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Posts posted by RobVarak

  1. Bought it. Finished it. Loved it. It's not about realism, but it's a quality FPS. The production is fantastic, and the menu screens, intros, music etc are terrific. Let the game idle on the menu screens, and there's a hilarious newsreel of "Conversational German". I found the later levels to be quite challenging, but I'm not much of a "twitcher". I recommend it.

  2. I found Stalingrad a horrible dispressing movie actually


    I imagine that the folks who were there found the actual battle "horrible dispressing" as well. smile.gif

    Seriously, I enjoyed the movie a great deal. It wasn't without its flaws, but it was still quite moving. For the purpose of grogs, the Soviet armor attack does a great job of showing the psychological impact that a tank strike has on infantry.

  3. Maybe it's because I was paying too much attention to the awesome audio smile.gif, but the AI put on a great show against me last night.

    Playing CE, I got off to a fantastic start. I managed to bum rush the town and get possession of all of the objectives except for the hill behind (from the US perspective) the town. I got overconfident though, and the AI made me pay. I let a few of my Shermans get too close to the tree lineon the hill and they met their fate via 'schrenks.

    Then I foolishly committed troops piecmeal to an "assault" on the hill. The computer put on a great display, as they chewed up my infantry. I was able to eventually dedicate another platoon to that sector, pinning down the Germans and allowing my remaining armor to hammer them to pieces.

    Nevertheless, my margin of victory was cut considerable due to my foolishness and the outstanding AI. Never has being humbled been so entertaining.


  4. Eureka! Ron's suggestion worked. I don't know WHY it worked, but now I can hear !! smile.gif

    1. Go to the control panel

    2. Open Multimedia

    3. Go to the "Audio" tab

    4. In the section entitled "Playback" click on the "Advanced Properties" button

    5. Click on the "Performance" tab

    6. Set the "Hardware Acceleration" slide to any setting other than full acceleration. I don't notice any difference between the various settings, so I leave it on the next highest setting.

    7. Sit back and delight as you hear screaming, MG's, canon, grenades and a heavenly choir of angels (ok, maybe the last part is just me smile.gif

  5. Sniper,

    Make sure that you have downloaded the latest drivers for your soundcard. Even then, I understand that there are some sound issues. For instance, I have a Turtle Beach Montego II, and even with the latest drivers I get very little sound (basicall just engine noise and fire). So your problem may be similar. From what see others saying, the sound is outstanding frown.gif


  6. Sniper,

    Make sure that you have downloaded the latest drivers for your soundcard. Even then, I understand that there are some sound issues. For instance, I have a Turtle Beach Montego II, and even with the latest drivers I get very little sound (basicall just engine noise and fire). So your problem may be similar. From what see others saying, the sound is outstanding frown.gif


  7. Dumbo wrote:

    I would be interested to hear of any Americans who ignored the breifing and just played very conservatively allowing the germans to get to the town first. Must be a different battle if that happens.


    I played as the Axis, and the computer AI allowed me to get to town first. It wasn't pretty for them. My StuG's took out all but 1 Sherman at the cost of 2 destroyed and 1 immobilized. Luckily the immobilized gun was next to the church, where it helped throughout the game as a fixed pillbox.

    I mistakenly allocated too much strength to the woods and my right flank, but I quickly adapted once I saw no opposition on that end. Once I got the Church defenses bulked up 3 MG's and 3 SMG squads the Americans just couldn't break in. They hurled themselves at the church relentlessly but all they managed to do was rack up serious casualties on their end.

    The last Sherman was a pain, as it took me awhile to get a 'schrenk in position to take it out, but once I did the third shot did him in.

    With the Sherman out of the way, it was counter-attack time. I had to make extensive use of the HQ's to rally the poorer quality troops, but in the end most got back in the battle in time to participate in the route. Took 20+ prisoners, which was cool.


    PS BTS, you guys are GODS!

  8. Coincidently I am reading IRON FIST:CLASSICAL ARMOURED WARFARE by Bryan Perrett, and I came across this passage during a passage describing the battle of Tel El Aqqaquir:

    (After taking serious 88 fire): "...the Staffordshire Yeomanry...had the unusual experience of seeing one of their tanks, hit and abandoned by its crew, returning home without human assistance."

    It's amazing what could happen during those battles!


  9. After playing a few games of Last Defense from the German side, I'm having trouble arriving at the best way to use my HT's. I've managed to pull off major victories on a number of occasions, but I always seem to get my HT force chewed up.

    First I tried using their mobility to try and rush up the greatest possible concentration of infantry. That worked ok, but cost me a few squads when they got cooked.

    Then I tried using them empty as scouts. This was nice, as it allowed them to flush out some bazooka teams before the could threaten my StuG's and Tiger. Of course this also led to the demise of the HT's.

    Then I tried using them as support for my inf assaults, but this necessitated more stationary action which led to losses from mortar fire.

    There may actually be no answer here, and the HT's are just falling prey b/c of an inherent vulnerability. If not, I would like to know how they were employed in real life and if that may provide a solution.



  10. Royston wrote:

    Third: I am NOT a pirate. A pirate is a primary infringer and is the person actually breaching the copyright. I am a secondary infringer, and hence not liable to criminal action. BTS may bring a civil action against any number of secondary infringers, but I guarantee that the costs of retaining counsel will far exceed the recovery of any damages


    As an attorney, I'd be happy to offer my services pro bono in this case. Anybody as misguided and egocentric as Royston derserves to have his hand slapped. Should he pirate the game (be it as primary or secondary infringer), he is liable under those internationa copyright conventions which provide equitable relief for those seeking to protect themselves from parasites like Royston.

    Furthermore, since he has actively advocated and incited the act of software piracy, any judge operating under the direction of the primary international copyright conventions would view his conduct as being particularly worthy of censure.

    While international causes of action are usually expensive and tricky, that is not so in this case. Copyright infringement is among the easiest actions to bring based on the breadth of international treaties. And since I'm offering to do it for free that should keep costs down.


  11. During the course of my reading up on WWII AFV's, I came across a discussion of the site line problems confronted by Panter crews. (FWIW, this was in Forty's _German Tanks of WWII_)

    My question is this. Does CM model the differences in site line quality among the various AFV's? I know that spotting depends on the crew's experiences, as well as whether they are buttoned up, but do certain tanks have the same blind spots as their real life counterparts?

    I'm having as much fun with the background for CM as I am with the demo!

    This question's been up for awhile, and nobody's nibbled. FTR, I did check the archives. There are a number of posts about spotting in general, but nothing on differences b/w individual vehicle types. I could have just missed it, and if so I apologize.


    [This message has been edited by RobVarak (edited 11-04-99).]

  12. Ok, I've upgraded from DirectX 6 to DX7. I've downloaded and installed an upgrade for my Turtle Beach Montego II sound card. I've tried all the different resolutions, and I tried to disable my Diamond Viper 3D card. I've still got the sound issues.

    It's not that I'm not still playing the demo 24-7, because I am and I'm loving it. I'm just trying to dot the "i's" and cross the "t's".


  13. I'm not sure if this is a problem or just the way that CM is designed, but...

    I only get extremely muffled sound effects. This is mainly evident in the fact that I hear virtually no small arms fire, and large caliber weapons make only muffled "pfft" type sounds.

    I thought that it may have been due to the scale, but if I lock on to a tank with camera 1 while it fires its main gun I still hear nary a sound. The odd thing is that the engine and tread sounds are excellent. Similarly, the sound of a tank going up in flames is clear as a bell, while 105 shells exploding around a unit make no sound at all.

    My system:

    Dell P3 500

    Turtle Beach Montego II A3D Sound Card

    Diamond Viper 32 Meg V770 Graphics Card

    Any ideas???

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