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Posts posted by Rookie

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Manieri:

    Lemme tell you something. I think it is a cospiricy against Italian americans. I think BTS hates Itlians.

    Thank you


    Nope. I'm an Italian American with some Polish and English,so that kills that idea smile.gif

    And Archangel,I will not invite a drunk teeneybopper to my house,especially a Male wink.gif


  2. Capt,

    If you did not mention you were drinking I would <hits self in head> give you my addy.

    But,as much of a pest as you are,I do not wish you Dead or in Jail.. If you like,email me tomorrow when you get the game And I will surely do some PBEM with you. And perhaps some weekend we can meet at the mall and BS a little...

    But not today with you drinking brewskis..


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Capt. Manieri:


    You preordered after me! And you still got it? I preordered in November and I still ain't got it. What the hell is going on here?? I'm kicking things in my house and getting totally pissed off. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yes,I did. Maybe it did not get to your Post Office in time to get in todays mail. Its all how these things get routed dude. I am sure you will get it tomorrow..

    Just don't pull a meltdown now...Getting drunk will not change things. And if you're pouring Beer gimme one smile.gif


    [This message has been edited by Rookie (edited 06-19-2000).]

  4. Capt,

    Get a grip on reality son. We all want the game as badly as the next guy,but don't you think right now Steve and Charles time is better spent on making sure all the orders are shipped expediously? Beleive me,I am pacing the driveway between my door and the mailbox as much as anyone...

    If I get it tomorrow I will be ecstatic,If not I will be upset. But the sun will still rise...


    And if you get it,That means I got it too,since we live in roghly the same area..

    I will keep my fingers crossed.

  5. Rich is not a Wargamer and him even mentioning the game as a "must have" is a major feat. I don't mean that in a Bad way,as over the months I have been exchanging emails with him,and he is a wonderful guy.

    Compared to Deus Ex and Need For Speed:Porsche Unleashed CM's graphics are absolutely Spartan,but the games do not try to do the same thing. Besides,He's probably not seen alot of the POTD's and such. CE and VOT are very bland comparitively <Surely to keep the demo smaller> to alot of battles in the final product..


  6. Wayne,

    More RAM is a good Idea. You probably actually have 64 but the SiS Vid Adaptor is eating up 4 for its own use. You should grab a 64 Meg PC100 Module and while you have the case open see what slots you have open.

    More than likely you only have PCI Slots <They are black and kinda short> so you are probably limited to something like a Voodoo 3 3000 or 2000 PCI. Not a bad card at all,and I have a friend who has a K6/2 400 With a V3 3000 that runs the game like butter at 1024x768 with all effects..


  7. Take a pill folks. Everyone here is anxious for a nice little package from Steve and Charles,but I am sure THEY are more anxious to get it out to us.

    Its a Game Guys,A Damn good one to be sure but 10 million posts saying Ship It is not gonna speed the truck back to the warehouse with the manuals.

    *Locks self back in Bunker Awaiting the USPS*


    [This message has been edited by Rookie (edited 06-08-2000).]

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

    A couple of minor delays at the print shop, but all is on track now. We're still shooting for 1-2 weeks to get everything into our warehouse. But we still can't promise a specific day though, unless you can get Murphy's Law repealed. wink.gif

    The TCP/IP patch will come within a few months, and will be free.


    Arrrggghhh. To Quote Oddball" I'm gonna go eat some rat poison with a drano chaser !"

    -Rookie , Hoping its not a "kesmai" Two weeks

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Arch has left Delphi? What's the world coming to? Actually, Rookie no offense but the flight-sim forum has some huge problems. I get in maybe once out of five tries. Plus RB feels a bit... dated for me. Still, a great crowd and I still lurk there some. I wrote a long post in the CM thread there.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    Yea,The goings got pretty ugly and Archangel decided it was not worth the aggravation,what with the Delphi problems and the general ugliness going on. Don't blame him really...

    No Offense taken man. I try to get other topics going but to no avail. Fortunately Me and Bullethead seem to have hooked a fair portion of the board on CM so thats a start<G>.. And the general dearth of good flight sim releases doesn't help. At least Wargaming has some glimmer of life with CM and the HPS Offerings etc.

    Maybe someone will release a great flight sim and breath some life into the forum over there. Maybe Janes Attack Squadron will revitalize the Genre if it actually see's the light of day.. With its built in editors etc. It could be good...

    Good to see you here too...


  10. In addition to what BH said,Stay up for 72 to 96 hours straight while cold and wet,and eat your PB&J sammiches with an extra layer of plaster dust to simulate the shelling. A good stereo System will help here too. Set it up to shake the foundation.

    No Flush Toilets either. Dig yourself a little hole away from your living space and sneak out when its dark to avoid snipers wink.gif


  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bullethead:

    This is one of my favorite features of CM. LOS tools are all very well, but nothing beats actual terrain reconnaissance from the perspective of your actual units, and no other game lets you do this. Makes me feel more like I'm actually in the fight instead of sitting up on a cloud with Woden and the Valkyries.


    I agree with Bullethead too. Not because he's right,But because he'll beat me up If I don't smile.gif


    [This message has been edited by Rookie (edited 05-26-2000).]

  12. While I too,Am addicted to this game,I admit I will not be able to give up a few other games,Tho their share will certainly be less. Rogue Spear and Commanche Havoc are just too damn good also. And Shogun Just went gold too..*sigh*,Well,Goodbye Rogue Spear!!! ;0

    And Archangel,Come Home. We need another crumodgeon to keep Chuck and Me Company smile.gif


    [This message has been edited by Rookie (edited 05-24-2000).]

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