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Posts posted by RobVarak

  1. After much procrastination and delay, I have finally compiled the foundation of the CM Forum Recommended Reading List.


    I combed the many, many, many threads on the subject, and pulled out the books which appear most frequently. I divide them by content as well as I could, so that the beginner will have a good idea of where to turn for a particular topic.

    There is a link for additional submissions, so feel free to speak up and let me know what you think belongs on the list.

    There is also a link to B&N.com, so that if something strikes your fancy you can just click on over. All proceeds go toward funding my purchase of CM2 smile.gif

    I will be up on the CM Web Ring as well as soon as Matt returns from Deutschland.

    Read up and have fun.

    The CM Reading List: http://www.siteonsound.com/CMReadingList.htm


    Rob Varak


    Site on Sound: The Web's Premier Site For Musical Discussion


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rommel22:


    Oh did you also know the Americans commited attrocities against the Germans in the Ardenn in 44. I know some German soldiers killed some Americans too, but the Amis killed about 50 German prisoners. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


    "Killed some Americans too"????

    First, spell Ardennes properly.

    Then read a real book on the battle (I'd recommend A TIME FOR TRUMPETS).

    Finally, trying to equate the systematic atrocities committed over a wide period of time and place by the SS with the relatively few (but in no way excusable) wrongs committed by the Allies is just plain silly.

    I find it your ability to distinguish between the atrocities and "military history" astonishing. They may not interest you, but unfortunately they were an undeniable part of the military history of the war.


    Rob Varak


    Site on Sound: The Web's Premier Site For Musical Discussion


  3. I've played about 15% of the scenarios from the game. I like to try to save those for PBEM. Generally when I play solo I play quick battles.

    As for the user-created scenarios, I download them as fast as they're put up smile.gif

    I've played many, many of them and with the exception of a few clunkers I've found them to be entertaining.


    Rob Varak


    Site on Sound: The Web's Premier Site For Musical Discussion


  4. I've designed a scenario with assault boats, thus the AI can only play as the Germans. I've had it tested by single players a bit already and made some tweaks, and it's almost done. Next thing I need is to have two kind folks PBEM or Hotseat the game.

    It's a fictional scenario, and here's the description:

    February 24, 1945

    The Saar River, Germany

    Clear and Cold with Damp Ground Conditions

    45 Turns

    After a tenacious battle in the Saar-Moselle Triangle, the Third Army breaks through to the Saar River. Patton's troops have become adept at river crossings by this point in the war, but the region of Rodt-Taben is different. The island of Adlerinsel lies astride a crucial crossing point of the Saar. It's a tiny island, but it contains a former sawmill that the Germans have presumably converted into a fortress. The Germans blew the only local bridge yesterday, so "Eagle Island" must be assaulted directly. The Germans have been fighting tenaciously since Third Army first stepped foot on the soil of the Fatherland, and this looks to be another chance for them stall the allied advance. In an effort to assist the efforts of XX Corp, SHAEF has released elements of the 101st Airborne, for the assault on Adlerinsel. It will be up to the Screaming Eagles to forcibly evict the German Engineers manning the defenses of the crucial island.

    Email me if you're interested, and I'll send the .cmb file. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.


    Rob Varak


    Site on Sound: The Web's Premier Site For Musical Discussion


  5. I've designed a scenario with assault boats, thus the AI can only play as the Germans. I've had it tested by single players a bit already and made some tweaks, and it's almost done. Next thing I need is to have two kind folks PBEM or Hotseat the game.

    It's a fictional scenario, and here's the description:

    February 24, 1945

    The Saar River, Germany

    Clear and Cold with Damp Ground Conditions

    45 Turns

    After a tenacious battle in the Saar-Moselle Triangle, the Third Army breaks through to the Saar River. Patton's troops have become adept at river crossings by this point in the war, but the region of Rodt-Taben is different. The island of Adlerinsel lies astride a crucial crossing point of the Saar. It's a tiny island, but it contains a former sawmill that the Germans have presumably converted into a fortress. The Germans blew the only local bridge yesterday, so "Eagle Island" must be assaulted directly. The Germans have been fighting tenaciously since Third Army first stepped foot on the soil of the Fatherland, and this looks to be another chance for them stall the allied advance. In an effort to assist the efforts of XX Corp, SHAEF has released elements of the 101st Airborne, for the assault on Adlerinsel. It will be up to the Screaming Eagles to forcibly evict the German Engineers manning the defenses of the crucial island.

    Email me if you're interested, and I'll send the .cmb file. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.


    Rob Varak


    Site on Sound: The Web's Premier Site For Musical Discussion www.siteonsound.com

    [This message has been edited by RobVarak (edited 07-08-2000).]

  6. Kwazy hit it on the head. I forgot that bit about the boats. I'm doing a fictional attack on a river-island fortress. I'm having a river assault combined with a glider coup de main. Kitchen sink to come later... smile.gif

    Geez, this is going to make it hard to play balance. If anyone wants to volunteer, I'd appreciate it. I guess I'll have to PBEM and hotseat it.

    Thanks guys!


    Rob Varak


    Site on Sound: The Web's Premier Site For Musical Discussion


  7. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but it's late and I've put like 4 hours into this scenario...

    I'm trying to playtest my latest creation, but when I select the Axis it won't let me choose 1 Player as an option. I can play as Allies just fine. I'm sure this is simple, but I'm pulling my hair out. mad.gif



    Rob Varak


    Site on Sound: The Web's Premier Site For Musical Discussion


  8. Maybe this has been obvious to everyone, but I just thought of it. I created a "Hall of Fame" folder in my CM directory. Any unit which which goes above and beyond gets its stats screen saved as a .bmp and copied into the folder. My requirements aren't as stringent as Madmatt's, but it's cool to be able to compare your all-time most successful units.

    As an example, I just had a lone VG squad inflict 46 infantry casualties.

    Maybe there's a more elegant way to do this, but I just thought of it and it's late.


    Rob Varak


    Site on Sound: The Web's Premier Site For Musical Discussion


  9. TeAcH,

    Had a blast with this scenario.














    Got really lucky with my setup and early turns, knocking out both Panthers in turn 1! After that it was pretty much over. I'm going to try it again from the German side this evening. Thanks for the conversion.


    Rob Varak


    Site on Sound: The Web's Premier Site For Musical Discussion www.siteonsound.com

    [This message has been edited by RobVarak (edited 06-27-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by RobVarak (edited 06-27-2000).]

  10. I want to use the editor, I REALLY do. I have several of the resources I need to make a nice Roer dams scenario. But there's a problem. I can't bring myself to stop playing the game long enough to do the design work! tongue.gif I don't know how all you guys do it. Every time I get ready to start I say, "Oh, just one more quick battle!"


    Rob Varak


    Site on Sound: The Web's Premier Site For Musical Discussion www.siteonsound.com

    [This message has been edited by RobVarak (edited 06-23-2000).]

  11. Played a QB with SS vs. US Armor. Environment was a town in Large Hills at night with clear skies. This is where things get crazy. The map generated was a pretty normal town setup except for a gigantic pyramid of pavement in the middle of the town square! eek.gif We're talking as tall as any building in town! It made for one hell of a tank duel.

    PS If anyone has not yet had the pleasure of seeing what a flamethrower carrier can do to a town, you are REALLY missing out. biggrin.gif


    Rob Varak


    Site on Sound: The Web's Premier Site For Musical Discussion www.siteonsound.com

    [This message has been edited by RobVarak (edited 06-23-2000).]

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