'll just blow the hole place to hell with some 155mm arty

    As stated above, arty in turn 1 would be a bit unsporting. If you want to play competitive, NFOW is probably not a good idea. It is for a game between gentlemen who agree on certain house rules to get better insight into the game mechanics or to have fun. Winning in CM is not everything - it is more important to me (and many others) to establish good relations with their opponents or even make friends. That's what games are for.

    What is correct is that once ambushes are gone, you have to plan very good. A sniper will probably kill less TCs, he can't roam the rear areas or hide - but even if visible, he is a constant threat if used with the knowledge that yor opponent can see him. You know exactly what the opponent is bringing up and have time to counter it. You must have a balanced combined arms force which is mutually supporting itself on the battlefield. Just like in chess where a pawn can make a difference if you plan well, a Bazooka will only take out a tank if you outsmart your opponent and force him to move like you dictate.

    Judging by your choice of words I guess a game with you would be over after turn 1.



  15. Originally posted by Sergei:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joachim:

    Did they hit resistance upon landing that had a real chance of pushing them back?

    Well, probably not, in RL nobody uses 1.7:1 assault odds...

    The fighting in the Viipuri Bay area was successful for the Soviets in the archipelago (deploying defenders onto islands was a mistake in the first place), but they weren't able to gain a bridgehead on the mainland. The German 122nd Infantry Division "Greif" fought there among others. Here's a map.


  16. Originally posted by JasonC:

    The force ratio is backwards. It is a probe but with the attacker having 3 to the defenders 4, odds-wise.

    If you want to balance it and keep the tactical situation, drop the recon platoon and one 82mm mortar from the Russian OOB. Give the Germans a third recon platoon, a second 75mm infantry gun, and a 105mm FO. Vets, like the rest.

    That gives 4:3 odds favor the attackers instead of favor the defenders. As is, it is just broken.

    So what? I regularly attack the AI at +100%. For attacks, this is a simple 1.5:2 or 3:4. I seldom reach every objective then, I win most, but barely total or major. But at least it is a challenge. (No, not pure armor as Germans in '43)

    It starts getting tough when you have to fight 3.4:1 as a defender with reduced ammo.

    IMHO this scenario is absolutely necessary to keep players from guessing the opposing reserve by counting what is already there. I've committed to many reserves with the knowledge that I've seen almost anything the enemy can throw at me and thus do not need my reserve any more.



    @Sven, Andreas

    Jetzt weiß ich, warum ich immer so schlecht gelaunt bin - ich hab' keinen Keller!

  17. Originally posted by Uzi:

    I think the next Combat Mission game should return to Normandy. This needn’t be a repetition of CMBO if you take into account the possible enhancements that could be included such as;

    1. Amphibious beach assaults and terrain; LCT’s, sand, dunes, obstacles etc

    Why? There weren't so many besides D-Day in Europe

    2. Strongpoints and more elaborate bunkers

    Strongpoints? Do you mean sets of bunkers and trenches? I'd be satisfied with trenches with overhead cover and bunkers where the crew can take cover in a 2nd room.

    3. Bangalore torpedoes

    Explosions (arty, demo) tearing apart wire would do.

    4. Enhanced soldier animations

    Don't need the animation - but morale, fatigue, health, ammo and wpn tracked for every soldier would be great - plus an option to leave tired soldiers behind as casualties.

    5. Enhanced building graphics and broader, more detailed town building possibilities ie; fountains, mills, sheds, haystacks, higher walls etc

    pure eye candy... I want buildings and streets that do not represent Mannheim or Manhattan (ie rectangular city blocks)

    6. Option to play game in 2 modes; turn based or real time


    7. Option to record video of battle for playback like in Bungies’ Myth series

    It would be enough if I could have a movie of the full game - even vs. the AI.

    8. Inclusion of; Nebelwerfers, Schwimmwagens, British 25 pounder gun and tractor, DUKW, motorbike and sidecar,

    motorbike and sidecar... the new toy for recce by explosion.

    Bikes only if borg spotting is removed and runners are allowed to use bikes.

    Schwimmwagen maybe, the rest is in there or abstracted.

    9. Option to include bomber formations (Carpet bombing)

    Use lots of 300mm+ FOs with little ammo. Rocket are best. Give the enemy a few, too, to simulate friendly fire. Make sure the pre-planned barrage fires 1 round per 100m^2 spread equally across the whole map.

    Especially with the new minimum morale levels (20% casualties and the attack stops) this will finally give me a chance to play long scenarios in 1 day

    10. Enhanced uniform graphics (Distinction between 101st and 82nd airborne for example)

    Do you know how many CDs you need for all those bmps? Ever counted the divisions fielded in WW2?

    11. Option to limber and unlimber artillery to vehicles for movement after firing

    ??? embark/disembark is in the current engine (except for 88)

    12. Glider landings

    A glider btn landing on a company of infantry... anything landing on map will be shred by MGs before landing. Anything else will be off map.

    13. Dead Cows and telegraph poles

    Yes... this is the ultimate addition.

    I’m sure people can think of some more…..

    There are many more, but they include refinements of current modelling.

    SOPs would be fine...



  18. Originally posted by Treeburst155:

    I played the Allies. The armor matchup is quite interesting. The Germans have a little surprise in their forces that I didn't know about until the end. I felt the sting though. I just couldn't figure out how I was getting stung.

    Interesting is that the patch has changed available forces for this date and region. I played with creating a larger version of the scenario with the same unit mix. I couldn't do it in 1.01, but it's possible in 1.00.

    Congratulations, Berli, on a great scenario!

    Treeburst155 out.


    change scenario date, buy "unavailable" tanks, change scenario date. smile.gif



  19. Originally posted by RawRecruit:

    In a PBEM I've just had a StuG IIIG pop smoke and reverse from a duel with a 'Valentine?' tank. My first couple of shots missed. They scored a track hit and a lower hull penetration, both with 'no serious damage'. Now, I've never duelled a Valentine before, but the StuGs 75/L48 is surely a match for it?

    I found that the unit info for partially ID'd vehicles show the stats that is the most likely variant of the ID'd vehicle at that time period (e.g. a T34 in '43 is most likely a '43 variant.) ammo selection (Tungsten or AP) is based on that, too. So a PzIIIg might cower from a partially ID'd T34/41 in '43 which it would face in '41.

    If there is a common Valentine that has very thick armor, the StuG may retreat.

    Another important question:

    Have you checked the movie file carfeully? If the Valentine was ID'd as something else when first spotted, the cowering may have been based on the first guess.



  20. Originally posted by Carl Puppchen:

    If you play the same opponent a lot you should occasionally buy planes because it forces your opponent to CONSIDER buying anti-aircraft guns like 20mm and keeping them in reserve (not on the front line) to defend against AA attacks. This is a subtle benefit but a helpful one nonetheless.

    SdKfz 222 or 251/9 with 20mm Autocannon are AA capable - and they do kill or discourage planes (except for IL2s). So if the opponent has those (in reserve) he doesn't even need additional AA.

    I'd add to Redwolfs first post:

    Do not buy air if you have guns in the open and the enemy has guns in trenches or cover.

    3 StuKas.

    5 bombing runs on enemy territory, IIRC 3 or 4 of them probably on guns, but definitely on trenches. 1 attack on my forces. Ouch. Gun destroyed.

    Several strafing runs mostly on/near trenches (with guns?). 2 or 3 on mine (no losses). Mostly on guns. My trucks or HTs are ignored.

    I guess my opponent has no vehicles.



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