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Posts posted by Rookie

  1. Jason,

    Probably correct,But its usually better to awnser a question first and then say,after that,

    "By The way,There is a Tech Support forum available too. Just scroll down and check it out. Thats probably the *best* place to get quick help"

    Not the way Rob phrased it,and with his previous antics its easy to jump the gun on him so to speak.

    I apoligize to Rob,but will continue to ignore him smile.gif



    Cactus Air Force Homepage

  2. Zack,

    Ignore Rob/1. The only topic cops should be Steve and Charles...

    Most AGP Cards will downgrade to the 1.0 Spec (Which includes AGP 1.0 and 2.0 cards.) Your best bet would be either a TNT2 Ultra such as the Guillemot Xentor32 or a 3dfx Voodoo 3 2000 or 3000. All are reasonablely priced in the 100 to 140 dollar range and will make CM look like a million bucks..



    Cactus Air Force Homepage

    [This message has been edited by Rookie (edited 06-24-2000).]

  3. Mikester,

    Cool Deal. You get the free wall mounts? Free is free afterall smile.gif I was hesitant to spend that much on *computer* speakers also but when you crank em up the first time the smile on your face will be worth the added expense. Hell,I don't even use my Stereo anymore smile.gif


    Subwoofers are cool. Meatwater does some cool stuff,but I was dissapointed with his work in Panzer Elite. His EAW and SDOE packs are pure gold tho smile.gif

    Luckily I have no neighbors I need to overpower but my dog does get a little nervous when the arty rains down wink.gif


    "Hmmmm Wonder If I can get commision from Klipsch for this" smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

  4. Mikester,

    The Promedia V2 400's are an amazing set of speakers. Simply stated they blow away all my friends Stereo Speakers and Surround Setups. By a wide margin. The highs are very clean,the midrange is just as good and the Low end (Bass) could perform CPR on a small child.

    If I had neighbors close enough I am sure when I fire off a full magazine of 9mm in Rogue Spear it would sound like I wass offing my Family. When Artillery hits in CM I am scarred wink.gif

    Get them. Order them now they will take 6 weeks as Klipsch is always on backorder. But you will be soo happy with them.

    I have a set of the Creative FPS2000 (Almost the same as the DTS2500's) on my second rig. They are very nice but nowhere near as powerful. They are worthy of the excellent reviews they get,but are not in the same league IMHO. They use digital out and it eliminates the hum and hiss you hears sometimes when other speakers get turned way up and there is no sound at the time,like in windoze. The Klipsch are analog and hum a little but its not bad at all...

    Hope this helps,


    [This message has been edited by Rookie (edited 06-22-2000).]

  5. L4D,

    I had a MX300 also,and that used a little more,3 or 4% but I wanted the digital out smile.gif

    I suggest anyone who is a gamer to avoid any A3D Board not based on the 8330 chipset. They are usually A3D 1.0 and suck down CPU Cycles like Sebastian Janakowskis dates suck down roofies wink.gif

    I just don't like the Creative Labs guys either. If it was up to them we'd still be using ISA soundcards smile.gif Hopefully Aureal can ressurect themselves and continue to produce cutting edge chips and api's...

    Until mine doesn't work with CM2 or 3 I will keep it I think.


  6. Lefty,

    Not nescesarrily true about the CPU Utilization. My Aureal SQ2500 Superquad which is a slightly updated A3D 2.0 card uses between 0 to 2% on average...

    And I think the 3D Sound is better than the Live! (Which for me has to much reverb)

    And,a great deal. Seen them available online for around 40 bucks,and it will allow the use of digital speakers like the Live! series do...


    [This message has been edited by Rookie (edited 06-21-2000).]

  7. Derek,

    Not much. Drop me an email and we'll hook up for a few PBEM's... <My correct email is listed in my profile>

    Congrats on the Son. I am sure you will indoctrinate him correctly smile.gif Soon he will be wiping the floor with you in H2H. My 6 year old Godson can whup me in H2H Nascar frown.gif

    Either he is really good or I suck. I hope its the former wink.gif


  8. The game is nothing like R6. The closest thing to WW2 R6 is a game by Illusion Softworks called Hidden and Dangerous which is a steal at $20.

    CM Plays like no other game,wargame or otherwise.

    Capt., Are you on a Mac or PC? The PC version was rather buggy without a patch and very up to date vid card drivers...


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