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Posts posted by Joachim

  1. There should be a "prefs"-file in the game folder (Ive got the German version - file name is localized so it might have a slightly different name. Size about 2K.

    Delete it (make a backup in case you delete the wrong file :D ). Next time you play CM you'll be asked again about the resolution.



  2. Additional source for Andreas claim about the 17th PD being in Army reserve:


    The page is in German, it is an excerpt from the "Österreichische Militärische Zeitschrift, Ausgabe 5/2003"

    German quotes from this page. Tranlsation below is by me.

    "Trotz des nachdrücklichen Einspruches des OB H.Gr. Süd, Generalfeldmarschalls v. Manstein, gab Hitler die unter Führungsvorbehalt [Ann. Führervorbehalt (?)] stehende Reserve der H.Gr. Süd (XXIV. Pz.K mit SS-Division Wiking, 17. und 23. Pz.Div)(FN28) nicht frei. Damit hätte, wie Manstein meinte, wenigstens ein Teilerfolg erzielt werden können.(FN29)"


    Despite the vigorous protests from the CinC AG South, Fieldmarshal v. Manstein, Hitler did not release the Reserve of AG Central (XXIV PzC including SS-Div Wiking, 17th and 23rd PD), which could only be released by explicit order of Hitler himself.

    "(FN28) Zetterling. S.226. Die 23. PD wurde dem Korps am 7.7. zugeführt."


    (FN28) Zetterling p. 226. 23rd PD was attached to the Corps on 7 July.

    This might be this book (could not find another one by Zetterling in the text)

    (FN34) Vergleiche Zetterling: Statistical Analysis, Anlage 16, S.226ff., mit der Darstellung der Strukturen der einzelnen Divisionen bis zur Kompanie-Ebene in der Gliederung am 4.7.

    cf Zetterling: Statistical Analysis, Appendix 16, p. 226+, giving the structure of the divisions down to company level as of 4 July.




  3. Michael,

    Jason gave you that link in a recent post:


    "The largest portion of this data comes from the KOSAVE II study, run by the US Army's Concept Analysis Agency, and carried out by the Dupuy Institute and Russian subcontractors Rantek. The data reproduced comes from that report, with permission. The full report - hardcopy, plus a full CD of data - can be purchased from NTIS in the US, for US Nationals." So it should be a reliable source.

    The data claims for the 3rd PD that it had 77 tanks (plus 2 PzIII spotter), 2 StuGIIIs and 12 Marder II on 4 July. There are no siginificant losses on any day. Lowest number for tanks is 38 on 11th, rising to 51 on 18 July.

    Total number of vehicles is 197 on 4 July hitting a low on 15th with 140 vehicles.

    No room for 270 destroyed vehicles or tanks in two hours

    Concentrate on the amount of tanks, AGs and TDs in the OOB of a standard German division. Then just tell that IL-2 fan to do the math. He is already on the defence stating that somebody else added the "9th PD" - though it is in your source, which makes the whole Russian quote unreliable. Next line of defence for him will be that only the 3rd Pd got hit at Kursk, not the others. Deny him that line of defense early by referencing to some sites with OOBs.



  4. Moving with short visibility is dangerous. Incoming nearby will panic troops in the open. If they are bunche dup, all will root. A frontal assault will lead to defeat.

    Try to spread your forces. Recce by fire near supected locations - maybe you see the foxholes while the Soviets can't id your troops yet.

    Try to id a flank, then hit that flank with waves and roll up the line



  5. Gold demo came out in Dec '99. IIRC I had to split it on floppy disks (yes - those things with 1.4M on them) to bring it home. Just found a post regarding the Alpha AAR in the '99 archives... July... those where the days...

    Ah yes... been 30 then... had a new love then (besides CM)... CM is still one of my favourites ... my love is ... still my favourite.



  6. Originally posted by Jim1954:

    I saw something like this happen before. It was when editing map setup zones and instead of graying them all, out I accidentally left 1 as a valid setup tile. It sure was crowded in there.

    Looked a lot like your screenshots.

    I second this. Same reason, same effect over here.



  7. Depends on the battle. CM allows for 120 turns. In a 80 turns monster, I brought forward a PaK screen to support the attack on a hill. Enemy reinforcements trying to flank my attack ran into 2x 3.7 AA and 4 ATGs including an 8.8 about half a mile from my setup zone (turn 25-30). If the scen was less open I might have been able to redeploy some of them till turn 50.

    I know other scens where I had to move ATGs that were smaller. In most of them the guns did not move after firing. Some saw the guns in bounded overwatch.



  8. You need a smoke or dust screen to hide behind.

    88s are a challenge. Forget them when you have to move. I had 2 in a PBEM. One got lucky and found a perfect spot. The SdKfz7 maneuvered backwards up a small rise and in the small triangle of open ground between to rough tiles. It got some Lees later.

    The other one was a bit too far behind a crest, had really bad LOS when there was no smoke from the tanks ahead and none when anything moved. It is a gamble.

    Third - try a (blue) armored covered arc. It will stop the gun from firing outside the arc when not directly threatened. The memory thing would be cool, but you're not the first one to ask for it smile.gif



  9. Originally posted by Sgt AA:

    Thanks a lot!

    And thanks for the links - very useful!

    Are they towed to trucks or kubelwagen?

    I try my luck with another question. I can see that each regiment has a company of IGs attached, but what does they mean with 2+6 and are they towed to SPW 251/1 (3 pl with 2x 75mm IG and 2 SPW each)? What is the "2"?


    Depends on what's available (Remember this was the army that attacked Poland in Czech tanks and generally had designations for any captured equipment). But a Kübelwagen ain't much for 4-5 men, ammo and the gun. More likely a truck will be standard transport.

    2 sIG (15cm) + 6 lIG (7,5cm)

    Motorized has two circles, Mech (armored) has a circle on the left and an oval to the right while fully tracked has a wide oval. So I'd say it's a truck. A SdKfz 7 should be more likely than a 251 if a halftrack was available. But IIRC the army had priorities on tracks then.



  10. Originally posted by ParaBellum:

    IIRC a HQ and signals platoon and three AT companies, each with 12 x 3,7cm guns (mot). Not really sure though.

    EDIT: Andreas was faster AND more accurate. D'oh! :mad:

    Wie war der Umzug? Wo ist mein Zug? Wo ist Deine Kapitulation?

    Welcher Umzug? Meiner fehlt auch! Bei Andreas kommt die doch früher oder später sowieso.



  11. Oh... so you were not a refreshing monkey, were you?

    IIRC just to recreate the good ole days before the CMBO demo. Guess this time the folks learned not to spread some "Going to town" alpha AAR as it got only worse then. Not even considering releasing a demo...



  12. QBs will auto-generate setup zones if there are none.

    I'd go for three setup zones for each side.

    For the Soviets: Reinforcements appear at the board edge, where you put the red zone. Next comes white, then blue.

    IIRC units are fixed inside their setup zones - the reinforcements can only be set up in the red zone.

    Edited to add that QBs always have setup zones - if none are present on the map, CM will create some depending on the mission type.



  13. Grandpa (serving '41 to '45 in a German inf division) said the Soviets feared the StuG, too. Why could an ordinary Soviet rifleman fear StuGs?

    - Because the ATGs were not always were you needed them

    - Because in an even fight between inf Cos, a decently armored AFV (or a plt of them) will make a difference.

    - Because much more Soviet grunts encountered Stugs that were spread out across inf divisions than tanks that were only in a few divisions.



  14. PS: I lost the sIG to the last round of an arty barrage targetted nearby. It ain't as stealthy as a spotter. But I had one sIG firing 1.5km across open flat ground that was not spotted/id'd in another scen. Worth much more than a spotter as it could fire "danger close" when my FOs often suffered from dust blocking their LOS and thus unspottet fire.



  15. I've got a 251/2 targetting some place it could never see. Now the spotting HQ that had LOS one turn ago can't see the spot, too. Yet the yellow line is still there - and I guess sooner or later the 251/2 will fire if I don't cancel it manually cause the target fled. 4 rounds fired in the last turn. Fire started early. Rate of fire for vets should be at least 7 per turn.

    Interpretation: A yellow line is sticky even if LOS breaks due to dust.



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